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Got scamed today - Almost

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That fucking sucks man, I can't believe people do shit like that, it should be illegal. A lot of people probably cancel once they figure it out but they still got that $10, so it "worked" (you got tricked) for the company.

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i used to work for a very successful company that did this type of thing, i quit because i found it unethical

basically someone would call microsoft for tech support and then the tech support person would ask them if they would like a 'free gift'

for being a valuable customer, then they would transfer the person to the company i worked for

then we would inform them they get some free software that involves online service, and that we needed to bill them a single dollar to ship it to them, thing is that hidden in the lingo was that after the grace period of a free trial we would automatically bill them for hundreds of dollars unless they opted out

we had about 600 phone lines for this gift service, but only 1 for cancellation!!!

the company never broke any laws but i was instructed to 'sell' the gift to people who had no use for it

the company was clearly an economic predator targeting the elderly, who would forget to cancel

when i was hired by them they were one of the fastest growing companies in the nation

the method worked very well, but the angry victims were countless

it was very easy to enter into but very hard to get out of

i was scripted too, the language was devious and misleading, designed to make it seem like we were giving the product away that that the 'customer' was safe and secure

all of the management were young and ruthless people, basically your standard libertarians

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On 08/10/2011 at 4:15 PM, Gunter said:

all of the management were young and ruthless people, basically your standard libertarians


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i just mean they wanted no regulation whatsoever and were all about having enough freedom to be able to do this type of business

they fit the whole dog eat dog economic thing that characterizes libertarianism

The whole concept of trying to sum up a view point in a single phrase like republican or conservative left right democrate libertarian etc just dose not work.

isn't the whole concept of using labels like republican to be able to define common viewpoints? are not shared beliefs and behaviors the very reason these labels exist?

if they cannot sum up views, then they become meaningless terms having no real function

the existence of such terms is largely to indicate shared beliefs and behaviors

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It's not japanesepod101 is it? My girlfriend's trying to learn italian with the italian version of the website and I thought I'd give the jap one a go. When I googled "japanesepod101" to find the website, I had results describing the very type of scam you're talking about. Still, you can only get scammed if you give them your CC details and there's plenty of free lessons on their website :scratchhead:

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do you mind telling which which one it was? i've tried a few and found pimsleurs language packs probably the best, for me.

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Why am I not surprised. So sick of money. Does it really even mean anything anymore. Spend spend spend scam scam scam. Wherever there is a credit card involved be careful. I mean convenience is great but at what cost?

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