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The Corroboree

Growing HBWR in Perth


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Hey all, are there any perthites out there that are successfully growing hawaiian baby woodrose in Perth? I have several seedlings that I planted late March/early April (I know... prolly too late in the growing season but I was keen as) which are looking rather sickly at the moment, all splotchy brown patches. But then again, I have catha and datura seedlings that are still growing strong, can anyone help me out?

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Mine grow fine , way down south but I am just resided to the fact that all my growing will be done in small green houses. Katha ,Acacia , Ephedra , Atimesia ,Papaver, Morning glory , cactus all do well in this climate. It's the more northern exotics that require a controlled environment.

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I never had any problems although I can give you a couple of pointers. Grow them in the largest pot you can find as I believe the initial root growing phase has a lot to do with the size and health of the plant, a good large root system established early will produce a big plant. Also if they are in a pot make sure the drainage holes don't get clogged up by the growing roots, this happened to mine and the plant literally drowned in rotting soil and by the time I worked out what had happened it was too late.

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