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Chasing chili pollen

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My peter pepper is finally beginning to flower and I am chasing some pollen of some black chilis in order to cross them with it. I am mainly after black C. annums however any species will do.

Please shoot me a pm if you can help out, you will be rewarded with some of the (hilarious) results.


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with penis pepper as the female its likely only annuum, baccatum, frutescens, chinense, galapagoense, or chacoense pollen will produce any fruits. Chinense tends to be a hard cross (tho I just got a chinense x annuum to fruit :-D ) and galapagoense is hard to find pollen of.

Getting "black" peppers (more like a dark brown unless you breed in a deep purple fruit trait) that are black when ripe would be somewhat hard unless you involve a brown/black when ripe fruit color strain such as ancho, guajillo, or pasilla because the required green-when-ripe gene is otherwise rare and youd need to mix green-when-ripe trait with red trait to get brown or black. Including purple from something like trifetti would make it closer to true black. Using pasilla would be funny because its extra long ;)

To get penis shape you'd likely need to do successive rounds of 1) backcrossing with penis pepper and then 2) selfing to dig back out the recessive green-when-ripe gene. Red is dominant so in the end you'd need to grow out a bunch of plants to make sure the parent really was homozygous for red, and then (starting with that grow out.. if it really was homozygous) you'd need to breed it on for 6 or 7 generations into a stable new cultivar.

So I hope your not impatient lol, but in 15 or 20 years you could sell the rights to your Big Black Penis ®, if nothing else it'd be a funny story to tell your grandkids.

Yeah thats right you little whippersnappers, someone once paid me $12,000 for my Big Black Penis ®, and damn that felt good!
Tho you may get some strange looks if your a white guy.

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sounds like some fun.

planning on crossing some strange combo's myself when I get a few varieties going

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with penis pepper as the female its likely only annuum, baccatum, frutescens, chinense, galapagoense, or chacoense pollen will produce any fruits. Chinense tends to be a hard cross (tho I just got a chinense x annuum to fruit :-D ) and galapagoense is hard to find pollen of.

Getting "black" peppers (more like a dark brown unless you breed in a deep purple fruit trait) that are black when ripe would be somewhat hard unless you involve a brown/black when ripe fruit color strain such as ancho, guajillo, or pasilla because the required green-when-ripe gene is otherwise rare and youd need to mix green-when-ripe trait with red trait to get brown or black. Including purple from something like trifetti would make it closer to true black. Using pasilla would be funny because its extra long ;)

To get penis shape you'd likely need to do successive rounds of 1) backcrossing with penis pepper and then 2) selfing to dig back out the recessive green-when-ripe gene. Red is dominant so in the end you'd need to grow out a bunch of plants to make sure the parent really was homozygous for red, and then (starting with that grow out.. if it really was homozygous) you'd need to breed it on for 6 or 7 generations into a stable new cultivar.

So I hope your not impatient lol, but in 15 or 20 years you could sell the rights to your Big Black Penis ®, if nothing else it'd be a funny story to tell your grandkids. Tho you may get some strange looks if your a white guy.


Thank you for that great advice! That was basically my plan of attack (will post in more detail when I re-write it, was bombed at the time). A problem I can see is the chilis not all flowering at the same time. I can not find any information on the internet about storing chili pollen, but I will try in the freezer! I plan to use a bubbleponics setup to reduce the amount of time it takes to reach flowering. Is there a way to trigger it environmentally like it is possible to do with certain other plants? Even if the Big Black Penis ® is too much trouble to do, I wouldn't mind just making some random crosses and seeing what comes out regardless.

I've got a book on plant breeding from the ANU library, I will try to scan it. It's a pretty damn good resource.

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That goes to my method for pepper pollen storage, tho lately I've just been collecting whole anthers and dessiccating for several days instead of going for pure pollen. Post #10 also has some useful genetic info, and you'll need the crossability matrix. In my experience peppers dont respond much to photoperiod, they evolved too close to the equator.

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a faster methode would be to work with unstabilised plants/seeds.

just do a few X crosses and hope you get a nice result with some of them, than you just keep cloning them.

i know thats not in your spirit, but it gets you a black penis chilly faster!

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