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Edited by Magicdirt

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I tend to think rather than deliberatley serve a purpose great people, by being true to who they really are and who we all really are, remind us or help to put things into such a perspective that we can recognize that the purposes we choose to serve/advocate or have learnt to serve/advocate or possibly have even bought from a previous life and are serving/advocating are shit/low/meaningless/fake/etc.

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Does anyone think certain people have been sent to earth to serve a purpose, or do you think they may have volunteered to come ?

I think about this all the time when I reminisce about musicians/artists from years past that have come into the world and then died young, but after doing what they have been sent to to do.


for sure, but not just great or famous people. it seems to me that the universe considers each and every life a precious gift, and we all are incarnate for some greater purpose - whether it be obvious to us or not. if the fractal principle can be extrapolated to the domain of human experience, then perhaps even the most apparently mundane person can create ripples in history through synchronicities etc. but, for sure, the bob marley's and ghandi's of this world do seem to be endowed with an almost supernatural spirit, and their actions have directly influenced the course of history - if there was a puppet master pulling our strings, then these people would be their lead actors.

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Edited by Magicdirt

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Thanks for that, I was hoping someone would reply with something similar.

When I think of my own life, it seems quite ordinary in most respects, less than ordinary in some respects as well.

I have had no less than 8 incidents in my life where I have been in accidents and I have literally come within inches of my life, I have walked away from car crashes where the car has been totally wrecked and you would not think that anyone could possibly survive. I have been hit by a car when I've been riding a pushbike and I did thousands of dollars damage to the car, totally trashed the bike and my helmet and walked with scratches and minor bruising. I was inside a large machine on an industrial site and my foreman started it up without telling me he was going to, I nearly got my skull crushed in that one.

Most of the times I've had a near miss it has been someone else at fault and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The incident on the pushbike (I've been hit by 2 cars and a truck by the way) makes me believe something could have saved me. I saw the car that was going to hit me coming towards me at approx 90 khm (in a 60 zone) and I was near the top of a steep hill in a very low gear on a mountain bike, when I realised I was going to be hit by the car I consciously tried to sprint out of the way but for some reason I bunny hopped just before impact and I went over the bonnet, smashed into the windscreen and then I was launched into the air into the path of a landcruiser that somehow managed to miss me. I really felt like I was pulled up into the air. If I didn't bunny hop I would have gone under the car and died without doubt.

I think of those incidents from time to time and I feel like I've been "saved" by some outside influence and it leaves me wondering if I was saved for some purpose that I am unaware of.

I don't think I'm the kind of person who will ever have a serious impact on the world, but I now have kids and I have a major impact on their world so maybe I was saved so I could bring them into the world.

Since the early stages of my wifes pregnancy I've had many psychic premonitions that have manifested the next day, I have always thought the premonitions were the result of psychic transference from the kids even when they were in the womb.

I know this sounds ridiculous but I think my unborn kids could have kept me alive through all those incidents, so maybe people can change the world even before they get here.


wow youve certainly had a few close ones mate! :o i personally believe we all have a time; if you were to be killed by any of those incidents then it would have been your time. i have come to accept that i will die one day and that when that day comes, i will take comfort in believing that it is my time. that is why i try to enjoy and live to the fullest, every second of my life. again, my personal belief, is that a persons life is about the individual themselves; learning from experience and mistakes, listening to peoples advice any making your own descisions about it, but most importantly being open minded enough to grow as a person and as a soul. i dont necessarily believe its about making an impact on the world or even the people around you. i think EVERYONE can learn from EVERYONE. life is an amazing and wonderful journey. :)

Edited by alphaomega

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Edited by Magicdirt

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I was hoping someone would say something like that too, the part about going when it's your time that is.

My missus is a firm believer that "when your number is up that's it" which is very similar to your take on it ie you go when it's your time.

Do you think we are born with an expiry date and when that time comes there is nothing we can do to change it, or do you think we have some influence through the decisions we make ?

I struggle with those philosophies at times, but at other times I think they are a good assessment of the timing of our mortality.

For instance when there is a disaster like an earthquake or tsunami and thousands perish at the same time, is it because their number was up or just a seemingly random sequence of events that they couldn't avoid ?

It's hard for me to think that all those numbers could come up at the same time.

On the other hand when someone is old and their body packs it in I'd say then that is was their time.

Then there's people like Bob Marley who was killed by the CIA, was it really his time or was it just a murder ?

Also there's those people who've died and been revived (such as myself), are they on borrowed time ?

BTW I believe we can & do all learn from each and life is an amazing and wonderful journey.


you raise several good points there magicdirt; i like to think that yes, we do have SOME control over our wellbeing from day to day and by all means, life preservance is an instinct in all of us.. but coming back to the 'our time' point, IMO, i think we can only dodge death up to the point where it is inevitabley OUR time. this concept is (i think) all about acceptance and realising that our time can come at any point. once this has been taken into account one truly learns the value and fragility of human life and can then go on to live every day to the fullest.. thus, when death arrives, one has no life regrets and is at peace.

on the subject of mass death; the concept of not being able to control (to a point) when it is your time, can be applied. IMO, it was their time. now i may be seeing everything through rose tinted glasses, as i am still quite young, but ive seen enough police/coroners photos of people who have suffered horrific deaths that no one deserves. it makes you realise that life isnt fair. no matter who they are or how old or young, however many people die at once, it was time for them.

Bob Marley; i think that most of the time the world (mainly governments and leaders) cant handle a visionary or someone who goes against their grain. they feed off the power they have over the people and dont like it when theres a bone in that food. but, i think the way in which we die doesnt have an effect on the length of our time.

you mention 'borrowed time'. i think one of the most important aspects in life is learning to appreciate it. more and more. so these incidents where you have come close to death (i imagine) have made you appreciate life and the time you have, (no matter how long or short) immensely. this can be linked to the subject of self discoverey and becoming a better person. as you may be able tell, i have had a strong christian up-bringing. not a forceful one though so im able to make my own choices and decisions about life. believing there is some kind of afterlife and something worth living and dying for, facors alot into my thinking. i am an open minded person and thrive on the thoughts and suggestions of others; because as you and i mentioned, living life includes learning. :)

again, these are just my personal thoughts and opinions and i am in no way making any claims or trying to say that they are 'correct'. i just wish to share them with others as you have shared with yours with me. :)

Edited by alphaomega

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Edited by Magicdirt

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Thanks for your input I really appreciate it!

You say you that you are "still quite young", I must say you that you articulate your ideas well for a youngster, when I was younger I don't think I could have made a good case for any spiritual matter. All I could think of when I was younger were material gains and girls.

I like to think there is some kind of afterlife too, it makes it a lot easier to come to a satisfactory answer as to why we are here that way.

I think therefore I am

confused :wink:



thankyou for the compliment magicdirt! :) yeah it is a bit hard to put forward a point of view when it comes to subjects like this as there is a LOT to take into account and a LOT of grey areas.. i think it comes down to humans being curious in nature, but at the same time we dont really have the brain capacity to keep up with our inquiring spirit.. :scratchhead:

haha i liked that comment about when you were younger. :wink:

and your exactly right, we humans, because were are self aware, dont like to think about dying and what death brings.. its a huge unknown and we like to be informed and know about things because it gives us power and makes us feel safe. so having a belief of an afterlife helps us to feel a little better about life and death.. wether it be through a religion or just our personal faiths.

i reckon you would like a 2001 film called 'Waking Life'. one of my personal favs. its not too heavey but i guarantee you will come away enlightened. :wink:

no probs on the input mate. :) ive recently been trying to break up looking like rodins thinker with having cool conversations with cool people. :)

Edited by alphaomega

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does that last sentence make sense? what's break up?


'break up' - (in this context), 'to include other things'. so basically i was saying im constantly looking like the statue and its good for me to voice my opinions and talk to people rather than just think by myself.

sorry about that, now that i read it again i realise i left out the word 'trying'.. :blush:

Edited by alphaomega

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Edited by Magicdirt

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Discussions like this are interesting because there is no way anyone can know the truth and still be able to provide input...

People who change the world seem to have the ability to disregard any social expectations and follow their soul, however they see it, to the fullest without inhibition....

If you can feel your true calling, no matter what the context, the abilility to understand it and follow it whilst disregarding others opinions on whether it is right or not, is the most powerful of all abilities...

These people make a difference...

As for whether your destiny is pre-determined or not who knows?

For what it's worth I feel there is more to this than just us little mortal humans, but we do not necesarily have an afterlife, all energy re-unites and we have some control over when we leave this place....

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Discussions like this are interesting because there is no way anyone can know the truth and still be able to provide input...

People who change the world seem to have the ability to disregard any social expectations and follow their soul, however they see it, to the fullest without inhibition....

If you can feel your true calling, no matter what the context, the abilility to understand it and follow it whilst disregarding others opinions on whether it is right or not, is the most powerful of all abilities...

These people make a difference...

As for whether your destiny is pre-determined or not who knows?

For what it's worth I feel there is more to this than just us little mortal humans, but we do not necesarily have an afterlife, all energy re-unites and we have some control over when we leave this place....


krazykungfu, you have me intrigued. i like your view and i was wondering, could you eloborate on a few points?

what do you see as 'more to this'? also, 'all energy re-unites'. is that similar to re-incarnation? im assuming you mean like a persons soul type energy? where does the energy go?

btw, (If you can feel your true calling, no matter what the context, the abilility to understand it and follow it whilst disregarding others opinions on whether it is right or not, is the most powerful of all abilities...) i like this. :)

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wyatt earp?!? also didn't know shakespeare had an earring.... what a dude!

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One could argue that the cowboys would have taken over it weren't for Wyatt and company...

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Does anyone think certain people have been sent to earth to serve a purpose, or do you think they may have volunteered to come ?


You may be interested in the information that is coming through Dolores Cannon's work.



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Edited by Magicdirt

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The idea that we can pluck ideas from the ether (100 monkeys theory) intrigues me to no end. I've seen too many times in my lifetime where people have come up with the same ideas/inventions almost simultaneously with no way of knowing others were working on the same concepts.


Yeah. I've been thinking also about something you said.

What's that?

Just about reincarnation and where all the new souls come from over time. Everybody always say that they've been the reincarnation of Cleopatra or Alexander the Great. I always want to tell them they were probably some dumb fuck like everybody else. I mean, it's impossible. Think about it. The world population has doubled in the past 40 years, right? So if you really believe in that ego thing of one eternal soul, then you have only 50% chance of your soul being over 40. And for it to be over 150 years old, then it's only one out of six.

Right, so what are you saying? That reincarnation doesn't exist, or that we're all young souls like where half of us are first round humans?

No, no. What I'm trying to say is that somehow I believe reincarnation is just a - a poetic expression of what collective memory really is. There was this article by this biochemist that I read not long ago, and he was talking about how when a member of our species is born, it has a billion years of memory to draw on. And this is where we inherit our instincts.

I like that. It's like there's this whole telepathic thing going on that we're all a part of, whether we're conscious of it or not. That would explain why there are all these, you know, seemingly spontaneous, worldwide, innovative leaps in science, in the arts. You know, like the same results poppin' up everywhere independent of each other. Some guy on a computer, he figures something out, and then almost simultaneously a bunch of other people all over the world figure out the same thing. They did this study. They isolated a group of people over time, and they monitored their abilities at crossword puzzles, right, in relation to the general population. And they secretly gave them a day-old crossword, one that had already been answered by thousands of other people, right. And their scores went up dramatically, like 20 percent. So it's like once the answers are out there, people can pick up on 'em. It's like we're all telepathically sharing our experiences.

Waking Life

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krazykungfu, you have me intrigued. i like your view and i was wondering, could you eloborate on a few points?

what do you see as 'more to this'? also, 'all energy re-unites'. is that similar to re-incarnation? im assuming you mean like a persons soul type energy? where does the energy go?

btw, (If you can feel your true calling, no matter what the context, the abilility to understand it and follow it whilst disregarding others opinions on whether it is right or not, is the most powerful of all abilities...) i like this. :)


More to this?... hmm... Not for an easy cop-out but what we are discussing now has been discussed amongst humans for millenia - with each group arriving at different names and symbols all desperately trying to explain the same one thing, that which is unexplainable! :)

The desperate feeling that there is more to "this" than what we currently see and interact with, that forces beyond our grasp "control" the domain in which we exist, in the sense that we cannot control it so something else must be...

Is this something we all desperately cling to because the prospect of just emerging and then dying with no real consequence is too uncomfortable for us to bear?

If we are not energy than what are we? Energy creates life, but where did the energy come form and what created it? And where does it go when life ends? I don't beleive it's re-incarnation because that is just the human mind clinging to an image it is familiar and comfortable with, all too conveniently "the same".... Our energy goes back into the pool of energy from which it came, to re-emerge as something else - and not necessarily on any form we can imagine, not a bird a tree or a dog, just as something else somewhere else, as the same energy in a new form.

To put the energy concept into to scientific speak - energy (i.e the sun) creates life, life grows and dies and returns back to the system and then something new emerges from the cycle.. but what created the cycle? the big bang - where did the big bang come from? from XXXXX - then where did XXXXX come form? and so on and so on.... There is no answer, it's all the one thing.

Words cannot describe what we all truly know...

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Time and place is also worth considering when throwing the term "greatness" around, perhaps even the notion of luck/chance i.e. preparation meeting opportunity - the tastes/persuasions of the majority in a specific time and place play a huge part in determining who are the heroes/villians/god-sends/dissenters.

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More to this?... hmm... Not for an easy cop-out but what we are discussing now has been discussed amongst humans for millenia - with each group arriving at different names and symbols all desperately trying to explain the same one thing, that which is unexplainable! :)


well i realise that, but i was asking what do YOU see as more to this.. you say that 'we do not necesarily have an afterlife' so if we just return to the energy pool, how is there anything more? is it some force that guides us through life and the things we do in it and controls when we die? if so, why do some people die when they are born and others live happy, healthy lives to the age of 100?

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well i realise that, but i was asking what do YOU see as more to this.. you say that 'we do not necesarily have an afterlife' so if we just return to the energy pool, how is there anything more? is it some force that guides us through life and the things we do in it and controls when we die? if so, why do some people die when they are born and others live happy, healthy lives to the age of 100?


I think we are in control of a small fraction of an otherwise uncontollable ride... Our mortal lives are just the tip of the iceberg and the bulk that is lying below the surface is the part we can't control - that doesn't mean there is an afterlife, just something "more" that very few of us are lucky enough to understand

While we're here we have choices, choices which have outcomes that we've influenced through concious thought, but additionally there are those times when events just "happen" - where there is seemingly no rational explanation...

The most recent example if you saw the NZ mine explosion in the news was that one of the people unfortunately killed was a 17 yr old kid, on his very first day (which he begged to start a day early) of a job he's wanted to do his whole life.... now that is unlucky!

However, these things happen - some good people die early, some bad ones live healthily for years

I think in the greater scheme of things there is no "good" or "bad" there just are events, with no moral predisposition. The strange events that our human minds say aren't "right" just occur without guidance from any higher being, they just happen and then we interpret them in any way we seem fit...

As for the uncontrolable "more" to life part, I will be happy to admit that my tiny brain as yet does not have a chance of coming to grips with that kind of issue, except acknowledge the fact that there is a "more" and go on living and influencing my life in the areas that I can, and go along with the ride for the rest...

My mother ended up in intensive care, and is still in hospital now, about a month after I stared at a photo of her on my wall and genuinely thought "she looks sick..." - did I make that happen? Was something else telling me it was going to happen? Was it just random coincidence? Who knows, and I feel because you're never likely to know for sure you need focus your energy on other things, and like I said, just go for the ride...

PS it is my hope and dream that many plants know the answers to these queations and that given the right "conversation" with them, some of these things will become clearer..... yet still never fully understood...

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