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Work Ethics

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Not to jump in your shit or bust your chops EG, but what about a thread on the ethics of surfing the net while being gainfully employed at the expense of your employer?

I can maybe see it while on 'break' or 'lunch' but even then maybe you should be web surfing on your own hardware / software & not the employers (unless of course your job is web surfing)!

I guess I have a different perspective than most because I'm an employer, not an employee; and am all for tracking & limiting an employee's web surfing.

IMO, people who feel a need to surf the web, esp porn sites while on the employers dime & hardware really need a different job, like maybe snaking sewer drains. :wink:

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Not to jump in your shit or bust your chops EG, but what about a thread on the ethics of surfing the net while being gainfully employed at the expense of your employer

Sure, start one. But please stay on topic in this one. I had good intentions with this thread. It wasnt even that much for myself. It just came in my mind that it would be a good idea for a thread. And thats it. It´s part of a good netiquette not to post hardcore pics without a "not safe for work" warning. And that´s what it was about. Surfing the internet is part of my job but i dont know what my surfing behaviour has to do with that. I dont want people at work seeing me looking at a mutilated cock because that shit would haunt me for years. Anytime someone new joins the firm, my collegues would say: "There in the corner sits the mutilated Cock Boy! Ha ha funny! Let´s beat him up and throw him in the river!" :wink: No matter if i do that in my lunch time or not. I think this is a valid point. btw, some people here have kids. I dont need to go on with that thought. You know what i mean.

Zelly, i was an employer for many years and god knows im not someone who rips of and steals from his boss. Actually i shouldnt need to justify myself like that but i do it anyway because i dont like where this is going. I was trying to improve an aspect of the forum for everybodys sake and not to abuse SAB for my evil plans to surf the internet at work. Sure i sometimes check my emails or some replies when im at work. Big Deal. First of all i am allowed to do that and what makes it even more appropriate for me is the fact that i work 50 hours a week from which my boss only pays me 37,5! Thats more than fair!

Apart from all that, Watertrade and i still think the thread COULD be a good idea if people dont overdo it so we´ll give it a try. If it doesnt work out, we can and will delete it in a second. bye Eg

Edited by Evil Genius

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Evil genius, I am going OT too, so if you want you can separate the 'work ethics' posts out as a separate thread.

Zelly, I am an employer too and while I very much care what my staff do during their work time, I am only too happy for them to surf whatever they want during their breaks or even after work. Seriously, as long as they are not downloading gigs of media, what is the real cost to the employer? It's not like the computers cost you anything extra. I think of it like providing nice plunger coffee rather than instant blend43, mugs rather than plastic cups, or a nice outdoor setting under a tree rather than milk crates at the kerb. Just little things that show your staff you appreciate them. All up my experience has been [and this is also confirmed by rigorous science and statistics] that increased productivity of appreciated staff far outweighs these minor expenses. Hell, if I thought it actually mattered to them [eg if they didn't have computers at home] I'd install a special computer just for their use. It would have to be one of the cheapest and simplest little gestures.

Surfing on the boss' time is no different than sneaking off for a fag or hiding in the loo for hours and I have no problem with employers who come down hard on cheats like that. It decreases productivity and is unfair on both the employer and the other employees. But in their own time? why would you care what they do?

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