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Are the majority of Shaman's homosexual?

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maybe someone should ask the plants which molecules would be ok to make and use?

the dmt spirit is reported as saying ketamine is a frankenstien molecule.maybe it has some positive opinions?

do we need new molecules at all,sorry!, or will we find all we need in the plants?

i still think degrees of separation are relevant....there are some excellent semisynthetics...things just get taken too far inorder to get a novel compound.....if its too novel the body doesnt know what to do with it.

t s t .

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great discussion going on here, just wondering if this thread should be split to a new one to keep the flow of content in unity?

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On the different approaches to shamanism, I'm keen to hear some opinions...

I'd like to know how western medicine can implement shamanic approaches to healing and harmonise as one, preferably without feeding a drug company/organisation/individual? Say if a group develops their roots in traditional western science/medicine but overlays the shamanic experience (or "neo-shamanic experience") how can the outcome be kept as a synergy of the two, not a conflict?

With me, it just happened. (NLP)

I'd kinda had a gut full of psychotic depression.. got over my 'dark nights' quite a few times, but figured I might just try the antidepressant route like everyone else.

After dozens of visits with psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, chiropractors (etc etc) I was referred to a particular General Practitioner who had an 'alternative' edge. (NLP)

He emphatically denied my requests to take medication, and instead hooked me up with a couple of free NLP seminars, herbalists and further bolstered my intuition to exercise.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), seems to be uniting all kinds of areas of therapy and spirituality.

Nice twist, Alchemica

Personally, I think its neither here nor there (ultimately..)

To see more adepts of various varieties doing the research.. rather than backyarders or funded scientists..

absolutely!!! Yeah, that'd be great.

I think 'complexity' was and is unavoidable.

"..in combination with the technology that science brings forward to merge the shamanic experience into a new treatment paradigm for a larger population target? "


I think there are definitely forgotten avenues for evolution and 'science' to re-visit.

The funky stuff the Elves got up to in lord of the rings springs to mind. Earthen technology. Permaculture. Technology that branches out off from very physical directions.

Anyone seen 'Steamboy'?

Edited by G*P

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Thanks for the input G*P. Had similar experiences with "the system" but still chained to it unfortunately... will see if I can find someone on the NLP front and give it a go.

On the degrees of seperation, tst, I agree but as more is understood about the receptors/enzymes, the binding etc. we can hope for novel organic small-molecule/protein based solutions that will be perfect "keys", perfect half-life etc even if they are merely adaptations of nature by a small degree... but then that becomes patentable. Keys to "better" options, probably not. Keys to more rapid, destructive or specific treatments, maybe? Push "evolution" and hope it goes ok, or stick with what we are given and know? My experience with "super-synthetics" hasn't been great so I know the trend I prefer... just the allure of the new and novel never seems to go away.

Anyway, must stop changing the thread direction.

Edited by Alchemica

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