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Woof as always, your posts are well weighed. The emotional-rational thing I put is my own contradiction, lol, and esoteric battle ;)

I too believe in and try to promote a 'unified' web-like system of knowledge, and I have pretty much reached a conclusion about why we as a race or species are not going towards this pathway... maybe it's related to what mardybum said 'evil is winning'... yeah, for sure we are sure not the best and wonderful we can be. But I argue the evil is in us. There is no reason to believe we are a peaceful and nice species all over. There is strong evivence, on the other hand, that we are wicked bastard and selfish species, or a more skeptic would argue, we always have some of each batch of fucking homos [not being homophobic here, the ref if for homo sapiens, the speceis :lol: ] who are really mean muthafuckers! :P

If anything we should be trying to reach the equilibrium of our own individual goals and needs and all. What's zen buddism take on 'evil', maybe someone know?

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has anyone ever been to a healer or shaman for this?

anyone got any tips for better navigation?

Yes indeed (to some extent) I am,

and do.

Check this->

And.. im so pleased, you asked about 'navigation' lol...

Here goes example 1-

I meet a demon in a dream/astral excursion. It is a synthesis of scabs, scalpels, screams and nightmares.

I've dealt with some hardcore evil shit in my time, but this was in a totally different league.

It pinned me to my dreaming, and woulnt let go- not mine(d) totally, yet.. but it soon was to be.


I ask "whats inside this entity?"

A: the pain and nightmares and process of flow, concerning a hospital I visited. (as an emergecny patient)

I ask " and what is inside of that?"

A: The culmination of flow, that is the very healing.. of all those hurts- it is the mechanisation of 'service' that our modern healers represent through western health systems

I ask "and what's inside that?"

A: The love of service and healing that some very heartful individuals choose to engage in

I ask "and whats inside of that?"

A: Love

I ask "and whats inside of that?"

A: Me

I ask "and whats inside of that?"

A: God

I ask "and what do I know now"

A: That I am the culmination of the universe representing itself as individual parts for the learning and experience and soul service of all beings.

so, longer story shorter-

I eat demons ;)

I either disassemble them into my self laughing like the buddha who swallows hatred and disgust, and 'evil'.

Or.. I go inside and inside and inside to find their origins in my very Self.

Hope this helps everyone. If you want more- this is only the beginning, I run workshops in psychonautical/ psyhcedelic navigation and need to pay off the costs of my trainings. So, you can PM if interested. Thanks

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When I was one with this entity I knew everything, LITERALLY! I believe this is what the Buddhists call "The Ultimate Truth"

I have also had such moments. Glad you brought it up!

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Woof as always, your posts are well weighed. The emotional-rational thing I put is my own contradiction, lol, and esoteric battle ;)

I too believe in and try to promote a 'unified' web-like system of knowledge, and I have pretty much reached a conclusion about why we as a race or species are not going towards this pathway... What's zen buddism take on 'evil', maybe someone know?

Thx mutant. I see your point now about everyones personal wrinkles of esoteric battle that need ironing out.

The tide will turn with us humans. (Yin / Yan) One day we will wonder why there isnt enough evil, because of too much peace! ;-) everything moves in cycles. history repeats itself & other cliches apply here.

peace is harmonious balancing act. I see the majority of people as inherently good and therefore I have fate that a great understanding will come to most people. Look at global enviromental issues.... most people are affected........ so perhaps that will be stimmulus of the tipping point to major consciousnous shift around the globe. Water shortage, global warming, sea level rising........ could very well be the triggers of the paradigm shift........ funny coincedence...... 2012 is in this critical period that everyone is becomming aware of our impact on the globe. globelization, internet, technoligy......all these events comming together at the same period in time. Very intersting.

I have fate that the tide will turn. But at what cost?

Zen buddism's take on evil! That is a good question. All I know is that thing greed, attachment, addiction & more seem to be some of the things at the root of many of our problems.... these just seem to behaviours that are out of balance / out of control..... so to say that there is evil from this standpoint is kind of strange.

that these behaviours can be condensed in ''so called entities''.... and therefore push all the wrong/worst buttons of our being... and even go totally against our being..... doesnt mean that it is out to get you and to do you harm......... the funny thing is that allot of these energies (entities) seem to feed on fear or are attracted to fear...... so a split sec exposure of fear and you are in trouble.

consciousness is simply action reaction condensed in a mold, a human / animal / but also in the earth or in vacuums within the earth or in space...... and yes we can exchange energy or consciousness with all of these. To me encountering a pocket of bad vibes is because we strayed off the serene peaceful path and found one of those pockets where the spiral goes downwards instead of upwards....... where it breaks down life instead of promote it.... do we still call this evil...... I would rather call it a bad vibe pocket.... or someting more technically instead of the old skool term 'evil'

just some of my toughts

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GP nice post!

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yeah, indeed it was!

Zen buddism's take on evil! That is a good question. All I know is that thing greed, attachment, addiction & more seem to be some of the things at the root of many of our problems.... these just seem to behaviours that are out of balance / out of control..... so to say that there is evil from this standpoint is kind of strange.

that these behaviours can be condensed in ''so called entities''.... and therefore push all the wrong/worst buttons of our being... and even go totally against our being..... doesnt mean that it is out to get you and to do you harm......... the funny thing is that allot of these energies (entities) seem to feed on fear or are attracted to fear...... so a split sec exposure of fear and you are in trouble.

they have a kind of positive intent and negative intent or something along those lines, but we don't classify things good/bad in exactly the same way they would. fear is something like the root of suffering in buddhism, leads to greed etc, but linking all of that in with kusala/akusala is well beyond me.


consciousness is simply action reaction condensed in a mold, a human / animal / but also in the earth or in vacuums within the earth or in space...... and yes we can exchange energy or consciousness with all of these. To me encountering a pocket of bad vibes is because we strayed off the serene peaceful path and found one of those pockets where the spiral goes downwards instead of upwards....... where it breaks down life instead of promote it.... do we still call this evil...... I would rather call it a bad vibe pocket.... or someting more technically instead of the old skool term 'evil'

interestingly, you are describing kusala/akusala...... and as far as i can tell it would make an excellent explanation of those words.

Edited by ThunderIdeal

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