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t st tantra

have you been thinking about telepathy etc recently?

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The vocalisation centres in the mind are connected to but not directly able to transfer or emit the entire scope of the actual thought processes of the mind...this means that asking or confronting a person about the non-verbal "conversation" often ends in a negative confirmation.


here are what I call very basic forms of telepathy...or types of communication without the use of the mouth or verbals.

*reading peoples body language and knowing what and how they are feeling.

*knowing when to look away when you are staring at someone in a cafe for example...just as they are about to look at you because they feel someone staring at them.

*Someone is staring and or talking about you...you can't see it or hear it but know it's happening.

*Phone rings and you where just thinking of them.

*You prepare a meal for someone/partner and when they arrive home to see it they have been craving that exact meal all day or for a couple of days.

*You look at your partner and tell them to stop thinking about the topic they are thinking about...they ask how do know that..?

There are many many more simple forms that we either wittingly or unwittingly use daily in our lives.


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I consider telepathy different to reading body language.

And I'm with PD, I am certainly not saying psychedelics are only for a buzz, the opposite, they can give you perspective on life issues and help you sort through aspects of your life that might need some attending to, and they can, with reflection, lead to you becoming a better person.

But you're experience doesn't seem to be about issues your facing in life so much (well not the aspect of telepathy that you've been talking about) but rather the development of some telepathic ability.

So yes the changed perspective you get from hallucinogens is useful for examining your life and yourself, and your interaction with others.

Edited by MindExpansion

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This is a hard one I've been going through for ages. Let's look at empathy as another form of telepathy with the idea of communicating emotion rather than thought or sensory data. In my head there are two explanations for this.

One is that from one person who feels an emotion and expresses this in their tone of voice and body language etc. can be read by another person analytically. So all this happens on a sensory and unconscious level.

The other is the same idea only the second person doesn't interpret the feeling analytically, it's happens via something that is beyond the normal senses.

Surly everyone has experienced this at parties where you feel a kind of general vibe or attitude of the crowd. Do you really think it's purely sensory analysis?

To me at the moment they are just as valid as each other.

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Re: Alchemist

It's also not helpful to be brought up in a western society which seems to consider our day-to-day rational consciousness as being the one and only "reality"

Well I don't know which country you live in, but my country is a fucked up one! You wouldn't even for one moment say we funcion on rationality! Teaching Natural Selection aint even in our schools! And, to be honest, I don't think , say, the American society, which gave us its 'light' can take pride on the rationality on which it functions.

Rationality is one of this words, like 'egoism', 'psychedelia' or 'surrealism' that is seriously misunderstood...


Re: Hunab

Great post I liked the bit about the relationship with the girl but I am curious about your last line and why you would think that...?

What do you define as mental instabilities...does anyone have a perfect mental state...aren't we all ruled by emotions...a person can appear quite sane then all of a sudden do something very irrational...what are they stable or unstable....a person who takes lots of drugs ...you are saying that they lose credibility because why...they are living in a fantasy land or something and don't know whats real and whats just made up...?

Dr Shulgin took a lot of drugs...is his credibility bad...?.

well, lets phrase it simple. Perception is deceived , among others, by emotions... I believe that the community people are sometimes deceived into/by stuff, either by affecting one another or by the pure belief that 'psychedelics have the answer', or by the sheer intensity of their visions and afterglows... In this context, I don't think I need to explain why I regard such reports less credible... Not that I don't believe the individual in question had and lived through ther experience he reports, not that, what I doubt is his perception of the experience, the actual happenings outside the individuals's mind. You're not being telepathic by reading right a person's body language. You're not being telepathic by seing someone, you have to be far away, that's why it's called tele-patheia...



Mutant - You are the kind of guy that I could argue with for hours. I'm more of a romantic who get all over-emotional with everyone's relative views.

I'm with Hunab on this one. I can't see what makes ones person more valid than another based on the chemical profile of their mind.

Lets say hypothetically I walk into Melbourne CBD after having 2mg of Xanax, who's going to be more stable? The stressed out puppets caught up in a world of logic, or the tripper trying to work out whether he should walk or keep on staring at the sky.

I'm just trying to illustrate both ends of the scale.

Well ,argue on :)

I don't know what CBD is, but I don't feel it's too important.

By stability I sure don't mean a several-hour xanax induced stupor. Being stable is a long term thing, as I put it. I am not trying to dismiss any opinions on the subject, it all depends on how they are presented. And since you're asking, if I had to deal with the dilemma of either walk or stare at the sky, then I might just go with the world of logic - I am no puppet though... Logic is my friend.

I am all for people expressing their strange, weird opinions, but since we are talking about objective experiences in the philosophy section, it's perfectly normal to place doubt on some reports credibility, after all it's a controversial subject

-plus I am not a nee-sayer , I already said I have experienced various such 'coincidences' that just had me thinking some of these phenomenons have to be real. So let me tell you a story of what I regard 'a case of evil-eye telepathy':

Well, lets call the one girl P and the other M

I am talking about P, the girl that made me believe in some phenomenons I didn't believe in till than... We love each other, we're very close even if we liveapart.... Well I was very psychic with P. But we were in a different towns... there was some night I was at a girls house M who also knew P , and M openly flirted me, saying rather nasty remarks about P, like 'I don't feel she suits you', 'you deserve someone better than her' and so, she seemed to dislike her... I didn't do anything with the girl that night, but the discussion went on for about 3 hours, with me asking why she felt like that about P, and so on. I then left and went home. As I arrived the phone rang and it was [afcourse] P sayin: "Fuck, I have been hicuping for 3 hours, who the fuck is cursing me" - I smartly replied "it must be yourr admirers who look up to you or something", and she didn't suspect anything... I don't know if any of you have this, they say when someone is thinking about you, then you might get the hicups. I know it sounds rediculous, but that was too much of a coincidence even for my solid rationality. I have to note that the two girls knew each other, even though they hadn't spoken much, but had traded some nasty looks in the past, possibly for the prize of me??!? :P:) On this perticular occasion, M was the girlfriend of a friend of mine then, but P noticed some hostility on M's face. After all these happened, I see P was right - she was sensitive about this, that's why she got the hicups that night: she picked up shit M was sending out through me.. or something like that... :P

I think that sending is not much intended, nor I believe the unaware sender necessarily has some spiritual gift. But the receiver sure has. Not sure it's a gift, rather a treat. And it's not working appropriately if you don't train it, as I have noticed with P over the years... her conformities in a shitty life in a shitty town seems to have overtaken the spiritual side of her. Pity...

Re: Hunab:

what annoys me sometimes is the way some people say to stop using and don't take these substances anymore...I see it more and more and in some case's it's probably a good idea but when people start to say its just a hallucination man it's nothing but that....then why are we here talking about them if they mean and are nothing but a wacky high....kinda makes this site pointless when people wanna just say yeah well the stuff from this plant just makes you high in this and that's all there is too it and nothing more...

They are not a 'wacky high' for me. They never were.. And and there are a lot more in them, than just the 'high'. There's huge distance in the intake as well. My last ingestion with classics was some 2 years ago, pretty large HBWR experience. You consider a 2 weeks cease a large enough off-period ... wow :)

The why we are talking about them bit? I suppose each one for different purposes... I never really participated in any section other from cultivation, mycology and active research of this plants, only recently have I noticed some nice topics in the spirituality forum... It's appropriate, I think, to openly express every opinion on the subject, not just praise the lord [AKA the precious AKA psychs]


The vocalisation centres in the mind are connected to but not directly able to transfer or emit the entire scope of the actual thought processes of the mind...this means that asking or confronting a person about the non-verbal "conversation" often ends in a negative confirmation.

When humans began to develop a mind which was capable of interpreting empathy...and further developed compassion, there arose simultaneously the capacity for interbody communication...the area's of the "frontal lobes" (haha) that allows humans to percieve separations of self, and divide the personality of God into multiple aspects...each connected in "neural constellations" (haha) capabale of transfering information though "electrical and chemical" signals to each other which can be represented by waveforms.

I say haha because the nature of the human is a multifocal metaphor network which manifest physical, mental and spiritual planes...all information is one undefinable substrate...read the story and you get the idea's underlying the methodology of Gods existing percievablitiy.

If you pretend you dont know then you will constantly confirm it for yourself. You are God living an aspect of error checking and permeating possibilities undivided IT knows everthing, even knowing its not knowing...its perfect.

Well, that's nice. i like it :) - well I dont like the word god, but I like you say that I am god, each one is his own god... ;)

you got character :)

And I agree with PD too


Do you really think it's purely sensory analysis?

well, it's simple being conscious! Reading body language is one thing, tranlating the vibes of a smile go through your own mind and smile too is another. It's interaction. but it's no telepathy. You have to be far away to call it telepathy...

Sure, if you make a whole discussion [like PD said earlier] with someone without making a sound and without mimetics and then confirm it, and both persons are credible, then yeah, you got some strange fucking phenomenon... not telepathy, mind talking or mind reading I would say...

I have heard this reportedly happen, not sure if I believe this or not...


cheer /


Edited by mutant

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have you been thinking about telepathy etc recently?

Yes.. We must be telepathic!! :o There's no other rational explanation!

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Well that proves it!! 2012 is fast approaching and people are becoming more telepathic cause we are moving into the 5th dimension!

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Well that proves it!! 2012 is fast approaching and people are becoming more telepathic cause we are moving into the 5th dimension!

5th dimension...?

It's not called that from memory...I can't remember what stage is called we are in now but it's the third last...and it ends at the end of 2010...2011 being the second last phase and obviously 2012 is the last period...I'll come back with correct terminology for the periods as I can't find the page I had saved that documents the counting down.


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aren't we all ruled by emotions

it's all an experiment to experience emotion... have no proof but eh!

and this thing with hallucinations being hallucinations and reality being reality, man sometimes i think THIS is all an hallucination and my hallucinations (i'll include dreams here) are the real deal and i just don't know any better or decide to choose this moment as being "real"...

oh no, go away, sort of sounds like the movie the matrix...

personally and at this present time i have known what be a hallucination and shrugged it off just like that, but when there's depth and interaction and "real-ness" i find my self ruminating on the real-ness and wonder why, after all, this conditioned soul is led to believe THIS (me typing on computer dribbling) is real and to doubt the other.

and hanub, i believe you, and my own thoughts are that what you experienced was more than just your "run of the mill" hallucination/s.

the closest i ever got to telepathy was(1) i spoke to a cat with pictures in my mind, and (2)some strange communications with three green planets and yes okay i'll admit i was wasted on (1) LSD and (2) a very high does of amphets and i was alot younger, with a not so worn in brain "hee, hee"

but hey i really don't know, as i'm just some crazy alien who's lost his way home...

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