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calea dream herb dosage can you help ?

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hi have tried using calea lately and have had problems getting any sort of result in the dream state have heard that a lot of tea has to be drunk & leaf smoked to get an effect i have been drinking one cup of tea and smoked a couple of small cones of ground leaf all to no avail .didn't want to drink too many cups of tea because i thought i would only wake up halfway through the night busting for a piss but if anybody has any ideas on this subject please let me know

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A lot of factors can lead to failures with calea eperiments.

Firstly dreams recalls are very subjective experiences, not always easy to quantify, and often difficult to assess the intensity in a scientific way.

The strain of Calea zacatechichi (Chontal name: Thlepelakano) you obtain seems of prime importance, only one "chemical-type" seems endowed with the seeked oneirogenic activity regard to Chontal who use it to obtain divinatory messages from dreams. It's very difficult if not impossible (if you are not an expert or a Chontal) to distinguish the good variety from the inactives. You must stumble on the good seller who provides the good variety.

It depends also on your own sensibility to receive and appreciate the subtle oneirogenic effects.

Preparation: you must NOT boil the dry leaves, NO decoction but only an infusion (to extract the water-soluble active principles), the infusion is very bitter, not for the squeamish people.

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read some where what i think is a good point on this subject,that dream type herbs[calea,mugwort,vervain]will take you to the next stage of dreaming,depending on what stage you are at.so effects will difer.

personally i find these herbs can keep me awake all night.i wonder if they are more for daydreaming than sleepdreaming.

calea also seems to enhance the senses and give a feeling of well being.

calea can be used with yopo etc to enhance the visual aspects.

these results are based on aust sourced plants.

t s t .

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I have tried Calea many times, each time was in the form of 10x extract. Got no worthwhile effects. I do however dream intensely each night now, and recall is not a problem. Perhaps it takes months for the desired effects to manifest themselves? Also at the time I was using other herbs that hamper dreams and dream recall. Now that I am free of the other herbs :D , I have very vivid (not lucid) dreams. I hope this helps. BTW- When you have dreams such as the ones I have now, your sleep is NOT AT ALL resful, so beware. Also, bitter doesnt even begin to describe the flavor. Expresso is bitter, Calea is

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the best way to induce intense lucid dreams is to have a book next to your bed. as soon as you wake up,before you do anything at all,write down immediatly all images and dream memories still fresh in your mind. if you forget the dream while trying to recall it ,try lying down in the position that you woke up in! this will 80 % of the time allow you to easily remember it again.

secondly ,to successfully lucid dream on a regular basis,you MUST make it an obbsession!!!!

try and think about it all day,try to talk about it to others as musch as you and they can handle.

then while going to bed remind yourself that you will be having a lucid dream tonight,and that you will rember it in the morning!!

it is well worth the trouble!!!

nothing beats the feeling of awaking in a medievel landscape,walking down a cobblestone path whistling,and listening to the sound reverberating of a distant stone house wall.then reching a crossroad and deciding which way to go.

and at the same time you a perfectly aware of the fact that you are fast asleep,and this is a total dream!!

i actually had a dream guide,business card and all(i shit you not) and everytime there was a query i could call him,simply by closing my eyes and thinking his name. he would instantly appear and help me with whatever problem i had....

but as soon as you stop making lucid dreaming an obsession it will stop,as will your dream recall abilities.....

does anyone know if calea helps accelerate this ability??

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here's my lucid dreaming tip:

print out a sign in landscape orientation, with big bold print that says "Are You Dreaming?" .. make it look simple and neat (and don't use a sans-serif font) place one in your bedroom and another in a high traffic area..each time you see it, seriously ask yourself the question. this is the main thing that worked for me. inquiring into reality like this will become a habit, and one that will present itself during dreams & sleep.

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There are a 2 types of dreamherb one works one does not.

Im growing some now but its hard to find any close up the leaf to compair to the seeds were dreamherb but so far the plant is.

Dreaming, i used mugwort many times and it worked i used about 8 large leaves fresh (i have a few plants) steep the tea for 10 minutes and drink it.

That night i have a short lucid dream i was walking around in a maze made of steel but not like having walls on every turn more like a video game the floor was very texture and i realizle i was dreaming. Interstring i thought walking around my body feeling void of any pain or slowness. Like takeing big cup syrain rue tea in the wakeing world the Same lightness in the body.

So my mind was wondering on how do i get out of here(i was sliping out of a lucid dream and into a normal dream)

I looked at my hand anf focus on the ridges and curves that brought me in to full lucid again.

I met up with 2 people a guy and girl there were very plane and gerneic looking wearing jumpsuit. They asked can we help got you out of here?

Sure i said but witch way.


I said you know if I wake you dissapear!

Cool. Let get going.

After climbing what looked like monkey bar i got to the top and stood there. Looking over the maze.

I woke. Haveing the need to go pee.

I had sevral other dreams that were lucid on diferrents nights. By the time i got up in morning and talked about my dream i seen the cup in the sink i though to my slef ya i had some mugwort tea last night. That must be the reason for the lucid dream.

Some times i mix some mugwort tea with valerein root and pinch of datura.

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i'd like to suggest a course of a dream herb,say every night for a month rather than a one off attempt.effects are somewhat accumulative.start on the new moon if this appeals to you.

t s t .

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Very recently one curious gnome I know started mixing calea with cannabis in thick cigarettes rolled with extra large papers. The ratio was initially 50/50 however as supply of the latter dropped the quantity of dried dream herb increased to a point where many nights only it had been smoked, consequently in large quantities.

Nightly before sleep for three weeks he partook in the experiment that revealed intensely vivid dream sessions, although not always lucid.

The experiment was halted at the fourth week due to difficulty with concentration and a frustrating increase in apathy. Motivation returned over several days and to his surprise the dreaming has continued without the calea. He is now at the end of the fifth week.

The gnome mentions that he became interested in calea after smoking a single small cone of leaf picked from a dead cutting. This small amount was enough to provide him with what he regards as good calea experience.

Many of his friends felt no effects from smoking or drinking a tea brewed with dream herb, some gnomes even became annoyed at his new habit of mixing the herb with cannabis and refused to toke. Some others though, also report a noticeable increase in dreaming and the ability to remember ones dreams, especially after the smoking of cannabis which, at least for this gnome clouds the non-calea dreaming experience.

[ 09. May 2003, 15:48: Message edited by: oldfart ]

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