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Tom Cruise compared to Goebbels

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I was watching that infamous Tom Cruise clip yesterday where he extolls the virtues of Scientology- apparently it was only ever meant to be seen by Scientologists of a certain level. Aside from his wide-eyed fervour, the most disturbing part of the clip was when he said this:

"Get those spectators either in the playing field or out of the arena, really, that's how I feel about it... You're on board or you're not on board, but if you're on board, you're on board just like the rest of us, period."

Spectators is a reference to non-Scientologists. It's as if he is clling for the annhilation of non-believers or something, and judging by the almost unhinged fanaticism he displays throughout the 9 minute clip I don't think the following comparison is unwarranted.

You can watch the clip here:


Tom Cruise compared to Goebbels

January 21, 2008

RESPECTED German historian Guido Knopp has compared a speech by US actor Tom Cruise to the Church of Scientology with a call to war by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

Mr Knopp, an expert on World War II history, said in an interview with Bild newspaper published overnight: "Tom Cruise's manner calls to mind Goebbels."

The historian was commenting on a video recording of a rousing sermon Cruise delivered to fellow Scientology members four years ago that was recently posted on the Internet.

The Mission Impossible star is seen asking fellow members of the church: "Should we clean this place up?".

Mr Knopp said it was bound to remind Germans of Goebbels' notorious call for "total war" issued in Berlin on February 18, 1943.

"It is possible that the way in which Cruise speaks is common in many empowerment circles in the United States," he said.

"But the scene in which Cruise asks if the Scientologists should clean up the world and they all respond 'yes' will remind any German with an interest in history of Goebbels' infamous Sports Palace speech."

Article continues...


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Tom Cruise.

I just read as a writing on the internet.

Tom Cruise compared to Goebbels.

We should be so lucky as a asshole cult and leader should emerge at least recognizable as the jackasses they are.

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"A scientolgoist can be defined by a single question; would you want others to acheive the knowledge you now have".

"It is the time now, now is the time...ok. It is being a scientologist people are turning to you so you better know it, you better know it and if you don't... you know... go and learn it (chuckles) you know? But don't pretend you know for or whatever... we're here to help."

What the hell is he on about!!?? :scratchhead::wacko:

Does anyone get the impression that he isn't even being asked any questions...?

"Compassion and toughness" ??? WTF!!

Hollywood really fucks ppl up!

I think Hollywood's a fucking cult.


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'I think Hollywood's a fucking cult.'

I couldn't express any better Husk.

The results are always the same for a cult or political.

The guy at the top has all the money and all the women.

Mindless propanda thats repeated is the tool.

For instance water boarding isn't torture.

It was when the nazis used it but changing the language by careful word smithing the politicals make such a necessary nonevil.

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I thought by "spectators" he meant Scientologists who were not zealots... when I was a Pentecostal we would also call them "pew warmers"

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Thats some bizzare shit!!

The un-edited version might be a bit more clear on WTF he is talking about.

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Watch this vid.


CoS is being targetted by hackers. Apparently scientology.org is down...


Why the fuck is all this creepy CoS shit popping up all of a sudden. I'm scared...

Edited by FungalFractoids

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A cult is cult is a cult.

So it always have the same results.

The only way to advoid a cult is to know the methods.

How to advoid making a cult is by a decentralized structure.

Democracy will serve as the best example as to the way and the internet the way.

Which is not the same as capitalism, socialism. faschism or communism as they are economic outlooks.

As of this day the capitalist structure according to the newspaper headlines is collasping.

But who will benifit?

Certainly the capitaist that knows of gold worth.

Inflation is just a irritation [7 percent]to invest money to staying in place with stocks and bonds.

So who gains from the economic meltdown.

The top capitlists, and the socialists or communists that have oil or otherwise from there own country.

Good for them I say.

Theres two ways of learning the hard experince way and the education way.

The U.S. policy of replacing government control with private control in the past 8 years has convinced me they are right.

I don't need them as far as a political government structure or anything else.

The laze fair [ a french term ] has paid off as no needs them or their grotesque word smithing.


Attacking a cult just makes it more isolated because of the the more extreme members.

Like the Scientologist.

Dialog is best.

If their shitty stuff isn't instantlt recognized as a learning tool than a better explanation education using them as a example is the way to go.

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Human society is a cult. Were nought without a leader and a group. Do we ever truly choose our leaders?

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I reckn Tom has a bit of a way to go too live upto the propagandist abilities of Goebbels...as good as he is :P

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I think propaganda had a more dramatic impact back then when people were more susceptible to it. It's an 'old thing' now. So propaganda techniques now would surpass geobells I'd imagine.

I like the saying "If a lie is repeated a thousand times it becomes true"

the weapons of mass distraction were a good example of that. Nothin was found but the fact is so true that even after the official "my bad" from bush, people still go on believing they must've hid them real good, dang pesky terrorists!

I mean I understand drawing conclusions in the absence of evidence by connecting the dots. so lets see here.

govt must create pretext for war in Iraq so bangs on for ages about WOMD and invades even with no evidence. After occupying Iraq for some time, still no weapons found. OBVIOUSLY - the terrorists win over the top military technology of the US and are really really good at hiding. wascly little wabbit!

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The nazis had radio and movies.

But with the nazis movies its was the style of the over the top.

Barouque I guess.

Over elaborate. But highly figured,

While the american style artist was trying to back go to the hammered copper age as a way to get back to nature at the same time.

The american artist at that time from the arts and crafts movements produced something that looks like something not even a 19th centuary person would want.

Haven't read the book but I hope just not a bunch of endless detail that x person talked to y and a at time 1931 at resturant place at the effiel towers and they drank coffee and one had to go the bath room and etc.

And one of them complained about hemmorids then the other commented that syphillus was under control.


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uber-selective-carp.jpg Edited by Passive Daemon

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A possible Scientology site.

Expains nothting so can not be logicaly defeated.

The mark of a cult.

" Your religious beliefs are not wrong, like any other religion, and they are yours to keep. However beliefs should not come at a price. Not from your wallet or compromising your thoughts.

Those who have left feel a new life, a rebirth into true freedom. You can join them if you wish. You may not believe us. We ask of you one thing: Make up your own mind. That is a sentence of more profound meaning for you now than at any other time in your life."

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Can't help but feel that people love to make outlandish remarks and over the top comparisons just to get their opinions picked up by the media.

A British historian accused the Queen of acting like a nazi late last year, managed to get his name mentioned in articles everywhere.

Cruise = Goebbels... yeah fucking right.

Its opinion articles slowly becomming blended with 'news' items, so a bunch of twats can read it and show off to their friends how switched on they are about celebrities.

The fact that since Cruise dumped his publicist a while back and his popularity has plumeted since is more of an indication how much shit & dribble people are willing to believe rather than how "bizarre" he suddenly become.

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^^ Bullshit. Don't blame the historian for his comments, they were made in an interview which none of us have read and of which we know nothing about the context Maybe he was responding to a question You do have a point, but that should be directed at the media that have picked up on this and made that one comment into a news story. It's not like this guy has gone out and made a press release to make the comparison, that's just an idiotic notion.

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hmmm, wonder if Tom Cruise was intending on having any of his opinions made as a press release....

Or are there two different standards here?

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Point is, he's the spokesperson for scientology a cult that needs some kind of advertising or 'propaganda' the thing goebells made famous in ww2 so the comparison is drawn to him, just like any genocide will be compared to pollpot. I think the comparison is a bit of an emotional hook and nothing more, like calling bush hilter-esque. Point is these are behaviours common to many throughout history and it's just the most outlandish terrible circumstances that are kept in memory and referred to when any current instance of such a common occurence happens.

The whole comparison is rather stupid as Cruise is not acting on behalf of government to rally support for the nation - only his own whacky cult. Yes I'm going to be very judgementful about this particular belief set.

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he's the spokesperson for scientology

No he isn't.

only his own whacky cult

Thats how Christianity started!

The whole comparison is rather stupid

Glad we agree :-D

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Thats how Christianity started!

Christianity as a grass roots belief system emerged as an altruistic, esoterically codified, transcendental guide. The teachings rang true to the people most likely more adept at symbo-literacy than the present day christians, and as such it gained momentum. Perhaps cult was one label given to christianity by the then mainstream religion of.. some kind of greco-roman institutionalised paganism?? from memory.

It would appear that although often misread and taken literally, the christian holy texts are very able to unlock doorways to transcendence especially given the symbol of god made flesh may as well mean the mushroom.

Scientology may indeed provide enlightenment through first dragging you through hell. It truly will elucidate ones bondage to matter and money and society once all their last dollars are spent in hope of salvation. It is just a gigantic scam. Not to mention unethical and even brutal as some people are tortured. With enough money and power and influence, people feel they have a right to be twisted fucks.

And although the body thetan evil spirits is yet another adaptation of the same old story, and there surely is a mythopoetic symbology at play that could well resonate in some kind of divine revelation experience... (IMHO, like every creative act ever done) ... this dude was a science fiction writer! Any fantasy or Sci-Fi book may as well be interpreted spiritually, like Tolkien or George Lucas.

Then blamo a brand new religion is invented, with maybe some kind of 'divine inspiration', however from the very get go this religion is all about L Ron, and the scam all religions make in collecting tax-exempt donations, and funneling them into personal accounts and going onto high sea cruises and torturing your 14 year old girl in miniskirts crew [link] because your a crazy drug fuckup. I don't see how anyone can invest belief in a model of philosophy that is inspired by such a degenerate with purely selfish motivations.

Celebrity Promotion is the only logical conclusion because celebrities opinions on what's true hold much more weight than normal people.

Edited by The Dude

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