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The Corroboree

Second Life

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I tried, but somehow I can't get rid of the 'orientation island' panel [yes, I completed all tasks]. Having 1/3rd of the screen obscured by that panel makes navigating rather difficult. Also, at the times I was on everyone spoke french and spanish :wacko:. The buildings all looked the same too - at least where I went.

Anyway, is there anything more to it than an overglorified chatroom? Conversation depth didn't seem to indicate otherwise.

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yeah, I had a burl at trying to make a fortune there... tried to start a casino, but ended selling pokies... didnt really make anything though.... interesting... but as torsten says... more like a chat room, except that they dont seem to want to talk about there real lives.... the nudist islands are worth checking out though.... especially as everyone on 2nd life is hot!!! i disturb even myself

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my main interest in it was potential to make money. but yeah its over rated. i joined, got out of orientation island, even started makng furniture, but in the long run it will cost you more money than youl make, unless you have a spare $500 for all the rental fees.

the ludin exchange looks promising if you have nothing but time on your hands for small odd jobs that dont pay much or maybe renting land to build a shop to sell items.... if not then your time is better spent elsewhere. i got into for the money makng potential, but imvu wins hands down. 2nd life is way too big for the average consumer so offline item sales are shit, but things like art of furniture for your home ONLINE sale big, but again, imvu is better for that and is shearly that market only. the idea behind 2ndlife was to make a 3d internet realm where all done online could be done in 2nd life. in a full 3d realm. but the real estate sharks ruined it by renting land at $2 per month and renting it out for $10 per month.

i was last in there months ago, checked out everything and even got work as a security guard for a casino, used to make a bit of money in the casinos there too. but the real money is in real estate, or renting land to build a place to sell all the thing you can make. i met one person in 2nd life who made their life out of 2ndlife. she setup a huge place, made about 20-40 items per day and sold them in her shop. fact was she had time and spare money. was paying $400 per month to rent her land(it was huge), an extra $50 per month due to the size of the place(building size), and they took 10-30% of her sales. she was lucky and was able to keep her sales at $700 per month for the 2 months i knew her and for 6 months pryor to that. all figures are ofcourse an average, besides rental and land fees which were fixed, land fees only to increase on building size.

hehe also if you build a bg house on rented land (there is no other type of land) and do not pay the fees for 2or3 months then they will take back the land AND auction it off with the pre built house/bussiness. things may have changed but last i caught 'the bussiness report' 2ndlife was still real esate based and only for a lucky few graphic designers.

its not really for chatting, imvu is made by the same group as 2ndlife im certain, and imvu is their overglorifyed chat room but the potential to make money if larger, imvu doesnt use ludins, but credits. but the exchange rate is better. in both you can make clothes, furniture, chat areas, pets and other things, but overall imvu is better for that potential. even tho i stopped developing i still make sales from imvu, mainly a pet mushroom that i re-textured/re-skinned with a photo i took of a fly agaric. but imvu is a different thread.

hmmm its all rather elaborate. but basically, 2ndlife is a pain unless you got nothing but time and i mean hours on hours on hours to kill and spare $$$. both imvu and 2ndlife have potential to make money through meshing and skinning (basically graphic design), both have positives and negatives to it, but in my overall experience from each, theres more potential to make money in imvu as aposed to 2ndlife. both have a cash exchange which coverts ludins(2ndLife) and credits(imvu) into real money, but imvu cost less overall. hehe here is my imvu homepage http://www.imvu.com/catalog/web_mypage.php?user=6153619 i havnt touched it in ages butits got the products ive made for em. best seller is the pet fly agaric ;)

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Lol. 'Fornicate using your actual genitals'

I tried running second life once, couldnt do much cos of my slow computer. I managed to accidentally sit in a pile of vomit, whereupon my computer froze, then I was teleported to an empty space a million miles away floating above an ocean. I then proceeded to press the nice little 'x' and never open it again.

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I got into it for a couple of weeks, then got bored... its like the internet of the internet, ie the people that go there are even sadder than us. Agree with Torsten re: the quality of conversation, it basically revolves around talking about second life. BTW T, you just right click the window and choose close or something. There's some weird roleplaying areas that seemed interesting, but they all seemed to revolve around some kind of ultimate sexual encounter, which seemed like the ultimate in sadness to me.

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I only just figured out WTF this second life thing is. I find it really disturbing that people are willing to pay real money for things that only exist in a fictitional computer world, when their are REAL people starving on the streets! This really sickens me.

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