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Guest Warrioe-Sage

The Ancients where more advanced then us today...ACCEPT IT

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I think maybe the ancients may have been smarter than us in some aspects, but certainly not further advanced in technology.

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Guest onemind

bs, they come from another planet and had stargates and shit..

Dont you watch tv?

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ancient people probably didn't really understand what space was, I mean, that theres other planets

Thats an insult to the mayans.

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I think Torsten is gettin ready to lay the smackdown BIG TIME!

This should be entertaining

Please spare me from your wrath oh mighty Torsten!

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to fix the problem i fear we must go to the source.. Permission to speak freely sire?

WS, while posts some half interesting themes sometimes, thats pretty much all he does, i havent seen him contributing or even try to anyother aspect of the forum, and even when he does post, its all cut and paste and he just spams it and doesent give it the time to even discus it. regardless of his possible mental state.

And for onemind, he has used alot of abuse, but its only at WS mainly so i dont think he deserves to be banned unless he continues coz on in his part hes had more posts and contributed more on the forum other then spam. i dont think hes a troll, hes just got stong opinions lol .

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something i found on j-walk blog

Wally Wallington has demonstrated that he can lift a Stonehenge-sized pillar weighing 22,000 lbs and moved a barn over 300 ft. What makes this so special is that he does it using only himself, gravity, and his incredible ingenuity.

also the reason for the pyramids being the shape they are is the only way a structure that high can self support using stone only no mystical ooga boooga just physics

check this out :worship:


Edited by tardistestpilot

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THANK YOU TARDIEST!!! Now that was a video WORTH watching! My god - how simple is it all?!?!?! That guy is a champion!

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I saw the vid, and i have to say he looks awfully Lizard like to me.. just kidding mad video, good enough to be downloaded and stored, wonder what WS will say bout it, if anything

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Lol - i just thought his methods were amazing! I mean, if you spend most of your time playing with blocks of solid rock, then your bound to find some nifty tricks, but using a tiny rock as a pivot, then a couple of them to move them - thats just cool. And the way he see-saws the horizontal rock up to a certain height - I thought it was very basic, yet seeminly ingenious! And the way the sand was incorporated into aiding his get the horizontal rock vertical - it would be awesome to see how many he can do - and how his back yard will look with a scale model of the stonehenge!

And to shift a huge barn like that? Man, now thats something :lol:

Lizard man indeed :devil: lol

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WOW. so simple!

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According to a new theory the pyramids were built from the inside out using a lifting counterweight.


We are the ancients as far as I concerned.

Physics and mathematics are very complex.

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

I think that our ancestors new more about the human mind than we could only imagine.

We often think we know a lot more and are smarter than our ancestors,

but if you ask me this is an arrogant and egotistical point of view.

They new more about how to use the mind as a tool of harvesting energy than we do now.

We are so busy on a fast time schedules that we don't have time to stop and learn our mind's potential.

We have been conditioned in a way of thinking that actually limits the true potential of the human power.

The reason they are more advanced than we are now, is because we are in a constant information overload.


We are constantly occupied with external awareness rather than being internally aware of ourself and our true potential.

The ancients new that they could create anything, because they new the secret of reality.

They new that they were the rulers the creators of their own reality.

So the impossible became the possible. When oneself is here focused on the self in the now,

all answers are available. Things make sense, that couldn't before. Because NOW is where reality is existing!!!

So this is how they found the energy grid of the earth, the ley lines.

This is how they made their blocks lighter for the works to push and pull into place!

I believe this because, I see that how changing my point of view to the now has started to effect MY life

The thing I truly believe that our Ancestors got right that we don't today is that

they respected OTHER lifeforms. They worshiped them as they did themselves.

Hense the head of a wolf on a man's body, or bird or owl, or the sphinx (a man's head

on the body of a lion)! What I'm saying is that the belief that we are better than the animals

is another arrogant and egotistical point of view. We all came from the same essence.

The ancients new that, the Native Americans KNOW that (which is why they see the animal spirit as a guardian)!

Rock, plants, bacteria and animals (humans included) are all lifeforms from the same essence of energy.

And to think in the separatists point of view is to deny your true potential again. It puts up more boundaries

and limitations, that MAN can't run as fast as the Cheetah because man isn't an animal!

Man can't be as hard as rock because man is flesh and living and rocks aren't!

The point I'm trying to make here is that WE are trying, as a people, to be separate, be unique and disconnect things.

We are dismantling ourselves from within because we simply deny the fact of our true connectedness as a whole!

As ONE, which is where the concept of ONE god came from. There was a pharaoh in Egypt long ago before Christianity,

before Islam, before Judaism, who created THE first monotheistic religion that is known of today! I don't mean to say that

Monotheism is better than polytheism, because then I would be taking an arrogant point of view on someone else's belief!

I'm just acknowledging how everything is connected, from the earth to the moon, the stars and the universe (even multi-verse),

and that we have to learn to work together, love each other, and respect each other. Because in the end of all things connected,

its you who you are hating, and you who you are destroying when you hate or destroy someone or something else.

I can get pretty deep sometimes, but just understand where I'm coming from. When we stop for a moment and focus on NOW,

Not by sitting there and thinking what you're going to do in 2 seconds or what you just did or what someone said to induce thought

in you, for these are only distractions from the TRUE now. When you truly are now, its a beautiful feeling to get! You become more aware

of yourself and your issues with yourself! You develop a better sense in how to create a better life just through thought itself.

I urge people to check out this video

It's a small instrumental music video with clips from the movie The Secret!

Full movie here http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=11...duration%3Along

The movie is great, and the video is also great for a short reminder!

It truly is inspiring and helps to focus on the now. A topic like this only forces us to focus away from the now,

and creates a sort of chaos in the mind cause no one truly really knows "what's going to happen in 2012"!

But those who are in the now have a pretty good ideas! What it all comes down to is you have the power to create peace

just through thought. Not by forcing peace externally, but rather to start within! You must learn to be at peace with yourself

and it will ripple out like a wave of energy and it will spill over to others.

So in the end its up to us as an individual to decide if we want to be apart of that ripple or not,

and then we will know what will truly happen in 2012!

Check out the videos, learn about yourself, be grateful for our ancestors who paved the way, and respect all forms of life.

I saw the vid, and i have to say he looks awfully Lizard like to me.. just kidding mad video, good enough to be downloaded and stored, wonder what WS will say bout it, if anything

well, If someone watchs the video I posted and takes that into consideration and then makes a comment on it

I will do the same for the video that tardist posted....


Edited by Warrioe-Sage

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It wont be me - already downloaded too much for the week :( Could someone please watch WS's clip, at least to inform the rest of us what its all about? I will try to have a look next week :)

WS - I think it would be completely ignorant and somewhat arrogant of you to not watch Tartiest's vid - I think it could change your POV quite a bit. But, that being said, a lot of it has been described in my above post - but seeing it in front of you is pretty awesome...

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In an increasingly complex world I think our ability to think simply eludes us. With so much emphasis on efficiency, such ingenious and simple methods don't even occur to us.

Not a very efficient way of getting the job done by todays standards but if you have a nation of slaves that you don't pay squat, its prolly the most effiecient way known :).

Very smart man is MR Wally.

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Guest Warrioe-Sage
In an increasingly complex world I think our ability to think simply eludes us. With so much emphasis on efficiency, such ingenious and simple methods don't even occur to us.

Not a very efficient way of getting the job done by todays standards but if you have a nation of slaves that you don't pay squat, its prolly the most effiecient way known :).

Very smart man is MR Wally.

I think it is interesting that some of the researchers in Egypt have started to uncover huge cities of the workers they claim built the pyramids. The interesting thing is that the workers were far from peasants and slaves. They had many bakeries and food preparation areas and they are uncovering facts that totally go against the whole jew as a slave disinfo campaign.

what got me into this research is that I read some where the Vatican condoned the destruction of Mesoamerican and European cultures for religious and historical control, as well as for personal greed

which would mean any findings in egypt would of been controled by them

What I would give to look around the secret vatican library


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"arrogant and egotistical point of view."


The ancients were taught by some eternals[angels] which is alot more easy than being Leonado which as we all know was a perfect scientist and raised up too any scientist as a mythic figure that also was a pacifist and also worked for the warlords at the same time .

A wonderful but illusion created by the state for having a better than middle class existence as long as the scientist comes up with the goods after a long period of specialized education.

The point is the ancients are not around and the reason they are not around is because of satanic fallen corruption of the social order of time.

The idea they had a marvel of tech knowledge isn't true and any type of mental connection to understanding energy is apparently alot more than you would like to understand.

Instead plunge into the intellectual froth of connecting the social events of the world to symbolic occult symbols.

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Guest Warrioe-Sage
Instead plunge into the intellectual froth of connecting the social events of the world to symbolic occult symbols

speakin of gettin WITH life!when they gonna FORCE low flyin small plane yahoos to GET A MUFFLER!if lawnmowers and skiddoos have em why do they get a break?every harley auto-qualifies for a ticket if ya ask me!not to mention 440 watt boombox SUVS!sheesh!....just askin...

So!?why dont YOU!?in your own ESTIMATION!?explain to us all what that MEANS!?and keep it as SHORT as possible to DIMINISH the tendency to fall asleep or find reasonable objections!?hehe!!......just askn...

I think maybe the ancients may have been smarter than us in some aspects, but certainly not further advanced in technology.

now that you mention it!?what's the POINT of modern communications anyway!?hasn't made 1 bit of difference in human kind!?and the ancient form you are so DISSY about would of course be TELEPATHY!?you gotta admit it is FAR superior to all this wire and signals and junk that is just used too spread ignorance mostly!?hehe!!....just askn....

... Egyptian obilisks... solid pieces of stone weighing 1000s tons. Moving them horizontally is one thing... raising them to their vertical positions shows a keen understanding of mechanics. We only have a suspicion how they did it

Surgical tools... ancient Roman surgical instruments are virtually identical to their modern counterparts... modern surgeons are even moving toward the use of Obsidian for scalpel blades (an ancient technology) as it traumatizes the tissue less than "surgical steel".

These are just a couple of "REAL" instances of our 're-discovering' what the ancients knew.

I think Torsten is gettin ready to lay the smackdown BIG TIME!

This should be entertaining

Please spare me from your wrath oh mighty Torsten!

your "church" rightly called "sanctuary" is where you find it!?where'ya "lookin" is all i'm askin.....hehe!!....just askn..

According to a new theory the pyramids were built from the inside out using a lifting counterweight.

you seem to be forgetting the fact that you couldn't slide a piece of paper between the stones of a pyramid let alone the fact that they were true to the compass by no detectable fault of modern technology and that the inner chambers were of a construction that fits all of mythology including modern religion like hand in a glove!?try that in your local bar and smoke it/drink it!?hehe!?...just askn.....like you should be!?....

bs, they come from another planet and had stargates and shit..

Dont you watch tv?

The gates of hell or stargates are REALLY in the internal BRAIN/MIND of a man!?the emotional part of his makeup!?even science recognizes the different parts of the brain/spinal structure!?and further divides the brain as right and left lobes with TOTALLY different MEANS of function!?not to mention the other lobes like frontal and and others!?what!?do i have to do a study and get REALLY specific!?hehe!!.....just askn...

Dude that youtube video sucked ass.

Music with people being happy?

YAH!? WAY!? to go!?i can cut down a tree and make popsicle sticks and freeze flaored ice around it and SELL it to any kid on any street corner!?does that mean it is NECESSARY to LIFE!? on this planet!?WHAT IS good FOR LIFE AND what IS bad!?IS THAT THE more IMPORTANT question!?and WHO decides AND WHY!?and who COMPLIES and WHY!?who CARES and why!?is it FOCUS on myself!?focus on the/my family!?focus on MANKIND!?or NO ONE LEFT BEHIND!?behind WHAT!?hehe!!.....just askn...

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Guest Warrioe-Sage
I'm confused. Does WS have a split personality? Its like reading 2 different people. His posts are clear and his replies sound like a aby learning how to type.

Did your mother drop you on your head?

hehe...just askin

vengeance,punishment and retribution is mine sayeth the lord of hosts!?judge not and you shall not be judged!?sayeth the lord of hosts!?who's hostin your "party" and who is invited is the question is it not!?yes lord but what about "BOB"!?s h i t happens my son,take it NOW(for my sake and yours!?) or worse will come later to you or yours!?hehe!!....just askn....

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Guest Warrioe-Sage
I'll take that as a yes :)

reminders!?hehe!!....just askn...

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Guest Warrioe-Sage
your mother must be proud

so is your original question answered or are you just explaining back to me in your own terminology what you think i meant in my post!?but here's an aditional thought to ponder!?if god wanted to get your attention,about a selfrighteous attitude one might posses and live by could he send those that he told to fail in ones sight just so you'd have to seek the truth!?hehe!!.....just askn......

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Guest Warrioe-Sage


i personally see the technique more like float like a butterfly,piss like a horse!?or maybe buzz like a bee,crap like an elephunt!?it's all debatable over millertime!?hehe!!....just askn.....

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Guest Warrioe-Sage
Speaking in zen koans 24/7 just makes you look like an idiot..

how about......say something that brings/has life for the hearer!?and that would actually mean funny in most cases!?hehe!!.....just askn....

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Guest Warrioe-Sage
The thing about zen koans is that they are spoken by wise people. Your gibberish is the sign of a fool..

I'm revoking my e-harmony profile immediately!?hehe!!...just askin...

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his comprehensive color atlas covers the clinical features, etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of schizophrenia including modern developments in treatment and directions of new research. It describes schizophrenia's profound effects on perception, understanding, communication, and social behavior; its identifiable antecedents in early brain growth and development; and morphological data from structural brain imaging and post-mortem studies. The atlas provides examples of the latest research developments in neuropsychology, psychophysiology and functional imaging along with in vivo receptor imaging and other advances in psychopharmacology.


As WS brought up the book subject.

I haven't downloaded it so know nothing.


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