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The Corroboree

Pinless growth mass

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I'm not too sure how to search the search engine for this one. I've trawled FAQs etc. but can't find anything.

I'm in the middle of my first gourmet mushroom grow. Things are going well.

There is one cake however, which is pinning/fruiting but also putting off quite a mass of amorphous non-pinning growth. And I'm not talking mycelia, this stuff's pretty solid.

What is it? And what is it a symptom of?

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It could be a number of things and happening for a few different reasons. mainly depending on what kind of edible mushroom it is.

if its pinning/fruiting I wouldn't worry about it. Also if there are other cakes that are doing fine consider moving them around to check environmental variables?

can you get any pics?

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Moving it to another terrarium is a good idea.

Unfortunately I had my camera stolen so I can't take pics. But I found these ones on the 'net which closely resemble what's happening to mine.

There's a good photo here in the gallery but it's too large to post.


Here's a smaller but less good photo...


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