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Found 8 results

  1. Hopefully trying to find something in the $15-20 range in healthy condition -- crest or branchy. Alternatively would enjoy seeing more photos of this funky looking plant.
  2. Hi, please don't laugh at the photos (I know you will!) I've been struggling for over 4 years trying to care for my cacti, they're still alive (just) and it's still my first attempt. I had done my research before purchasing seeds but obviously hadn't read enough as my cacti soon began shrinking in the poor soil. It was diagnosed as a lighting problem, but a new system didn't help much. Eventually I changed the soil and they expanded like a dry sponge in water (well not quite that fast!). Much later, when they were doing well, I dropped the poor things on their heads when the tray I was carrying went arse over tit. Amazingly they survived the fall, but leaned, lurched and etiolated. Eventually they were so thin, I thought they'd die if I took cuttings and dried them out even more (and I was afraid of them getting infected from the cut). Since they were doing so badly in the tent, I moved them to the window. I figured since they were horizontal, they might be able to take root in the neighbouring pots. Another fail, lol! BUT it looks like maybe a second chance as pups are appearing!!! It was a complete surprise when I discovered the first two just before xmas. If I leave them alone, will they survive? If I have to separate them, how best to do it? It would be a nice change to have some success!
  3. From the album: Trichocereus Freaks

    Trichocereus bridgesii (Helen x Bertha) Looks like we have a new variegated specimen. This one is lightly dotted with chlorophyl..
  4. The sale system from a previous sale thread of mine: The price is $1/cm. PRICE REDUCED by 25%! Local pickup offered and preferred so I don't have to handle this very spiny cactus too much PM me for postage estimates. #1 (33cm): SOLD $25 #2 (60cm): SOLD $45 #3 (78cm): SOLD #4 (86cm): PENDING $64 #5 (87cm): AVAILABLE $65 #6 (88cm): SOLD #7 (84cm): SOLD $63 #8 (82cm): AVAILABLE $61 #9 (104cm): AVAILABLE $78 #10 (71cm): AVAILABLE $53 #11 (80cm): SOLD $60 #12 (82cm): AVAILABLE $61 #13 (85cm): AVAILABLE $63
  5. Hi guys, I am looking for Eileen seeds. Doesnt matter if it´s crosses or maybe old seed. I wasnt able to receive a cutting from Ed years ago and I am very interested in raising this beauty from seed and if anyone should ever have some available please let me know.
  6. OK I have some spare cuts of Trichocereus Bridgesii cut from Granada Hills, CA. One is a skinny looking normal sized heavy blue and heavy monstrose version, the other is a bridgezoid looking trich. Shaped like a fat pach, but puts off Bridgesii spines. Don't have pics but I know I have at least 2-3 cuts to give away. You pay shipping. First to post gets first dibs. Must live in US and pay shipping. All claimed thanks
  7. Hey yáll, Ive been a cactus/ succulent fanatic for years, and cannot ever truly stop learning more and obtaining more of them. I want to establish some sort of trade with people, because I have just cleared out many of my "leftover" offsets of plants which have been cluttering up my area, I have quite a few plants to trade in exchange, though some may be too common and though it may not look like much, it continues to grow every week and may include many dozens more after the growing season plants I offer; -kalanchoe "mother plant" cuttings and rooted, two-five types -crested epiphyte (since died) -yellow opuntia microdasys monstrosa (spiraly type) -crassula oblongata -echinopsis oxygona (small) -crassula lycopoides (thin form and monstrose form) -rhipsalis baccifera -faucaria tigrina -some kleinia cactus-looking succulent -opuntia monacantha monstrosa normal and joseph''s coat -opuntia subulata monstrosa -Wild Arizona golden jumping cactus (from aunts backyard) -silver unknown (dangerous) jumping cactus -opunia compresa& -interesting Brasiliopuntia varieties -various echeverias,aeoniums, as well as the usual "succulents" (desert rose, aloe vera, crassula ovata+monstrosa variety) -a few euphorbias, medusa and corn-cob type, very beautiful.. and maybe a few more.California Natives like dudleyas and such. future; many dozens of imaginable prickly pear varieties for consumption, and for beauty. So far I only have small, undivisible cuttings not ready for trade. I wish to grow all my mother plants to make divisible for trading and plain sharing purposes. In addition to plants, I may provide tips and plant Identification Plants I'm looking for; -pereskia aculeata or grandiflora(or both) -possibly pereskiopsis as mine is not doing too well -quiabentia verticulata or other varieties -crested cacti, and succulents, agaves or aloes of any kind (a fuzzy echeveria would be best) -I like monstrose plants as well, but especially into spirally mutations -Will appreciate variegations as well -mirtillocactus var fukurokuryuzinboku, or breast myrtillocactus -eulychnea castanea varispiralis -penis plant lophocereus schotti monstrosa/inermis -astrophytum (any) -tephrocactus geometrizans (the snowman looking one) -turbinicarpus (any) -leichtenbergia principus -aztekium ritterii -digitostigma -macherocereus gummosus -fouqieria idria columnaris -euphorbia obesa -any exceptionally cool Australian succulents like the ones shown or others from the beach, desert etc) also looking for grafting tips as I have not managed one successful opuntia subulata monstrose graft, and have tried several scions. Thanks, and I hope you may find something you are looking for:)
  8. likely Trichocereus cuzcoensis KK242 (previously named as Trichocereus bridgesii): Ariocarpus fissuratus: Lophophora williamsii:
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