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Found 7 results

  1. Hello All! (I should start this off by saying I know hardly anything about this topic.) I've recently seen many videos popping up on Facebook and youtube, all Ted talks and such. Videos about how our gut/ micro biome and how this can effect our mental health. I was wondering if anyone here has experimented with different probiotic medicine, supplements or probably more commonly diets to improve mental health or cognitive function. These new discoveries have come about during a time where my health has been poor in terms of digestion and this lead to an obvious link between how I'm feeling not only physically but mentally. So if anyone can share their experiences with similar events in their lives I would love to hear it. This same thing may also bring good evidence to purging. https://www.technologynetworks.com/neuroscience/videos/your-belly-controls-your-brain-298065 This interesting video sums up a lot of other research i have seen -Thanks guys!
  2. Starting this thread for somewhere to compile vids on maintaining a healthy body system, feel free to engage and hope you think it was a good idea too. So I'll start with a cool vid I found on cleansing the liver.
  3. So i dont know how the shamans in south america go about harvesting psychotria viridis, but im wondering if it would be safe for me to harvest all of the leaves off of my 3 psychotria nexus plants. I dont want to hurt the plants obviously. Has anyone harvested all the leaves off their plant(s) before? If so was the plant ok. Im fairly new to growing plants and dont know all that much about it.
  4. kava kava powder snake root neem oil sesame seeds catha eudilis Cactus grandiflorus cola nitilda Mimosa hostilis voucanga africana seeds voucanga leaves voucanga tree bark Moringa seeds strophantus gratus tincture strophantus seeds Iboga root back powder yohimbe powder Kratom Lophophora williamsii we offer extracts like ***,*********,ibogaine.....we also have seeds and cuttings. All prucedures have their tutorials for better clearifications https://www.facebook.com/aly.taylor.127?ref=hl bamerlab(at)gmail(dot)com ***moderator edit, this member is not in Australia and importataion of some of these items may not be legal where you are in the world. Check before placing any orders****
  5. You're going to be affected by this at some stage- either your own, or someone else's- menopause. I never thought I'd live this long /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d Wasn't having consistent symptoms I could identify as menopause or perimenopause, but I had this dreadful, dreadful lethargy I thought was a symptom of depression, even tho I felt emotionally fine the lethargy was going to cripple me financially sooner or later cos it was hard to plan and work Mentioned it to a mate who went through menopause the hard way for a while and she said she had fast and complete relief from a commercial extract of black cohosh called Reminifen One tablet daily for two days. Done full days work ever since, no shirking. Feel awesome I'll keep on it for a few months to see if it's placebo, but I doubt it. Might talk to my apothecary about a straight tincture of black cohosh root to see if they recommend it or not Anyone else had experiences with menopause or successful menopause treatments? ( I put this here rather than Ethno or Pharma because it's a mix of both, and the product is commercially available )
  6. Hi all, I've recently come by a few plants that look like they may need a little help, health wise... Hoping for some advice from those that have experience with whatever illness(es) these recent acquisitions may be suffering from....(rot/scale??) Best form of care/treatment I should be providing for these plants. Any info is greatly appreciated! Thanks SlB Gallery here.... http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?app=gallery&album=601
  7. The Victorian drug statistics handbook 2003: Patterns of drug use and related harm in Victoria http://www.health.vic.gov.au/drugservices/downloads/hbook_2003.pdf Not much use, messy and inconsistent stats - sometimes MDMA is included as a hallucinogen ( eg for health reporting purposes), sometimes not 2007 National Drug Strategy Household Survey http://www.aihw.gov.au/publications/phe/ndshs07-df/ndshs07-df.pdf Form of hallucinogens used, recent users aged 14 years or older - Datura/angel’s trumpet comes in at a staggering 4.7%, but they admit there isRESEARCH CHEMICAL DRUG USE a "Relative standard error greater than 50%." AUSTRALIAN DRUG TRENDS 2010 Findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDR http://ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au/NDARCWeb.nsf/resources/Conference1/$file/IDRS+&+EDRS+2010.pdf - Not a lot of people using tropanes, though why it was included under the heading of "RESEARCH CHEMICAL DRUG USE" is a mystery...(Thanks for this qualia )
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