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Found 4 results

  1. Hello all, I hope your sundays are more pleasant than mine. I also hope someone can offer me advice. Recently I got picked up by those pretend police that patrol the trains in Melbourne for having my feet on the seat. Although I think this is a bullshit law that doesn't cause anyone any injustice (the train was empty and my feet were socked and clean), I still concede that I knowingly broke the law and got caught. (It sucks because I was even hyper-paranoid and looked for 'speccies at every stop! Bastards sneaked up on me!) Anyway: they also got me for "failing to produce a valid ticket". Now this time it is pure bullshit because I did indeed have a valid ticket; I don't fare evade because I am a heavy supporter of public transport. What happened was: i used myki (the electronic ticketing system which is now the only option in Melbourne) at the station immediately prior to boarding the train, as per usual. However when the inspector scanned my ticket with his little scanner thing, it said I had not touched my ticket at the station. However I did, and I had also used it immediately prior which should have also been good enough. The part where it gets really tricky is that the fines were due today (even though it's a Sunday, and you have to pay at post offices, and as Vernon Dursley says "There's no post on sunday!"). I forgot about them until today :S. Further, I cannot possibly afford to pay either of the $207 fines because my bank account is -$150. I want to submit a claim to have the matter reviewed, but this must be done by post, by the due date. Tomorrow I will seek legal counsel at my university, but for the time being: does anyone have any ideas? I really don't want both fines to go up by 100 dollars. I will be very sad. Thanks for your time. edit: PS I now live in Sydney, I don't suppose my interstate fines will just disappear will they....?
  2. I live in the US, and we have this OSHA (occupational safety and health admin) that is supposed to ensure a safe work environment for employees. Anyway over the summer (july) one of the upper management mixed bleach and hydrochloric acid which poisoned a bunch of employees with chlorine gas. The next day management sent employees out to the contaminated work space assuring them that it was safe to do so. However one of these employees was gravely injured due to residual chlorine gas. The manager who caused the accident is still employed by the company. I filed a complaint with OSHA (who provides whistle blower protection), and an agent came out in September, inspected the facility and fined the company in excess of 20,000 USD. On Sunday a bunch of power tools were stolen from work (at least 3 with battery packs and charger and a bag full of tools). They questioned me, since I had supposedly been in the area twice when the theft took place in the maintenance shop. The first time I was in the shop, a new employee (2 weeks on the job) was back there, I introduced my self and dropped my back pack off in the office, and then left. The other employee was in the office the entire time I was back there the first time and would have been privy to any suspicious activity. The second time I was in the back, I was there for a minute or two, just long enough to grab my back pack and leave. Certainly not enough time to hide that many power tools AND grab my back pack (which wouldn't fit that much crap in it anyway). I also stopped on my way out to talk to a co-worker for a good 15-20 minutes, where a back pack full of power tools would be easily noticed. Management (the same manager who caused the chlorine accident) called me in on Tues and asked a whole bunch of questions, which I was very forthcoming and honest about. They claim that it could only be me or the new guy (I have been there over six years). I go in to work today, and the same manager wants to talk to me again. This time I wrote up all the evidence which proves I could not have possibly stolen the equipment in advance and provide it to them before the meeting. They tell me they aren't accusing me of stealing the equipment, and it doesn't even matter if I did or not. My story is not consistent, and they don't feel comfortable employing me further. I ask what is inconsistent, and they do not offer explanation. I ask to know the exact amount of time I was in the shop area both the first and second time, they refuse to provide this information, even though they have it on tape. I state my belief that I am being discriminated against for filing the OSHA complaint that resulted in over 20,000 USD fines. They of course deny this. They offer me 2 weeks of pay if they terminate me and offer 4 weeks pay if I willingly resign. I begin to sign the willing resignation and tear it up after my first name is signed. I take off my work shirt and leave the building. I am currently filing for discrimination with OSHA, and will be contacting a local employment attorney to weigh my options. Any other suggestions? EDIT: I have been there six and a half years handling tools/equipment and parts ordering and 2 years working a cash register, and have never been implicated in theft of any kind.
  3. There are many communities around, but there is only one Community. And that's us folks, everyone one of us. You, me and the freaks making their own little communities. We are the One True Community, and it's all about Love folks, it's all about Love. You don't have to join, you are already here. We gather here to celebrate the expansion of the mind, but we aren't the only ones. There are others, such as those who have never taken plant medicines of the kind you and I know, but still manage to create works of art that can grace any psychedelic experience. You won't meet them here, but they are part of us. The One. There are no rules, but are bound together by but one thing, and that's Love. Whether you know it or not, that's what it's all about, folks, it's about Love. Love for your friends, your Lovely neighbours, your Loving family, your Loving plants, their Loving plants, the plants of the Loving planet, the animals of Love, the Lovely insects, the rocks of infinite Love. There are no Love leaders, only free spirits, free and in Love. I am no leader; Love needs no Love masters and no Love slaves, my role in this is to make the first Loving post and then go away on a Lovely holiday, leaving you all to wallow in Love while I am away. Love you all xxx
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