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Found 10 results

  1. hello all.... my shamanic name is forgotten, but intention is pure... i have started a career in horticulture... i have the startings of a shamanic garden, as i strictly (for now) refer to my practice as conversational art, (for the purpose of psychological healing) i do not wish to medicate others until i have unmedicated myself.... (although i do not see medication as the only or even the first route towards healing) so for now the only drug i have is coffee... i also have peanuts, tomatoes, lettuce, a fuschia, strawberries, corn, the wonga wonga vine, some cereus cacti , a prickly pear, a sunflower, chillies my current thinking is to have lemons, an acacia confusa(time...) as well as some various other plants for dreaming.... was basically wondering if anyone had any recommendations... I am as the spirits(god)(whatever your name is) refer to as the nitrous shaman... it is time for me to put down this shamanic tool, leave my trances... and learn... so in your answer...extra bonus points for a possible use in addiction psychology... creative answers are welcome though always
  2. Cool short video on ayahuasca neuroscience and shamanism. [media]
  3. Perhaps this question has already been asked. I feel I have answered it in my own way over recent, so on account of that would be very interested to hear others thoughts / experiences, views etc. I hope my intentions here have been understood. Love for one and all
  4. kava kava powder snake root neem oil sesame seeds catha eudilis Cactus grandiflorus cola nitilda Mimosa hostilis voucanga africana seeds voucanga leaves voucanga tree bark Moringa seeds strophantus gratus tincture strophantus seeds Iboga root back powder yohimbe powder Kratom Lophophora williamsii we offer extracts like ***,*********,ibogaine.....we also have seeds and cuttings. All prucedures have their tutorials for better clearifications https://www.facebook.com/aly.taylor.127?ref=hl bamerlab(at)gmail(dot)com ***moderator edit, this member is not in Australia and importataion of some of these items may not be legal where you are in the world. Check before placing any orders****
  5. Gday all. I watched a documentary on sbs recently that talked about aboriginals traditionally using kava root for spiritual/medicinal uses. I dont really know much about this stuff but i always thought it was a mauri thing. apparently it exists or has existed in aus for a long time. i kinda presumed it was native to nz. does anyone know what tribes (or at least what regions) this practice was taking place? i believe the aboriginal culture is threatened and knowledge about it should be shared. aboriginals use all sorts of bush medicine. i am friends with an elder and we went camping/gold prospecting a while back. one thing i remember is he talked about a plant that the huntsmen would chew the leaves from to give them energy. my thoughts is that this plant is a part of the sida family. sorry if my post is all over the place. talk soon
  6. The DVD is readying to go live: http://www.aya-awakenings.com/watch.html AYA: Awakenings is a documentary journey into the world and visions of Amazonian shamanism, adapted from the cult book 'Aya: a Shamanic Odyssey' by Rak Razam. As Razam sets out to document the booming business of Amazonian shamanism in the 21st century, he quickly finds himself caught up in a culture clash between the old world and the new. Braving a gringo trail of the soul, he uncovers a movement of ‘spiritual tourists’ coming from the West for a direct experience of the multi-dimensional reality shamanism connects one to. Central to this is ayahuasca – the “vine of souls” – a legal South American entheogenic plant medicine that has been used by Amazonian people for millennia to heal physical ailments and to cleanse and purify the spirit, connecting it to the web of life. Western seekers also experiment with smokable dimethyltryptamine (DMT), and the juxtaposition of these two sacraments, and the way they are used by Westerners, is a central theme of the film. In researching the mystery of ayahuasca, Razam undergoes his own shamanic initiation, undergoing numerous tests and trials in the jungle and the psychic landscapes the vine reveals. On the way he encounters a motley crew of characters, from rogue scientists that conduct DMT-brain scans on jungle psychonauts to indigenous and Western shamans that slowly unravel his cultured mind and reveal the magical landscape of the spirit world. And the more he drinks this potent jungle medicine the deeper it leads him: from the wet jungle where the ayahuasca vine grows and on into the raging heart of consciousness itself. His journey culminates in the Sacred Valley of the Andes, where secrets of the ancient Incas are revealed to him and the true nature of the global resurgence in shamanism is brought to light. By blending narration directly from the book with video footage, interviews with practicing curanderos, samples of traditional icaros or magic songs, photographs and cutting edge special effects, AYA: Awakenings reproduces the inner landscape of the visionary state in unprecedented detail, invoking an awakening in the viewer. Featuring the artwork of Pablo Amaringo, Andy Debrenardi and more; written by Rak Razam and directed by Tim Parish, video editing by Verb Studios, soundscapes by Lulu Madill and music by Shpongle, Tipper, Darpan, Lula Cruz, Syren and curanderos Norma Panduro, Guillermo Arevalo, Percy Garcia Lozano, Ron Wheelock and Kevin Furnas, this documentary charts the Global Shamanic Resurgence born in the jungles of Peru and reaching out to embrace the world.
  7. Hiya fellas! I recently read a fantastic book called "Breaking Open the Head" by one Daniel Pinchbeck. It's an account of his exploration and research into psychedelic shamanism, and it's a fantastic read. Out of the entire book though, one part of it really stuck with me. The following is an excerpt of the book. It talks about the idea of higher dimensional entities (whether literally or metaphorically) gaining power and influence from our very beliefs. If you've got the time, please give it a read! I'm very curious to hear what you guys think!
  8. what exactly is shamanism? what is a shamanic practice? What is a shamanic product? in a concise and literally legible format please describe what you believe shamanism to be.
  9. Just thought I'd let you guys know about a little exhibition that's coming to Sydney soon. It's the work of Joseph Beuys, especially his work dealing with shamanism, myth and folk medicine. Details here. Beuys is one of my favourites. He certainly fit the art world of the 20th century as well as all the big players, but at the same time, he was the most honest and direct and independent thinker of all of them (no mean feat). In an era where high art eschewed the spiritual, the traditional, the political, the ecologically-minded and other such phenomenological approaches to relating to our world, he was dealing with these most basic and universal human concerns with depth and beauty; a true European pagan shaman in the guise of celebrated art world personality. A lot of people with little contact with post-war modernist art have a hard time finding an entry point into understanding his work (it certainly isn't all pretty pictures), but I recommend all of you psychonauts with a truly open mind take some time into reading about his life and art. There's a magical, spiritual, poetic "something" there, and it sits outside what can be really felt with mere language. Surely that's something to which trippers can relate.
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