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Found 14 results

  1. I am trying to find what to plant from these two kinds of trees (Acacias and mimosas) that can be grown outdoors without dying in winter from snow. live in Greece
  2. MeanGreen

    Mimosa Hostilis

    From the album: MeanGreen's Ethnobotanical Garden

    It's incredible how fast these plants grow, much faster than any other acacia or mimosa I have, even faster than pudica it seems.
  3. From the album: MeanGreen's Ethnobotanical Garden

    Seedling about 2 months old

    © MeanGreen

  4. Hi All, I have a friend who is excitied about his young yopo seedling and posted a vid of it closing leaves rapidly in response to his misting spray... I told him this means it must be actually Mimosa pudica, as that is the only species I know that does that. All (most?) mimosa, acacia, desmanthus etc... close at night, but I was fairly certain that only PUDICA will rapidly fold it's leaves in response to touch. He reckons that the seed was legit, supplied by "Herbs of the Gods" in Amsterdam, and has googled and compared the seed of each. I never saw his seed so I don't know. It's a very young seedling, so looks like any of 400 similar species right now.. I've grown m. pudica many times, and other acacias, but never yopo. Wiki's "Rapid Plant Movement" page lists M. pudica, but not A. peregrina as able to fold rapidly... Can someone confirm yopo does or doesn't rapidly fold it's leaves in response to touch?
  5. Gardner, D., F. Riet-Correa, D. Lemos, K. Welch, J. Pfister, and K. Panter. 2014. Teratogenic effects of Mimosa tenuiflora in a rat model and possible role of N-methyl- and N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Article ASAP. doi:10.1021/jf5005176. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24689494 The researchers fed pregnant rats with food pellets containing some M. tenuiflora leaf, seed, alkaloid extract of the leaf or seed, or purified DMT or NMT, then examined them for abnormalities at 21 days gestation. The dosage was not extreme: the greatest concentrations were in the leaf enhanced feed, which contained around 150 μg/g apiece of DMT and NMT, while the feeds enhanced with either pure DMT or NMT contained around 60 μg/g. Cleft palates were observed to varying degrees in all groups except for the control. Skeletal abnormalities were observed in all groups, including the control, but occurred with significantly greater frequency in the experimental feed groups. For the DMT-fed rats, skeletal deformities were observed in approximately 48% of pups, while cleft palate issues were observed in approximately 6%. For the NMT-fed rats, skeletal deformities were observed in approximately 36% of pups, while cleft palate issues were observed in approximately 19%. The group fed a mixture of DMT and NMT (at 116 and 93 μg/g feed, respectively) showed the smallest incidence of skeletal malformations of the experimental feed groups, with approximately 13%; for comparison, the incidence in the control group was approximately 9%. The combined DMT and NMT also resulted in the highest incidence of cleft palate issues, approximately 57%, and was the only feed type where any pups exhibited hard palate damage. There is one very curious feature about this study: the rats were not fed any monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) during the course of the study. Under ordinary circumstances, orally-administered DMT is rapidly metabolized by monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzymes before it can enter the bloodstream. Since no MAOIs were administered and the doses do not appear sufficient to saturate the MAO enzyme, it is most likely that any effects occurred not as a direct result of DMT or NMT, but as a result of their metabolites. The primary metabolite of both DMT and NMT is indole-3-acetic acid, and has been noted as `` mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells''. It is also unclear why teratogenic effects would only have been noticed in rats and Brazilian cattle. They are far from the only animals that eat tryptamine-rich forage. Both sheep and cattle sometimes graze on Phalaris grass, and while they occasionally suffer phalaris staggers, no correlation between Phalaris and birth defects has been noted. And giraffes eat large quantities of tryptamine-rich Acacia foliage, apparently without issue. What this means for humans is unclear. While the study didn't use outlandish quantities of DMT, the dosage schedule was still very different than in a DMT-using human. For the rats, DMT was consumed throughout the day as part of every meal. In humans, DMT is not typically used on a daily basis, much less on a perpetual basis. It is difficult to draw any equivalencies between sporadic use in humans and chronic low-level use in rats. Still, it raises some concerns for any women who consume DMT while pregnant.
  6. kava kava powder snake root neem oil sesame seeds catha eudilis Cactus grandiflorus cola nitilda Mimosa hostilis voucanga africana seeds voucanga leaves voucanga tree bark Moringa seeds strophantus gratus tincture strophantus seeds Iboga root back powder yohimbe powder Kratom Lophophora williamsii we offer extracts like ***,*********,ibogaine.....we also have seeds and cuttings. All prucedures have their tutorials for better clearifications https://www.facebook.com/aly.taylor.127?ref=hl bamerlab(at)gmail(dot)com ***moderator edit, this member is not in Australia and importataion of some of these items may not be legal where you are in the world. Check before placing any orders****
  7. here is what i found posted on the internet claiming tepezcohuite found in mexico here is the one i found in a nearby area here is another specie let me know your opinions
  8. Hi, I'm looking to get/I mean if you could just send me a cutting or a few seeds in the mail I'd be more than happy to pay for postage! but otherwise I can get a few dollars together to pay for the plant so PM me.. or I definitely may have something to trade you -Piper methysticum (kava) -Anadenanthera or Yopo -Banisteriopsis caapi -Voacanga africana -mimosa hostilis -catha edulis -tabernanthe Thanks guys Entheogenic garden
  9. Hey guys just a quick question. Why is it at the end of the day in my grow closet, I find my 6 month old mimosa babies all droopy? Is this a sign of a hard days growing? They are watered every few days, as soon as the first few inches are dry. They have been growing steadily since germination so I was just wondering if anybody knows what this is about. Sorry for poor photo quality, my camera cant keep up with the strobe of my HIDs
  10. Hello, hello. I have a bunch of seeds that are lying around and since the Free Trade Thread seems to be no more, I have no room for these and there is no need for them to possibly lose their viability. I would like to trade but some of the chilli's I am unsure of viability as they're are not from this grow season so some will go away for nothing. Just wanting to share the bits and pieces back to the community. So I have already bagged up the seeds and most have between ~15-30 seeds. Some more, some less. Anywho, here's the list. Chilli; - 1x Naga Morich.. ~20 seeds each. - 1x Explosive Ember.. ~15 seeds. - 1x Rainbow.. ~20 seeds. - 1x Ebony Fire.. ~20 seeds. - 1x Inferno.. ~20 seeds. - 1x Sweet Temptation.. ~15 seeds. - 2x Birds Eye.. ~20 seeds each. -2x Naga PC-1..~20 seeds each. -2x Long Red.. ~20 seeds each. (Much like the semi-mild one at the grocery store for a ridiculous price) Others; 1x Trichocereus Terschekii.. ~25 seeds. 1x Trichocereus Pachanoi.. ~25 seeds. 1x Mimosa Hostilis & HWBW.. ~minimal seeds available, so will combine the two as one baggie. 1x Leonotis Nepetifolia.. ~30 seeds. 4x Rivea Corymbosa.. ~25 seeds each. 4x Verbsacum Thapsus.. ~Lots of seeds 3x Pereskiopsis (Un rooted cuttings).. ~I could have done four packs but thought I would jam pack three so there is a fair bit for a beginner or replenishing some root stock *All Seed I haven't overly thought this through or what I would like in return to be honest, lol. Maybe just make an offer or something I guess. If they don't go swiftly I will have to plant them at a relatives who don't care for plants. Anyway, we'll see what happens here Talk soon Edited for what is/isn't available.
  11. From the album: home-yard

    calea, mimosa, acacia simplex achiote
  12. greenman62


    From the album: home-yard

  13. From the album: home-yard

    calea , Mimosa, acacia simplex Calea zacatechichi ternifolia dream herb
  14. Ended up digging a 1m x 1m x 1 m hole to plant a large pachanoid in the other day and hit this root while digging. The hole is 6-7 meters away from the nearest Mimosa hostilis I have growing. Based on my observation of dried material I think this might be a root from that plant which is 15 ft tall and has been in the ground (heavy clay soil) 1-2 years. Can anyone with experience (Zaka,Kada, PH?) confirm?
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