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The Corroboree


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  1. thanks Sally I am in New Orleans. while we dont freeze often most years will get a light freeze, 30F or so. every few years we get an arctic blast which means 26-28F. normally only a few hours and the ground never really freezes hard. as far as finding a place. The yard is full, but, im sure i can add a couple of posts for it to climb or let it go up the side of my house. I am guessing that if i can keep it alive,the winters will crop it back naturally anyway. can it handle those temps ? Brad
  2. thanks toast... any suggestions on how to grow it ? fertilizer, sun, water, cold-tolerance ?
  3. Theobroma cacao + baobob + loquat for trade -------------------------------------------------------------- have baobob large and small https://www.google.com/search?q=baobab fruit https://www.google.com/search?q=baobab+fruit&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X -------------------------------------------------------------- loquat ------------------------------------------------------------ Theobroma cacaohttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theobroma_cacaoTheobromine and caffeine are similar in that they are related alkaloids. Theobromine is weaker in both its inhibition of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases and its antagonism of adenosine receptors.[38] Therefore, theobromine has a lesser impact on the human central nervous system than caffeine. Theobromine stimulates the heart to a greater degree.[39] While theobromine is not as addictive, it has been cited as possibly causing addiction to chocolate.[40] Theobromine has also been identified as one of the compounds contributing to chocolate's reputed role as an aphrodisiac.[41]As it is a myocardial stimulant as well as a vasodilator, it increases heartbeat, and also dilates blood vessels, causing a reduced blood pressure.[42] A 2005 paper published suggested that the decrease in blood pressure may be caused by flavanols.[22] Its draining effect allows it to be used to treat cardiac failure, which leads to and is exacerbated by an excessive accumulation of fluid in the body.[42] ----------------------------- baobobAdansonia digitatahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adansonia_digitata ----------------------------------------- recent pics permaculture food forest in a suburban lot New Orleans
  4. is this a caapi plant ? i had ordered from a company, and the order got very screwed up nothing was labeled, so, im not sure what this is.
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