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Found 16 results

  1. The local weed population is getting pretty out of hand but i'm sure many people would like to put it to good use! I'll be doing the park a favour by removing it too. Mainly trading seeds, These will grow so fast you hardly need to buy whole plants. If you want anything else PM me Will trade for just about anything (Seeds, cuttings, leaves, a nice postcard)! Just gotta be worth the postage ;) PM me! Australia only (Australia's import laws...)
  2. Interspecific hybrid seed soon to be available. Mother is an intraspecific Datura metel hybrid with purple outer skirt and yellow inner skirt. Father is a wild collected Datura wrightii collected from the Mojave desert. Seed is available for trade for Trichocereus pachanoi seed, pollen, or SASE for first 4 people to reply. I like to have SASE prior to seed maturing fully as I like to send out seeds the day the pod opens and not the day after. I can't be seen sending out old seed after all.
  3. From the album: Datura wrightii and hybrids

    This is a very nice oblique view of my favorite Datura wrightti collected from the Mojave desert. Absolutely breathtakingly sweet fragrance is flowing across the field right now. No other Datura can compare with this one when it comes to sweet fragrance.
  4. From the album: Datura wrightii and hybrids

    Datura wrightii on an overcast day. You can see the faint lavender coloring here much better and as stated before this lavender color can be variable on the same plant being more or less intense on any given day. What you can not see here however is the intensely sweet fragrance of this particular species. I don't know of any other Datura that is as sweet smelling as this one.
  5. From the album: Datura wrightii and hybrids

    Soft lavender tinted picotee edges are seen on this Datura wrightii var. Mojave. Tinting is variable on same plant and can have a variety of intensities.
  6. From the album: Datura wrightii and hybrids

    Datura wrightii immature seed pod showing soft lavender tint over top green. Soft lavender tint also seen over portions of stem in background. Soft velvety coating visible overlaying lavender on stem.
  7. From the album: Datura wrightii and hybrids

    Edge of Datura wrightii flower often light lavender to dark lavender. This particular specimen collected in Mojave desert.
  8. Datura wrightii wild collected from Mojave desert. First packet is free to whomever would like it so long as they respond within 24 hours.
  9. Hey folks, found this guy growing in SE QLD. Looks like datura/brugmansia is anyone able to confirm and if so able to tell me what species of either it might be? Thanks
  10. I'm looking for some small hbwr plants, small datura plants and a caapi plant or fresh cutting, nothing over 20cm. If you have any of the above and are willing to part with them please message me and let me know if your wanting to sell or trade.
  11. 3rdI


    I am going on a plant hunt for a school assignment which requires me to pick 5 plants from the same Family and identify these plant to the species level using keys. I live in SE Melb and was wondering if anyone knows of Solanaceae members I could go out and collect, within driving distance dont think im willing to go further than south gippsland/gippsland. Apparently D. Stramonium or inoxia are out there. I already have a Brugmansia sanguinea which I collected from a neighbour's garden and another brug yet to be identified on the way. Can anyone help me find a few more samples?
  12. Just thought i'd share this really interesting book about shamanic datura use, For anyone interested in these plants i would definitely recommend. If anyones read it then what are your thoughts? This is the first book i've read by Endredy and i must say its a great read, supposedly based on his real life accounts of an apprenticeship with a group of Brujos who taught him the proper use of datura and even some brugmansia.
  13. helllloooo again , another cross by bull bull mother plant 1st 2nd pics , the cross flower only a double fathers not around anymore enjoy
  14. oi u bastards , i have only a couple of seeds 4 the hardcore datura crew!! post why u want them and how much u love me hahaha fuk that!!! just show me sum pics of ya datura flowers or sumthing fuks me hahaha anywho i only have a few. mayb if i get high posts i will do a hat draw?? http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=35574
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