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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Bretloth

  1. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” ~ Jimi Hendrix
  2. That's where you are mistaken, not about greg or his bullshit, that'll never get anywhere, that is obvious. It's the principle. I know what cults do, i've seen it, lived it and breathed it. Have spent months getting a friend out of a very similar cult to the one gregs trying to start, she's really fucked up because of her experience and is only now starting to get back to normality now she has been removed from the group and their influence. She told me just yesterday she has a new lease on life, and is finally happy again even though she has alot of baggage still to deal with. And to be honest it makes me sick that anyone would pander to the people who fuck with peoples minds, lives and souls for their own ego gratification.. All cults do the same things, no matter what they preach. That's the reality. I've spent years researching cults and the people that start them and yes I do hate those fucking maggots, on a par with peadophiles in my book, one rapes innocent bodies, the other innocent minds. Both are parasitic vermin. If you think I'm doing any of this because of hate you'd be mistaken, quite the oppositte. Prevention is better than cure. I fully expected to be criticised and that's fine, brought it on myself. All good, i'm a big boy. My opinions are never popular and I'm not going to change the way I talk or the issues I choose to stand for or against online to present myself in any way. What ever comes from that may, I have nothing to be affraid of. I think Whitewind hit the nail on the head with the community of infinite love, probably are far better way of going about it. Which i'm going to take note of and drop this bullshit. Done what I wanted, said my piecei'm happy with that. Take it or leave it. Peace.
  3. What a crock of bullshit. Progressive my ass. It's a hodgepodge of existing ideas that contridict each other. All that achieves is another cult of bullshit, which is always a social control mechanism. True freedom of spirituality never needs a group, they are mutually exclusive. You cannot have freedom of spirituality and spiritual guidelines, spiritual guidelines is dogma pure and simple. Even if the dogma is freedom of spirituality, there's the irony. I'm not trying to control anyone, you can do whatever the fuck you like. This is a public forum, i'm expressing my views which is my right, as it is gregs or anyone elses. I think cults deserve ridicule, and it amused me for a moment, good enough reason to do anything I feel. Just to be clear, I believe in freedom of spirituality, partly why I'll never start a cult. It's the organized part of religeon i despise. They all talk a good game but the reality is different, even the hare krishnas had a power struggle where people died after the death of their founder.. At the end of the day people can and will do whatever they want, even join a stupid drug cult. I'm not stopping anyone, just saying what I think of it. And I really doubt a out there religeous cult that lets remember has no followers yet, will achieve a damned thing. More likely if it ever gets anywhere it will be to make a nice tabloid cover when they get raided warning about the dangers of drugs.. There's changing the status quo, and there's pretending to change the status quo to achieve status. Writing a few letters is great, lots do it myself included, they just do it for it's own sake and don't post online about it. Posting online about is looking for pats on the back, status, not change. Writing the letter is the important thing. It's like those fake celebreties at charities functions, the charities paid them to attend.. Good publicity. All words of opinion are subjective including yours, think what you like. Was kinda the point.
  4. Leaders are at the forefront, asking you to follow, i'm saying lead yourself from behind kickin you in the ass. Small difference. You can make your own decisions can't you? Or do you need supposedly super special enlightened masters holding your hand?
  5. Bretloth

    Trichocereus Valida

    So does my "pasacana".
  6. Bretloth

    Bunnings score

    *Worked it out, pretty sure it's a Oreocereus celsianus.
  7. Bretloth

    Coconut milk fertilizer

    I think it works. Applied the above four times over two months. Finally got my biggest pedro to throw pups, others have also that have been previously reluctant. Interestingly a few seedlings I tried it on also pupped. I think it's more pupping than normal, but it is far from conclusive. One thing for sure, it doesn't hurt to try.
  8. Bretloth

    Bunnings christmas gift

    Yeah little scop, bunnings has em all the time. Nice one
  9. Bretloth


    Iboga leaf makes a really nice tasting smoke. Maybe a few Iboga leaf joints each night could help with addiction and cravings. Couldn't hurt I wouldn't think. Sometimes just keeping the hands occupied helps. Good luck anyways bro.
  10. Bretloth


    It's nearly that time again! Getting excited
  11. Bretloth

    Ebay for cacti lovers!

    The bottom left pic has a tricho in it, looks to be a pach. Hard to tell from that pic.
  12. Bretloth

    Trichocereus Valida

    Drop in on your way through PD, i'll give you that pollen.
  13. Bretloth

    Trichocereus Valida

    Will be back out there after the holidays, will take proper notes. Pretty sure it's from Ritter as Robert told the story about Ritter coming out here for a job way back when but there wasn't one so continued on his way, when we where setting the ladders up for a cut, he's told me that story before in relation to that plant. Will double check to make sure, memory is a funny thing. Especially when standing in awe of giant cacti lol. One thing I want to get across with this plant also is the pics really don't do it justice, was the 1st thing I noticed when I looked at the pics when I got home, the pictures just don't quite capture it all.
  14. Bretloth

    Trichocereus Valida

    Call it Jim if you want. I think this is where the confusion comes from. People renaming plants, like pachanot, short spined peruvianus, true blue etc etc. Only causes confusion as far as I'm concerned. But the plants don't care either way and I'm not in the mood for a pissing competition, so call it what you like.
  15. Bretloth

    Hunger strike postponed. For now...

    Marcel, do you honestly believe this mental masterbation is acvhieving anything but arguements? Nothing real has come from anything Greg has done here, just silly internet arguements. You can have em, i'm done with this clown.
  16. Bretloth

    Hunger strike postponed. For now...

    I think this is all far more to do with Gregs ego than any of his stated goals, if it was about his stated goals I don't think he'd be talking about it so much, he'd be doing them. Both of Gregs posts seem to me to about getting attention, more than acheiving anything. Talkers talk, doers do. Time to back it up Greg. Ps; Do you plan to contribute anything to this community we already have, as in ethnobotany which this community is about? Or do you wish to just grab a splinter group to lead and further divide us?
  17. Bretloth

    Trichocereus Valida

    It came from Ritter seed as Valida, the owner who has grown cacti longer than any of us calls it Valida. Good enough for me. What PD is refering to is Robert calling his obvious Peruvianus, Roseii, which at the time was an accepted name so no confusion there. As far as I'm aware no real actual expert has ever said the "pc pach" is not a pachanoi. Mr Fields has far more experience than any of us, his father was a share holder of the original expeditions, his family have been at the forefront of cacti in horticulture the entire time, I'll go with what he says.
  18. Bretloth

    Trichocereus Valida

    I think Robert still has all the old catalogues and records etc for his plants, so should be plenty to keep Trout busy there. Defenitly quizzed him about pc, will be hearing more about that soon i'd imagine. Yeah, it's from south america, it's an acceptable form of pachanoi. Weak or not, it's a fucking pach lol. Got some pollen sitting in the freezer for you PD
  19. Bretloth

    Trichocereus Valida

    Not sure how long it took to root, never dug it up. Hasn't really grown at all, just straightened ( as it was a bend )more than anything, only started doing that this month. Been in the pot since last march I think, so around nine months. Was kept inside near a radiator over winter to hopefully stop it going dormant. A few other people I've talked to that have this plant, not sure whether from the same source or not all say it's a slow grower for them. Planted other cuts of varying cacti and sizes at the same time and all of them are well ahead now. It's strange he has never gotten fruit from it before, but I don't think he's actively tried either, will have to double check that. That pach just next to it set fruit last year, might have been from the Valida or who knows but he sold it as pach seed, someone took all of it, thousands apparently, when I asked Robert about it he thought it was self set which surprised me. He doesn't seem to have much natural hybridisation out there though, just the WK echinopsis tricho hybrid, another echinopsis tricho hybrid and the knuthianus x most likely roseii clump. Everything else is what it was to begin with pretty much I think. I'm pretty sure Trout will be following up on all the collection data and everything for what Robert has. No doubt he will be passing that along down the track
  20. Bretloth

    Trichocereus Valida

    Hopefully when enough people are growing this plant we can get enough data points and perspectives to make definate conclusions about it. And hopefully those people post about it here. Please keep in mind i'm no expert and have only about 4-5 years cacti experience, and everything I say is in my opinion only, however unqualified it is. Just enthusiastic lol!
  21. Bretloth

    Trichocereus Valida

    Shit. I just assumed they where different clones to be honest. I'll have to double check next time I'm out there, cheers mate. I think large amounts of material will grow reasnobly quickly but the small cut I got off him last year has hardly grown at all. Much slower than most of my others. But of course that's based on my limited time and understanding of and with the plant. Definetely needs to get out there and studied more. Snu has a cut now so someone with far more knowledge and expertise will be on the job. Was truly a priveledge to spend the day out there with them. Really genuinely nice, humble awesome blokes. Learnt alot to say the least. Very thankfull.
  22. Bretloth

    Good MAOI

    Could just buy a caapi for botanical purposes at the online shop this forum is apart of, was plenty left last I looked.
  23. Bretloth

    Trichocereus Valida

    Will be getting it out there. Collected some pollen for PD to make some hybrids with, going try one myself on a non pc pach I've got that's going to flower, got some immature flower buds on the valida cut i'm hopeing don't abort, bit of luck get some nice bridgesii pollen from somewhere to cross with it that way too. Got a cut of both clones so eventually there will be pure bred seed as well. Have to be patient for cuts with this one though, slow grower, took it 50 odd years to get that big. Not surprised most don't want to give any of theirs up, bloody lucky Mr Fields did, but I've been out there abit and developed abit of a relationship with him, top bloke. I figure It's not going to hurt me time and growth wise anyway, my big cut has a bend that will probably take a year or two to straighten before it grows much anyway. So best to cut off the bend leaving a nice straight tip, callous both, root my tip cut in a pride of place big massive fuck off pot, and plant the bend mid cut to get some pups out there me thinks
  24. Bretloth

    Gettn back onboard..........

    Glad you're back mate, talk soon
  25. Bretloth

    my seedling grafts a few years on

    Some stunning plants, very nice