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Everything posted by lhb2444

  1. lhb2444

    Just had this fitted

    Stage two commences!
  2. lhb2444

    Free Seed Raffle - Ephedra Packs + Bonuses

    Count me in!! Thanks endorfinder!
  3. lhb2444

    WTB - Fat tricho logs

    Hey hey, I'm looking to buy some fat tricho logs, preferably bridgesii or peru but beggars can't be choosey (so they say) so I'm not to fussed. I am however on a budget (damn student life!) so if anyone has any scarred, scabbed, sun burnt or otherwise unwanted cuts that they would like to part with at a discounted price I would be ever so grateful.
  4. lhb2444

    WTB - Fat tricho logs

    Thanks Shruman
  5. lhb2444

    WA daredevil body-slams cactus

    Fuck! One should not body slam heavily spined Optunias, I wonder what the thought process was that ended with this happening?
  6. lhb2444

    New growth

    Thanks Trichoshaman, there's been a fairly rapid acquisition of cacti and ethno's since. Based on the pic below which I think was taken on 05/01/2011 its been a little over 2 years. I bought this seedling (which is the last photo above) and the pach cuttings at the same time on ebay.
  7. lhb2444

    New growth

    I was having beers yesterday afternoon and taking photos of the garden and thought I'd share some pictures with you all, enjoy! The patch Knuthianus T. bridgesii 'Jess' T. bridgesii T. macro 'Tipz' T. bridgesii 'Eileen' T. pachanoi 'Yowie' T. peruvianus 'Puquiensis KK1689' T. bridgesii 'Psycho0' I thinks its a T. peruvianus T. macro 'Tipz' My first graft a TBM onto T. pachanoi T. peruvianus 'Roseii' T. spachianus T. scopulicola T. pasacana Pachypodium lamerei T. bridgesii Brugmansia Euphorbia grandicornis Psychotria carthagenensis or alba T. bridgesii planted in the ground about 2 months ago Seedlings growing well Bought this as a seedling on ebay which was a little seedling about 11 cm tall as of 5/01/2011, pretty quick grower and looks lovely
  8. lhb2444

    Best option for cacti potting mix

    Thats pretty much what I do syner and my cacti seem happy. I use 2 parts soil to 1 part river sand and 1 part perlite.
  9. lhb2444

    Man caught with 700 LSD tabs

    The dude had obviously gone full retard to be carrying that many tabs (not really an issue in its own right) but plus 8 grams of weed through a train station and seriously? Asking for trouble.
  10. lhb2444

    Pallet furniture

    Thought I'd update this old thread with a few new pieces I've made. Been pretty lazy in all, carrying those pallets around is hard work plus I'm running out of things to build for myself but nevertheless finding little projects here and there.
  11. lhb2444

    Tool Tour 2013

    Last time I saw tool (whichever BDO they were at last) they were very disappointing, that could have been due to an unexpected EPIC performance from Rammstein which I'm not a big fan off. I will be attending this Sydney gig though just so I can see them doing there thing at their own show which, fingers crossed, will be much better!
  12. lhb2444

    Just had this fitted

    I think the expansion could finally be finished! I see my surgeon Wednesday to confirm that its been expanded far enough, by my count it's about 5mm to 6mm wider (by measuring the gap between my teeth.) I've noticed its also widened my nose a little and improved my ability to breath through the nose greatly which is pretty cool.
  13. lhb2444

    Just had this fitted

    Heaps of people go to asia for all sorts of surgeries I guess its all about how much you trust the surgeon/dentist you have doing your procedure. I actually had a surgery that required general anesthetic and the use of bone saws on my jaw/palette to restructure my my upper jaw which I definitely was not comfortable having done overseas. Don't get me wrong there probably are plenty of good surgeons and what not over there but I have no idea how to find them and it could get pretty expensive staying there while you have consultations with various people to pick who your going have perform your procedure, plus then there's the potential language barrier if your wanting to ask questions (which I definitely was) I also had a 3 day stay in hospital for recovery and again I have no idea what their hospitals are like but I doubt would have been as good as the private hospital I was in. Finally if something goes wrong a month or 2 later then you've either gotta see someone here to fix it which makes it more expensive in the end or if your able fly back over there (getting expensive) and see your surgeon/etc again.
  14. lhb2444

    Just had this fitted

    Not really, I would have thought so. While in the hospital the Fentanyl worked wonders but out of hospital I only had 1 script, no repeats of 30mg codeine tablets which only lasted 3 days then I was on my own
  15. lhb2444

    Just had this fitted

    haha not a new body mod craze. It's part of my orthodontic treatment to correct my bite and reduce the pressure on one side of jaw (due to my bite only one side of my jaw takes the pressure from me chewing which is causing early onset arthritis of my jaw and wearing my teeth down to quickly) This process is slowly widening my upper jaw so that when I get my braces and my teeth are moved into the correct position to fill the gaps (plus a few false teeth to fill in some other gaps) they will all meet flush and hence my whole jaw will be sharing the workload of my eating therefore averting the problems of arthritis and worn teeth. It should also give me a nice smile when all said and done
  16. lhb2444

    Just had this fitted

    Got some serious gap now
  17. lhb2444

    Late xmas present for mum

    Yeah pretty well on the money there snowfella with the species, dont have the tags anymore but the species are correct at least. I put a heap of extra drainage holes in the bottom and the mix is basically 35% premium cacti mix, 30% sand and 25% perlite. I watered it in and it pretty well dries out within a good few hours or so (I made it that way thinking mum would probably overwater it) It sits on the balcony just under cover to plus my little brothers a keen cacti enthusiast so he should be able to keep them in check.
  18. Finally got around to potting up mums chrissy present and thought I'd share a picture of it. Anyone else here give presents like these to their loved ones?
  19. lhb2444

    Late xmas present for mum

    Thanks bro, I think she'll be pretty pleased when she gets home from work to find this. She did want it to be portable though but my desire to get as many cacti as possible in there got the better of me and hence the pot is to big and heavy now its full for her to move around.
  20. Yeah man I do but I'm not at home at the moment to compare nor have I grafted any yet so I can't be of much help just yet. I am planning on grafting a heap when I'm home though so i'll keep you posted!
  21. lhb2444

    Just had this fitted

    Starting to get a nice little gap forming.
  22. lhb2444

    Just had this fitted

    Thanks Amazonian so far so good! I think the after this the braces will be a piece of cake haha. Its actually LHB which stands for Lighthouse Beach in Port Macquarie (postcode 2444) Pretty shitty name in hindsight but was all that came to mind when I made it
  23. lhb2444

    Just had this fitted

    Thought it might be time for an update! Had my surgery last Tuesday which was successful and recovery in the hospital was painless and pretty cruisy (thank fuck for fentanyl!!!) The first 2 days out of hospital were fucking hell though, was a big step from IV fentanyl at the push of a button to 30mg of oral codeine every 6 hours Thankfully the pain is less and less now as the days go on and I'm at my parents place in Port Macquarie being looked after which is nice. I also found out my old girl has a healthy stash of endone in the medicine draw for some reason which certainly subdues the pain when needed a hell of a lot better than my codeine script. I began the actual expanding of my palette today too (I do 1/6mm per day to a total of 4mm) which I was told by a friend who had the surgery years ago was the most painfull part of the process, thankfully it wasn't to bad at all it just feels like someone's putting constant pressure on my teeth which is a little uncomfortable but definitely not what I was expecting. I'll upload some photos once I can actually see the expansion is parting my teeth over the next week or two..