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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by applesnail

  1. applesnail

    Strange growth on TBM

    no it was a mid cut a metre in length so it doesnt matter if its upside down or not, either planted end will grow roots..all good i chopped the top off it and planted it..will get pics when the rain stops!
  2. applesnail

    Strange growth on TBM

    no there growin from the top of the cut...trippy..its already rooted in a pot...i put BAP on the top areole in hope of getting a top pup coming out, but this weird shit has appeared like cisumevils TBM...i can only assume it is roots also...i was thinking it may be some kinda internal host feeding cos this bridgsii has been sick for over a year, yellowing...ive fed it nitrogen all kinds of shit trying to revive it....have never checked the roots tho to see if theres nastys in the pot tho...
  3. applesnail

    Strange growth on TBM

    I got the same strange growth by the looks of it on a sick looking bridgsii ive been trying to bring back to health..I used BAP on the areole in hope of growing a pup, but by the looks nature has reverse intentions and has decided to grow roots instead!
  4. applesnail

    Reducing the space between internodes on Salvia

    this will do the trick mate.. or you could tip em also, so they branch out like a bob marley plant...snip the top main stem right off to promote branching.... http://www.ebay.com....=item1c1fa18c1b
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tQYexLuyj9s#!
  6. applesnail

    Wanted - Mansoa alliacea "ajos sacha"

    yr welcome mate gave me something to google today!
  7. applesnail

    Wanted - Mansoa alliacea "ajos sacha"

    CLUSIA ROSEA -Renequilla" is available here http://www.darwinpla...ue-Jun-2011.pdf and STEVIA REBAUDIANA - Sugar Plant is available here:- http://www.whitehous...=302&Itemid=247 these two plants are the ingredient for the sachamama herbal stuff they sell as renequilla! http://www.qoriintih...oduct/sachamama other then that one may have to wander the amazon searching the spirits!
  8. applesnail

    Wanted - Mansoa alliacea "ajos sacha"

    this place in nambour has it! http://www.paraplants.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=18&Itemid=&vmcchk=1&Itemid=1
  9. W OW i found him everyone is on facebook nowadays! and as a bonus hes here apparently "Im here to spread the word and answer your questions about shit. Ask away. I am a pillar of advice and shit." negro jesus is way cool obviously blasphemy isn't a sin for negro jesus! http://www.facebook....lackjesusishere
  10. ive seen jesus to! there are marble statues of him in every cathedral across Australia, but im still trying to find the negro jesus or the jesus with breasts!
  11. applesnail

    Cyrenian House/Farm - Perth

    Take up zumba... you wont wanna smoke cones if you zumba! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOpXuHL9RM4
  12. applesnail

    watering lophophora

    grow em like a coyote wandering the desert in search of water....
  13. applesnail

    Biggest full moon in 18 years :o

    good moon to sow them winter seeds!
  14. applesnail

    POLL: How should Rumple/Chef redeem himself.

    pm sent to psylo and goldtop since there real identitys are Cameron Diaz and Lucy Lu...to see if there both up for parole at my pad and some nude humiliation so I get my foreskin rumpled!
  15. applesnail

    Dental revenge

    poor chap...no krunk smile for him! http://www.krunkgrillz.com/
  16. applesnail

    Thrip Shit?

    looks alittle like a black sooty mould...the beginning of it!
  17. applesnail


  18. applesnail


    ive done some grafts the last couple of weeks in vic'o weather i keep em inside in the window and place ahumidity dome over them for week..they will stay indoors now thru winter whether i get much growth i presume not but as long as the graft takes they will be ready preparation for nice spring growth after winter this is my theory...ive had 100% success grafting this time of year in victoria swiper and im in slightly colder climate then melbourne as im coastal...so one can get away with it if impatient...cheers! I probably should add my house is heated tho cos i love my electricity power bill!
  19. its not oregano but nonetheless quite interesting.. "10000 times stronger killer of CANCER than Chemo".. . can save many lives, fill up hopes and build confidence in the patients... The Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo drugs. Why are we not aware of this? Its because some big corporation want to make back their money spent on years of research by trying to make a synthetic version of it for sale. So, since you know it now you can help a friend in need by letting him know or just drink some sour sop juice yourself as prevention from time to time. It’s completely natural. If you have the space, plant one in your garden. This tree is is called graviola ! in Brazi l, guanabana in Spanish and has the uninspiring name “soursop” in English"
  20. applesnail

    Glaucine 99.1% (Yellow Horned Poppy extract) Glaucium Flavum

    http://publicaddress...s/files/tga.pdf this document says no scheduling of glaucine....but someone else may know better as this 2009 i think...all i could find on it with my laziness.. glaucine isnt listed here as a prohibited import either so perhaps it is allowed..someone with more knowledge may elaborate.. http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/ocs-treaties-compliance-prohibited-impexp-precursor.htm
  21. applesnail

    Australian Day of the Dead

    yup a toast of cheers for our mighty ANZACs they died fighting sacrificing themselves for something they believed in our lovely southerncross and union jack and julia gillard in two years of being prime minister fucks our country and sends all our manufacturing industry to china... ANZAC day always get my vote!
  22. maybe the swearing chef gassed the little guy as he was stealing his limelight either way he wont be driving his bmw or sippin any soda's from his diamond encrusted soda stream! But atleast the munchkin got his wick wet starring in porn, thats gotta be every male dwarfs dream i know its my little guy in my trousers dream!
  23. i hope so the cash is in whispers account!
  24. applesnail

    Plastic surgery makes barbie doll

    Bet she can suck ice thru a straw!
  25. sold mate u wanna sell em to me...pm you now.