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The Corroboree

waterboy 2.0

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Status Replies posted by waterboy 2.0

  1. Looking through old posts and came across your catha pics, nice! Any chance you know of some in the Perth area?

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      I'm Taswegian mate:wink: Ask about the locals

  2. I'm looking for TBM's if your selling any specimens moon_unit.
    I noticed a few months ago you had one or two up on ebay that were nice.

    Let me know. Cheers.


  3. Hey seems you haven't been active on here for a while but happy birthday anyway : )



  4. I am over winter....

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      and why would I leave my country? and go fuck yourself seems common your way Smithy:wink:

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. I like plants

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      Also fond of boobies:wink:

  6. Happy Birthday yeti :) 


  7. Been a cnut today...apologies are due.

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      close to home yeti, I'm a good boy here...lol

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Been a cnut today...apologies are due.

  9. To any in the reach of Cyclone Debbie I hope you are bunkered down well.

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      She looks a mean bitch

  10. not avoiding anyone, just made myself sicker...lol..and I'm on primary care duties of my boy and a woman in hospital.


    freebie seed folk I'm gunna take a week or so before I think about getting them out:)


    answered a few PMs but aint got the time ATM, but YES will be selling a few:wink: but  hang out til I'm active and sarcastic again..lol.


    Life is staged to test us....

    Such is life

  11. I dont recommend it...but taking Immunosuppressant drugs

    and catching the flu and some other bug thing defo put me into an altered state for a coupla days.


    lol...spent near 3 days sorta like this....


    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      weak, still somewhat confused...lol...

      many thanx:wink: dont wish that shit on anyone

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. I dont recommend it...but taking Immunosuppressant drugs

    and catching the flu and some other bug thing defo put me into an altered state for a coupla days.


    lol...spent near 3 days sorta like this....


  13. I dont recommend it...but taking Immunosuppressant drugs

    and catching the flu and some other bug thing defo put me into an altered state for a coupla days.


    lol...spent near 3 days sorta like this....


    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      lol..nah bro you dont wanna go there....apparently shit got a little real (and hella scary for the Mrs) when I started jabbering in my delusional state about pulling the metal ribbon outta my ribcage they used to lace me up a while back....that coulda ended badly:wink: And thats after not being able to eat for 3 days and dehydrated from the days of spewing.....twas fckd...lol

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. I didnt know I could delete my status

  15. I didnt know I could delete my status

  16. I'm feeling fucking better:) just saying....

  17. Kind of want to do my best Godzilla impersonation in every thread. Yeti smash! Let us seize the means of production from the bloated shit-eating bourgeois new aristocracy. Cake for everyone! Or something like that.


    I really shouldn't be allowed to internet when I've been drinking.

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0


  18. havent had the urge for a deathstick for a while now....lol


  19. havent had the urge for a deathstick for a while now....lol


  20. I ate all your bees!

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      Your bees ate all I !

  21. Everything in this status update is a lie.

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