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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Fluss

  1. Fluss


    Do you mind if i contribute a little bit tomorrow when the sun rises again?
  2. hahaha, well! if that'd been in Sweden ... it would get so much media attention as a "cruelty" and here it is done by children, interesting. Personally i think it's kinda fucked bc. of the children.. like a crazy granny could do it. What a hottie standing in the background #1
  3. Fluss

    Help! Gray stuff are making my plant weak D;

    it's scales, start the mechanical killing with your fingers(nails and scrape, if they are stuck) as best as you can sir;) it's worth the time, take each leaf systematicly it's easy to neglect one of those plants but they are actually worth keeping if there is a nice foliage
  4. Fluss


    I'd say your best shot is cutting of everything moldy, and on the inside it might just be discolored but look Fresh, take it away also. Then let it callous somewhere much dryer, do a search about it, there is copperoxide if i remember it correct and various other methods of sealing a wound from CONTAMINATIONS!!!!
  5. Fluss

    Tinder fungus: ID and preparation

    Saw off small pieces with a container underneath to catch the sawdust so to speak. I guess you also could drill in it, easy aswell.
  6. Knowledge is good but sometimes bad, man this is one of such that shouldn't really be spread to be honest.
  7. I think it would be Great to have a thread where one could throw in a sentence or two of great significance, rather then a story of any further length. + it gives other people reading it a nice thinker at the moment or it might just come up when the person is "messed up" Which may lead to - I believe - very interesting responses to some contributions in the thread
  8. Fluss

    My soggeh compost

    if u don't have drainage or cover to prevent a flood of rainwater coming in. Them you should turn everything over at least once every week, to make sure it's not soaked at the bottom plus you wont have any earthworms in it... why no drainage? where's the benefit?
  9. Fluss

    What's a perfect garden?

    For me it would be a garden that gave you the impression of how the garden of eden would look like, along with lots of light and space. It should feel big, but still private. Very Old healthy and visually perfect trees, not to many for that may spoil the feeling of the importance of a old tree - which it has, and you will feel it when you walk into the garden. There should also be a "smörgårdsbord" of various bio types for humans to chill out in. Not to much color, and flowers but the ones there is must be a mix of simple ones and the ones that have so much detail you can look at one for minutes. The air in the garden must also be super super fresh, like mountain air freshness, but still with the warmth and dampness of the sun and a not to noisy pond! I could go on and on, man o man in my head it's gorgeous alright!
  10. Fluss

    Youtube vids

  11. Fluss

    Lifestyle Choice

    Wake up, whenever i need to. Drive to work and get it done, a lot of happiness and laughs from the kids i work with but after you are used to it you can still long home. Computer games or girlfriend, eat good food. "stopped" smoking did it 3 times tonight but it's Friday... and for once i hung out with the lads smoked a homemade herbal mix that didn't work out, that well. Just bought "harem pants" in Swedish anyways... don't know if it's the actual word for them. going to briefly swap style completely from street/cosy sometimes sophisticated to hard on fucking hippie you give weird looks at the summers lol normal nights i stay up for hours playing civilization 5 with friends... The first "spring day" just came to Sweden tho! very excited! much happiness and spring joy, went to the beach with my girl yesterday and picked ember stones which turned out to be glass... but she had tights on and made me chanted by her ass climbing old bunkers from ww2 Really stoked about my bonsai this year, a lot of newcomers and big projects, new good tools to shape em and such... My mental condition is: i really need to go somewhere without sitting my ass on a plane if u know what i mean, my way of seeing the world is getting so "normally boring, not wise or really happy about everything" im starting to fall into those periods of being shit scared of death and such sillyness
  12. cool project!! What kinds of snails is it? Do you consider it worth the effort and money? Does it bring any problems? If it's all good it might be another new thing to try out!
  13. Fluss

    mutant's update

    Well fuck me that's a lot of pleasure for the eye there! what age did you start your collection?
  14. Fluss

    Is This A Genuine San Pedro???

    too blurry picture id' say really.
  15. Fluss

    Cactus Country, Strathmerton, VIC

    Is that orange stuff lichen? on the snapped one, it's visible on the 6th and 8th pictures. Just me who wants to harvest the fruits? imagine the seed count
  16. Fluss

    Massive column cacti

    Looks like it's straight outta the attic! I like it!
  17. Yeah, that brings back the memory of being in high school alright... I have a strong "feel good" feeling when i massage/scratch on the back (all non sexual) girls, not just my girlfriend but in general. I guess it's a good thing for both parts. Strange thing is, that it's almost an obsession, now when Emelie has been in Asia for 6 weeks i discovered that it's definitely an urge to satisfy. Making a fire is satisfying the caveman in me, just as much as just digging a hole in the ground. I work at a school with kids around 8yrs old... and Jesus god it's cosy on another level having 15 kids around you in a circle eating fruits and being amazed by the book I'm reading to them. Spiders making a web. The smell of forest soil. To have dirty hands (soil or similar) after a long honest day of work. Planting seeds (the period from when i acquire them until the first set of leaves) Having friends laughing and having fun even if it's "on me" too few people are like this. Finding, anything general exploration, guess it's the sapiens in me again lol. Helping others, older women the most.
  18. Fluss

    Microscopy Mischief for grug

    I found more! The first 4 pics is of a disease on a rhubarbs' leaf. at a distance it was just a Bright red spot, but when up close it was a bit different. The very TIP of a Tiny tiny tiny root, from what plant i don't remember. but it's cool that it's almost smoother or shiny where it's growing. This is a rosebud, (a very small one, not bigger then 5mm in diameter) with a fungal infection on the stem. the fungi took over the whole plant later on, but it's still alive. the winter is here and it's -7 Celsius but we have had some crazy weather so it's been producing buds in January (where we normally have -14) The red glands was surprisingly similar to cannabis THC glands, it might be a UV deflection device for the rose as well!
  19. Fluss

    Microscopy Mischief for grug

    This is my own toy, so the quality is what it is. Piece of chocolate, the kind of candy u buy/weight, this is straight out of the bag, i haven't been doing anything nasty with it. Sorry ppl but it's the truth. Guess what? a kiwi up close. Old wooden pot, with insects holes in it, termites or something similar. A "fast pizza" from the microwave, (cheese on ham that looks incredibly disgusting) My computer mouse after some extensive use, and this shit is not as big as it looks, that's the creepy stuff, i can't really see it clearly. If someone likes it and think it's cool i can take requests! I warn you if you say anything with skin defects, jesus god it can be repulsive.
  20. http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/kampuchea-pond-fountains/ This shit makes me want to kill spending people. Strong enough feeling to make a post about it, so watch it.
  21. Fluss

    Orange at base of Cereus!!?

    for me that looks like the kind of rot that will spread up the whole cacti and kill it from the inside-out. I have it alot here in Sweden, cut it off above the rot and save what's rest of it! you're lucky there is something to save, most of this kind of rot happens to my younger, non woody plants. man that soil looks dripping wet :/
  22. Fluss

    Anyone got snuff

    Not obvious at all oh, no
  23. But u cant sit your ass down beside another human over here if there is plenty of other seats!! This is Sweden
  24. Fluss

    hare krsna

    Please reply to my pm's opiumfreak!
  25. Very interesting! I can work on it! :D It's very logical this Pyramid shaped hierarchy truly amazing! It's going to be very exciting to see where this leads us, and I am happy to be in the generation that will be able to do it. Technology is amazing.