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Everything posted by Amazonian

  1. Amazonian

    Shrooms around Daylesford, VIC

    Amanita ,yes. cubensis, no. Daylesford is a lovely area.
  2. Yes....safe for the workplace . I like to dabble a bit with different materials and make stuff. The latest material of choice is Jade stone. A friend sent me a Jade amulet which they had made, and straight away, i got the carving bug. I bought most of the rough Jade from eBay and I bought a Dremel, a few diamond tipped bits and some emery paper of various grades... and that was it. Jade comes in many shades, from dark to light. I like the dark Jade which looks black, but when cut thin enough and held up to a light scource, you can see that it is actually green. I find carving very therapeutic and i have spent many hours outside, like in a trance, carving stone. I have made friendship bracelets and anklets for kids, keyrings, pendants , and a few other bits and pieces. I didn't photograph all my work before i gave it away, but here is a taste of what i have made . I will add to this thread as i make new stuff . . Other stuff i have made was a 'trip simulator' AKA , a Kaleidoscope, made from brass. Then, not to forget the Native American style flute that i have already posted here at SAB, but adding it to my 'Show and Tell' thread . http://www.shaman-au...te&fromsearch=1 A bit rustic, but i enjoyed making this stuff, and that's all that really matters. I think i would enjoy doing a mosaic, like a mushroom or something. Amz EDIT: the pics have gone higgldy piggldy, but it was tricky trying to get them to all line up . * shrugs.
  3. Amazonian

    Oberon sub zero camp

    ^ I concur... watching that nettle explode and disperse clouds of pollen was a treat to see. It seemed to be directed at other nettle flower heads almost with precision. It was like nature was putting on a bit of a show for us,lol. This snippet is from the internet... 'The reddish-brown to greenish-white flowers have no petals, and are found in dangling clusters at junction of stems and leaves, and are dioecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but only one sex is to be found on any one plant). The plant is wind-pollinated. Most nettle species flower in midsummer and autumn, from April to October. The pollination mechanism is unusual: When the sun shines on the curly young flowers, the filaments become taut and eventually shoot up so quickly that the pollen is released in a puff of smoke. The small green seeds ripen from June to October' Also...a bit from youtube. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx9Miggt228
  4. Amazonian

    Meet up: Melbourne

    This all sounds interesting . But one thing Simhanada...when i tap that link^, it brings me straight back to this page?!,lol. @Karode...I cant make it this weekend. Sorry. Good luck with your ventures dude and i look forward to catching up with you and hearing all about your traveling adventures some time soon?!
  5. Amazonian

    Id request 2 acacia

    The other tree might be a Cassia ?! Edit:... though the seed pod looks like its from a Poinciana. Edit Again...lol, just read the other Acacia id thread (same seed pod pic) where someone else suggested poinciana was the seed pod, I'ma shut up now
  6. Amazonian

    Giant pumpkin contest!!

    Oooh! ... Stillman and waterboy, your in for a treat...Hillbilly has access to the best tie dye creations i have ever seen.
  7. What is wrong with people. *frowns *growls
  8. Amazonian

    Giant pumpkin contest!!

    I reckon its a draw. Both Stillman and waterboy grew impressive pumpkins...great effort.
  9. Amazonian

    Whats this white thing ?

    This is one of the pics that came up under Auricularia mesenterica, it looks a bit similar to the fungi in the opening post. *shrugs .
  10. Amazonian

    Whats this white thing ?

    I just googled 'tripe looking fungus' and there is a 'Tripe Fungus' Auricularia mesenterica and its a wood lover?!
  11. Amazonian

    Whats this white thing ?

    It is weird, i keep looking at it trying to work out what it is. It looks like tripe,lol. There is some round puff ball looking thing above it that appears to have the same texture, maybe thats how it starts off?! Edit: i was composing this post as the above comment was submitted. Looks like it could be Peziza vesiculosa. Not very attractive fungus is it.lol.
  12. Amazonian

    don't cha love it when...

    Don't cha love it when... You buy a new lawn mower and it starts with one pull.
  13. Amazonian

    Oberon sub zero camp

    I made it home safe, it was a 12 hour exersize fueled by coffee , determination and a power nap. I have callouses on my hands from gripping the steering wheel so long,lol. It wasn't as cold as I expected in Oberon... we were very lucky with the weather hey?! I am glad I made the treck to meet all you guys. I would love to live in NSW so I could hang out with yous more often (and just might one day). Every one above has pretty much said what I would have said, but I will second that Horus is a master of the fire. He kept the fire roaring and even added some aesthetics to it . The fire is the heart of a camp, so here's to you Horus. (Edit,,,i should also thank the wood hunters/cutters..for without yous, there is no fire. (I did help a wee bit too,lol)) Thanks guys
  14. Amazonian

    Oberon sub zero camp

    I am also in a white ute with a canopy,lol. Looking forward to catching up with you again Horus. . (Looking forward to catching up with those i've met, and looking forward to meeting those i haven't).
  15. Amazonian

    Oberon sub zero camp

    I have started the journey to 'The G Spot' . I did a big stint behind the wheel today, and i have called it a day. I am staying the night in Gundagai which leaves me with 350 KLMs more to go. If only SAB had a community jet. PS..i hate satellite navigational units.
  16. Amazonian


    . What are yous playing on the computer?
  17. Amazonian

    My One Year S.A.B Anniversary

    At my funeral I would like the above repeated. it would make a nice eulogy i reckon. Lol. Well...maybe leave out Ferris wheels and lentils Seriously guys, I'm no greater than any of yous (Its nice to hear i am accepted though:) ). I made this thread to show my appreciation for the forum...and what makes the forum is all of the great members. May the universe smile upon you all.
  18. Amazonian

    My One Year S.A.B Anniversary

    ^ See...such nice people here...such kind words. Thank you my fellow SABers. 364 more days to go until the fifth year mark,lol.
  19. Amazonian

    My One Year S.A.B Anniversary

    "4 year SAB anniversary" today !. 4 years down the track from my join date and i am still an active member here. There has been a few major changes (good changes) in my life over this time and i believe that SAB has bit a lot to do with that. Besides giving me a greater want to grow plants, this place has opened my eyes to a lot of different things about life. SAB has also helped me have a more positive outlook on life. I have found friendship here which is a prize in itself. I love the way we encourage (give praise to) each other with our gardening, music, art, pets, amusing stories, photos, sharing knowledge, swapping plants/seeds, give support when in need, etc... I reckon its good that its not open slather here. The forum rules and guidelines help keep this place a well respected forum thats not just about getting wasted (aaallll the time,lol). Its a great thing we have here hey, so.... (*raises glass ) ...heres to another four years or so. I'm glad i'm a part of The Corroboree.
  20. Amazonian

    Oberon sub zero camp

    My plan is to get there early arvo on the Friday...so it would be great if someone else was there who has been there before so i know i am at the right camping spot. I'd hate to get there and get my self set up only to find i am at the wrong camp site,lol. As for hitching, along,I am coming from Vic' Anodyne, so i'm not sure about that much of a detour. I hope there is another keen Sydney-iter who is just as keen so you can get there early-ish on the Friday Not too many more sleeps to go. I hope its warmer than anticipated. Who knows, look at SA weather...anything is possible.
  21. Amazonian

    Oberon sub zero camp

    Thats ok nito, i'll be having lentils on a stick or something like that?! ,lol.
  22. Amazonian

    Oberon sub zero camp

    Can't you tell your wife you'll make it up to her? C'mon watertrade...beg, grovel and bribe...where theres a will theres a way?! I am a mum and wont be with my young kids for mothers day ( there will be plenty more mothers days i can catch up on).
  23. Amazonian

    Oberon sub zero camp

    ME ! I have the time off work and i can afford fuel, so unless the universe throws a spanner in the works ... i will be there. I cant offer a ride to anyone as my spare seat might be spoken for (another SABer). This is a big effort for me, so it would be great if everyone could make it happen too...you know, to make it a camp of a life time Really looking forward to it...but not keen on the cold weather,lol.
  24. Amazonian

    happy easter

    Mmmm hot cross buns with lashings of butter
  25. Amazonian

    Just a simple g'day

    Welcome to the Corroboree Earthwalker. What is your favourite plant? (Thats a tough question i know,lol)