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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by subvertable

  1. subvertable

    any good antiinflammatory herbs?

    Is Olive oil really that bad when used for cooking? Is there a maximum temp you can cook at?
  2. subvertable

    When to harvest my habaneros

    Habaneros have the best flavor. Just scrape out the pith and seeds and chop finely to avoid the heat. Also Simmer chillies in oil for a while then store the lot in a jar. Add the oil to any dish to add that special touch. The oil will preserve the delicious fruit and take out some of the heat. Beware Chillies are addictive {I'm surprised our puritanic state government have not banned them yet}. They also freeze well {hot ice}. Latex cloves are usefully to stop macing yourself.
  3. subvertable

    Banned Books

    Australia has always been a police state ever since since Arther Phillip established the Gulag called Sydney in 1788. In the early years it was illegal to buy or sell anything without the governors permission but it didn't stop it happening. Not much has changed. Its ironic but soon on ANZAC day Australians will celebrate young men being slaughtered invading turkey. "So that we can all be FREE".
  4. subvertable

    Uncommon bridgesii clone

    Looks like bridgesii but only single spines don't they normally have at least three.