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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Jack

    Terscheckii hybrids?

    Brendo that's how they grow they get really fat then at a point they will start to grow upwards.. Mine took years before it started getting taller..
  2. Jack

    Why No Eileen?

  3. All orders were payment was recieved by yesterday have been sent today.
  4. Jack

    Why No Eileen?

    I think there is a photo somewhere on the forums of the mother plant flowering but I believe this was an isolated incident.
  5. Original posts edited with what is still available.
  6. Jack

    Ariocarpus , astrophytum and BAP

    Myco red indicates some sort of stress, if it was happenign to me either too much light or temperature. I would try adding a small square of shade cloth made into a tent with toothpicks over a few seedlings to see if this helps.
  7. Jack

    Am I about to lose my stock?

    Regraft or degraft are your only options.
  8. Jack

    Ariocarpus , astrophytum and BAP

    ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus being so small naturally go crazy pupping like mad when grafted while forcing it to grow very quickly (which is desirable for slow growers) makes it look unnatural and to me not as nearly as appealing.
  9. Jack

    Ariocarpus , astrophytum and BAP

    Btw this could just be that they grow so slowly
  10. Jack

    Ariocarpus , astrophytum and BAP

    Can't really comment on bap however in my experience and that of visiting very large ario collections is that on there own roots they usually stay solitary. Of course there are exceptions to the rule..
  11. "Knowing, understanding, growing Turbinicarpus - Rapicactus" by David Donati and Carlo Zanovella as mentioned previously is my Turbinicarpus bible.
  12. The 6ish cm plants are around 20 or older.. The caespitiosa not so sure however would be over 30 years old at least
  13. Plant 10 $2500 Lophophora williamsii caespitosa 31cm x 22cm too many heads to count
  14. Jack

    Show off your freaks

    Possible crest forming? Fingers crossed..
  15. Its still small, got destroyed by mites was really badley scarred, took years to grow out of it...
  16. I can post a pick when I get time it ended up forming 2 heads no crest unfortunately
  17. Jack

    Show off your freaks

    monstrose pup from a bridgesii crest won in this competition: http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=33882&hl=competition&page=1
  18. Pretty normal Turbini's can flower at a very young age previously I have had turbs less than 1cm flower..
  19. Jack

    Joxs Garden

    Great idea Jox