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The Corroboree


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  1. Hi peeps! I understand this may be a year old thread, but this would definitely be something I too would like to grow and share. Any chances somebody could help get me going during this lovely spring?
  2. Just in case I've missed something, what are the other 8 to go being there only 8 states/territories in total? And yes! Lets hope this will be a federal journey. It's about bloody time they treat us like adults and wake up to benefits this provides by the multitude, including revenue across the board.
  3. That sounds awesome Gimli Unfortunately I'll be away during that period
  4. Hi worowa, Might you be aware of any workshops to be held sometime in Perth ?
  5. Saweet. super busy lately but def hope to be there
  6. thegreenriviera

    Hey sharxxx do you mean coco as in coco coir?
  7. Perfect hahaha where is this??
  8. Wow, how would one best find a jam to taste beforehand? Would hate the await only to find it tastes like a double plugger.. .
  9. I have been on a 8/16 hr window intermittent fasting, paleolithic, ketogenic diet for about 6 months now. I was actually a nay-sayer to those around me who were on this type of diet because I come from a bodybuilding background and had maintained the mindset of eat big, lift big and to refuel every 3-4 hrs. Years of eating right and heavy lifting was amazing. While I was young and healthy. The inevitable onset of age, multitudes of injuries and severe inflammation found me searching for alternatives to help reduce those aforementioned anomalies attributed to my lifestyle and diet. I was on the paleo diet whilst bodybuilding so that part of the equation was already complete, I trialed the combination of paleo & keto. With noticeable health and wellbeing benefits shortly after I included intermittent fasting which I was hesitant to do due to the fact I'm a foodie - love to eat, and concerned with losing hard earned gains over the years by entering catabolism by ''starving the body''. The first week or so was hell. Incredible food cravings and whilst fasting, people eating around me and the smell of cooking was driving me crazy. I maintained the fasting and did well to eliminate temptation to succumb by drinking a lot of green tea with peppermint which is acceptable whilst fasting. Once that initial week was over things got easier and a couple more weeks into it I no longer felt the desire to even think about deviating from the diet, my body fat content significantly reduced, my mood was elevated, maintained stress levels at an all time low, and my inflammation was almost non-existent. That is entirely due to the combination of an intermittent fasting, paleolithic, ketogenic diet. I no longer lift heavy which I am sure is also a contributing factor, but I do try maintain a semi-regular frequency of mid-ranged intensity exercise. This diet and lifestyle may seem quite complex however this is actually very easy once the initial week or so is over. Although nutrition is key, I strongly believe as humans we eat too much. And that's coming from an ex-bodybuilding foodie. Keep in mind here, that everybody is built differently and not everything will work or be beneficial to everybody. The internet is filled with an immense amount of information as we all may know, so if anybody is looking at ways to combat anomalies such as minor ailments to more severe life changing conditions, all I can suggest is to first look at the lifestyle we live and remedy by way of diet and nutrition at first instance. Peace & Love
  10. "Food of the Gods" Terence McKenna (drops mic)
  11. Sweet how long did it take that one?
  12. Might do some research and introduce a smaller frog species so they dont eat the fish and take care of the slugs and snails
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