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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by sagiXsagi

  1. sagiXsagi

    Show off your freaks

    Potted some newly rooted cuttings too and took some new TBM cuttings these two were actually a single very well rooted plant, I uprooted and washed off the soil, let dry, then cut in half (each portion had still very good root system) , today I potted them again. next photo is for the comparison of the normal TPC (skin and spine colour) to an OZ-oriented un-named strain, that might or might not be peruvianus, but its pretty distinct so far and does that characteristic reddening, with more reddish spines as well) - next is the original graft from olive - thanks dude more or less the optimal pup size for tbm short form propagation
  2. sagiXsagi

    Show off your freaks

    myrti slow crest - echinopsis crest/variegata (wonder what these pups are trying to do) - cleistocactus (I think) monstrosa , was bought grafted and it splits a lot, intend to root some pup) clone 1 - TPC clone 2 - TPM (columnar monstrosa and crest)
  3. sagiXsagi

    Forum search function

    I cannot adjust to the changes made.. Maybe I am too old school or too much of a routine guy. BUT I hate the new layout - forum .. I cannot find anything I search with the new search, its slower, I get really pissed when I try to do anything.. advanced search does not show forum filters thats one of the problems
  4. sagiXsagi

    Sprouted Seed Tea

    that is interesting, I use plain plant soil + perlite and forget to fert though, so I am a plain and simple dude, so I wouldnt know..
  5. sagiXsagi

    Mandrake cultivation discussion

    I was worried with extreme heat and uprooted some plants. several small ones were dead. still havent got the handle of it
  6. sagiXsagi

    Show off your freaks

    santiaguensis monstrose >>> the monstrosity looks a bit like what I used to call anus plant, some sab KK cuzco sold as pachanoi, that terminated... do all new pups terminate in this strain?
  7. Would love to have some seed of this. Up to now I have grown Brugmansia, Datura, Hyoscyamus and Mandragora , I would love to try and grow this one! PMing you
  8. sagiXsagi


    From the album: cacti 2016 photos

  9. sagiXsagi


    From the album: cacti 2016 photos

  10. sagiXsagi

    ID please

    yeap. looks both pachanoi and scopulicola.. looks like of the scop X pachanoi Juuls that came from seed that circulated in Nook a couple years ago.. it does't looke like superpedro / cordobensis IMO
  11. sagiXsagi

    Unknown IDHelp

    I agree that it looks like M. spinosissima
  12. sagiXsagi

    please id this trich

    ^^^^ awesome garden.. love the climber on the columnar puzzling.. maybe one should check for swollen bases of the spines to determine the degree of cuzco heritage.. Looks mostly cuzco.. Could be a cuzcoxbridge as zelly says or a cuzco X peruv/macro
  13. sagiXsagi

    Germinating Caapi

    my seed-growns now
  14. sagiXsagi

    Show off your freaks

    I potted some rooted cuttings: myrtillocactus crests 'elite' a couple last years dehydrated small buttons, bridgesii crests, two "pachanoi" crests from oz [cuttings off a grafted motherplant, strain is much distinct from my other pachanoi crests but lets wait to see how this grows 4 me] a choice 4 tip pachanoi monstrosa (my regular crest clone) two penises oz pacha-crests are the ones down right , last photo pics taken after watering
  15. sagiXsagi


    From the album: cacti 2016 photos

  16. sagiXsagi


    From the album: cacti 2016 photos

  17. sagiXsagi


    From the album: cacti 2016 photos

  18. sagiXsagi

    Insects are destroying my collection

    yep. a chemical burn or something, or multiple problems at once? I haven't seen trichocerei, even bridgesii which are more black rot prone and less cold hardy, to get so extensive damage from whatever cause.. how cold can it get in california? its supposed to be more or less the same climate with central and southern greece.. we even get the same species of mushrooms .
  19. sagiXsagi

    This section needs a "show wild finds" thread

    wow that red stinkhorn dicks are awesome. thanks for sharing...
  20. sagiXsagi

    Insects are destroying my collection

    It almost looks like the bugs like the rotting cactus. Could they like and thus worsen the bacterial black rot expression? I have had snow damage in severar trichos and it never looked all-black.. but sure, EG knows better from cold Sorry for your damage
  21. sagiXsagi

    The Mangrovial path - Project Mangrovia

    heheheheh I aways thought caring for aqua plants is so hard... you are the right type or crazy my friend. very interesting thread, in the begining I was "what the fff ... oh, that looks nice and interesting! "
  22. sagiXsagi

    Is this normal for a trichocereus graft stock?

    most of my grafts are/were done in relatively short stock... works good for just a while and serves the means for propagation .. Seeing how some of Philocacti's grafts are doing in large NICE stocks that DONT pup (he uses Stenocereus f.e. ), I figured out the best grafts are done on great - large stocks... I am thinking tricho is good for propagation through graftin, but not the best.. BUT - it works wonders - as I have numerous lopho grafts on short tricho stock - to keep grafts alive and healhty each growing season, so as to remove pups to root (hint hint) other than than that, that happens all the fucken time, best thing is to add some soil or stones, if you think's zelly suggestiojn is too risky. The stock is probably deciding to pup (that would explain the shriveling), maybe, tricho grafts do this all the time, especially if you do them on a KK339 pachanoi, one of the puppiest of my trichos
  23. sagiXsagi

    Show off your freaks

    3 x hammiltons (cuzco) crest + reverts/cuttings 3 x oz pachanoi crest + resverts/cuttings 3 x nitro seedlings tricho monsters 2012
  24. sagiXsagi

    Some of my collection..CACTIPORNO :)

    amazing collection and very healthy lophos... of course I luv the taquimbalesis the most