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Bread Filter

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Everything posted by Bread Filter

  1. Bread Filter

    Bulk Pots?

    They closed it a long time ago as they couldn't get public liability insurance when insurance prices went through the roof. You can still get in there as no one owns a river. Technically if you walk through the creek your not breaking any laws, its only when you step on the banks that you can get in trouble. Once your down in there people leave you alone. In high school one of my mates and his Dad didn't believe us that we were jumping off the cliffs. They came out with us the next weekend and measured all the cliffs with a measured rope. You should have see the looks on their faces when we smoked up before we jumped off!
  2. Bread Filter

    Bulk Pots?

    Hey guys. I seem to remember a thread somewhere on here that provided an Aussie source for bulk pots, like the little ones for seedlings. I can seem to find it using the search engine, can anyone point me in the right direction please?
  3. Bread Filter

    rock climbing

    That's cool. That is still hard. I am shit scared of heights.
  4. Bread Filter

    rock climbing

    Do you mean free climbing without ropes? That is hardcore.
  5. Bread Filter

    Bulk Pots?

    No I jump. I grew up in the area and spent a lot of time out there. There was an airlift out there in January for a broken ankle, that is the most recent one I know of. A few people have died out there over the years. One was a guy who tried to jump off the 32m cliff, the one that doesn't have enough water under it. There are some good spots out there for climbing. If your facing the waterfall from the lagoon, to the immediate right is the 32m cliff. Keep heading around to the right and there is the 23m, the one most people climb. The 11m is in the top pool as well. The 15m and 3m cliffs are in the next pool down accessed by the bum slide. If you ever want to go out let me know, I am keen to get some air time!
  6. Bread Filter

    Dodgy drugs put partygoers in hospital.

    A Bluelight member posted it tonight saying that they heard it on the ABC evening news. That is why I wrote "apparently".
  7. Bread Filter

    Dodgy drugs put partygoers in hospital.

    I have seen it happen. Dealers going around saying "I have the stuff from the news". Unfortunately people will buy anything these days that will "fuck them up" Case in point the gold Euro's from a few years back that were confirmed as containing PMA. I found one in a baggie in a cab line one night. One of my mates couldn't score so asked me for it. I told him what it contained and that people had died from it in the last week and he said that he didn't care and would eat it anyway. I told him he was an idiot and flushed it.
  8. Bread Filter

    Dodgy drugs put partygoers in hospital.

    Apparently the active in these is Dimethocaine.
  9. Bread Filter

    Extreme Reaction to SAB Zonk Product.

    Your effects sound similar to mine lampy. How did you get Zonk overseas or did you take it with you?
  10. Guns N Roses, (Axl Rose), are playing a one off show at the V8 supercars in Sydney when EGA is on. I still choose EGA even though I used to sing in a GNR's cover band
  11. Bread Filter

    Dodgy drugs put partygoers in hospital.

    The Age has released a story now with a photo. See what I mean about the caps? They could be anything. The Age
  12. It is supposed to be operated by a human controller. I suppose they could justify it as target practice though
  13. Bread Filter

    End of year camping trip III. NE Vic

    That is an awesome idea! I'm in.
  14. Bread Filter

    Dodgy drugs put partygoers in hospital.

    here is an interesting news article from a few days on BL. I have bolded the interesting line: Yet the Police shut down Ravesafe's pill testing operation years ago. Hopefully they will realise that was a stupid decision now.
  15. Bread Filter

    Dodgy drugs put partygoers in hospital.

    Pictures of Capsules can be more harmful than good. The police would know exactly what they are looking for and if they announce it they will be recapped or there may even be copycat batches produced. I know exactly what you are getting at Auxin but it is not as easy with caps as opposed to pills. It would have been better if they had of published the substance. It sounds to me like an RC was capped or cut at far too high of a dose. Some of the new ones are active at 20mg.
  16. Bread Filter

    Dodgy drugs put partygoers in hospital.

    Wow. That is amazing. Thanks heaps for posting that PD.
  17. Bread Filter

    Bulk Pots?

    Sweet, thanks mate. That is right near my mates house. You got me excited when you mentioned the falls. I have to get out and do the 23m cliff again soon, I need some adrenaline.
  18. Bread Filter

    Extreme Reaction to SAB Zonk Product.

    It inhibits the CYP3A4 enzyme which affects the metabolism of a range of drugs and can increase their bioavailability. I think thats word for word from Wiki, I have been trying to memorise it.
  19. Bread Filter

    Bulk Pots?

    Thanks for that, I'll email GCP and see what they say.
  20. Bread Filter

    Extreme Reaction to SAB Zonk Product.

    My breathing wasn't suppressed at all. I just felt like I was forgetting to breathe as my body was so heavily sedated yet my mind was still wide awake. It definitely wasn't an anxiety attack. I am well aware of the effects of mixing CNS depressants, this was like nothing I had ever experienced before and was truly frightening.
  21. Bread Filter

    War on drugs? Now that's reefer madness

    The one to look out for these days is the Kafiristanica or Diesel strains. Super high THC content with super low CBD that creates soaring panic inducing psychedelic highs. It was meant for use by cancer patients who don't want to get the munchies.
  22. Bread Filter

    Bulk Pots?

    Thanks heaps for the offer. They're not even for me, one of mates wants them for chili seedlings. I'll ask him if wants to go in on an order but he seems pretty happy with the newspaper pots he made I'll get back to you. Edit: he's not keen anymore, thanks anyway WT
  23. Bread Filter

    Is DMAA Illegal?

    Definitely not worth it
  24. Bread Filter

    Extreme Reaction to SAB Zonk Product.

    Thanks for the post lofty, very informative. The Zonk product by itself is brilliant. I have been using it for years now and would recommend it to anyone. When compared with buying Valium on the street at $5 for a 5mg tablet, the Zonk definitely works out better value. $12 for 50 on the PBS is a better deal though for those who can access it. Zonk doesn't have any kind of warning on the label. I definitely think it needs one now. I thought the same thing about the GFJ, surely I am not the only person who likes grapefruit juice!