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About cactuslizardmagick

  • Birthday 11/20/1908

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    Northern NSW

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  1. looking for some PC software ... Adobe Premier Virtual DJ Adobe Lightroom have a few to offer if anyone is interested
  2. There's another red tape obstacle, the Dept of Water and Environment Resources (DEWR) who administer CITES. I had a nightmare with some T bridgesii seed recently, where Customs seized it, passed it to AQIS, who I convinced to send it back to Customs to be sent on to me. It went via DEWR, who seized it. I applied for release as the seed is permitted. They approved that, then seized it again because it wasn't declared as plant material on entering the country. Check ICON, check CITES, make sure the sender declares it as plant material, and you may be fine. Good luck!
  3. i was about to mention that ... i found an excellent and cheap way is disembowelling an electric blanket and tacking it to a piece of rigid insulating board ... works well in the bottom of a fish tank more specific directions here: http://www.earthalchemy.net/cultivation-sacred-cacti.html
  4. web designer needed to install shopping cart ... simple site with only a few products offering peyote seed in exchange email me [email protected]
  5. earthalchemy currently offer over 15 varieties of Lophophora seed, including L. williamsii (Peyote). Feel free to check out the website, offer interesting trades, and email us with requests. Be well Steffen ------- www.earthalchemy.org Peyote seed and other sacred cacti
  6. something i am often asked, and unfortunately have little if any information. these varieties have been collected and propagated, but as far as i know there is no quantitative data on alkaloid profiles. be well steffen
  7. anyone know of koori folk who conduct bush medicine/food tours around northern nsw? ea ------ www.earthalchemy.org Peyote seed and other sacred cacti
  8. earthalchemy currently offer over 15 varieties of Lophophora seed, including L. williamsii (Peyote). Feel free to check out the website, offer interesting trades, and email us with requests. Be well Steffen ------- www.earthalchemy.org Peyote seed and other sacred cacti
  9. i lost two plants like this recently, luckily i only threw the first (mother) out. simon, what changed in the conditions to spark recovery do you think? ea ----------- www.earthalchemy.org peyote seed and other sacred cacti
  10. on the odd occasion ... when i remember to [This message has been edited by earthalchemy (edited 27 October 2002).]
  11. sorry guys, i try not to spend too much time in front of the machine these days, hence the silence ... but we're still up and running, doing mostly international business ... it'd be nice to be able to help out more locals be well! www.earthalchemy.org
  12. someone just mentioned to me that it's unsure whether we're still operating or not so this is just to say that we're alive and kicking (if a bit dislocated from continual relocation over the past year) come and check out the website, or drop us an email to say hi be well www.earthalchemy.org
  13. fans of the Dead, these two new books are only $20 each including postage ... Living With The Dead - Rock Scully w/ David Dalton Captain Trips ... bio of Jerry - Sandy Troy first come first served. email me be well ea
  14. isn't that a bit extreme? we all know that the people are not responsible for the laws of the government ... wouldn't this be "punishing" the people for the sins of the lawmakers? surely you could look beyond that ... monday night: SBS, 7:30p Children of the Crocodile ... story of two east timorese in the wake of independence [This message has been edited by earthalchemy (edited 19 May 2002).]
  15. Another step in the eradication of personal freedom is about to be taken in less than 2 weeks. earthalchemy is offering Salvia divinorum products for the last time, in accordance with our draconian legal system. If you would like to know more, send an email to [email protected] with "Right-wing control freaks" in the subject line. Be well Steffen [This message has been edited by earthalchemy (edited 18 May 2002).]
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