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The Corroboree

Strontium Dawg

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Everything posted by Strontium Dawg

  1. Strontium Dawg

    Looking for some crested variant cutting.

    There's no guarantee a crest will stay a crest. I've had Hamilton's Peru crest for about 6 years, got it as a crest, but it reverted and has never gone back. Many crests will produce sports, or pups of normal columnar growth. Its usually a good idea to remove these, as the plant will mostly put it's energy into these at the expense of the fasciated part. I've got some crests I could part with, send me a msg if you like.
  2. Strontium Dawg

    Pupping mid column

    I've found it happens when a column gets a lil lean on, then sort of stays like that. Pups form on the side that has a slightly upward tilt. But some plants just do it. Rita seems to pup mid column a lot.
  3. Strontium Dawg

    Rapé Recipes Thread

    Let me know if you'd like to trade any!
  4. Strontium Dawg

    Seeds of any kind

    I've got a bunch of fresh seed from the last season, a lot of OP crosses mostly as I couldn't be fucked climbing up a ladder to dangle precariously over some gnarly spiny death cucumbers. Pm me if you like, and I'll let you know what I gots. I can probably even show flowering photos of the plants in question.
  5. Strontium Dawg

    Organic certified potting mix

    I don't buy organic certified mix, I don't even know anywhere that sells such a thing. I do buy the cheapest mix ever though, it's about $3 for a 25 litre bag, and I like it because it has no added slow release feet pellets like a lot of mixes do. Its also very fine in texture. I have almost never found big chunks of bark in this mix. It might be useful to know what plant you are concerned about growing. I sincerely doubt that any added ferts would cause any harm though. The problem is more about the supply chain and manufacturing process. Chemical ferts use a lot of electricity to produce, and are generally not good for the environment. But plants still like em!
  6. Strontium Dawg

    Fluffy bunny rabbits

    Fucking hell Sally, miss your posts and all, but this one is scraping the barrel mate.
  7. Strontium Dawg

    Gimli's acuminata giveaway show-off thread

    Here's my lot sown (years later) in December 2019. They really need to be planted out desperately, but I have no room. So I'll be guerilla planting them in the next couple of weeks. Second pic shows the narrow phyllodes variant.
  8. Strontium Dawg

    Post a random picture thread

    The youngest cat is becoming quite the ratter. I heard Covid is causing a lot of rats to move out of their usual homes and into the suburbs looking for food.
  9. Strontium Dawg

    What do you use sulphur for?

    Wettable sulfur is a decent treatment for mites.
  10. Strontium Dawg

    Rocky cacti mix ins

    For trichos, most specialty cactus mixes are probably overkill. You can grow trichos very happily in straight potting mix if you like, as long as it drains well and doesn't contain large pieces of bark/wood. I go pretty heavy with composted manure in my mix for trichos. I usually use a third potting mix (the mix I get is quite fine, no big chunks of bark, if your mix has big chunks, sieve them out), a third composted chicken manure and a third perlite. If I'm feeling fancy I'll add a bit of dolomite, and some palagonite (volcanic mineral). You'll have to work out what suits your climate though. My mix is probably too rich for places that have a long winter. My winter really only lasts for maybe 2 months where the plants go dormant. If you have a long cold wet winter, I'd probably lay off the manure a bit and add more drainage grit.
  11. Strontium Dawg

    takeaway tek alternatives

    You can sow seeds in small pots and put them in a zip lock bag. Pretty much same idea as takeaway containers...
  12. Mica caps - Coprinellus app.
  13. Strontium Dawg

    Watch this space

    It's a shame Sam Dastyari and David Lleyonhjelm both let us down with their off field antics.
  14. Strontium Dawg

    Is this Banisteriopsis variegeta ?

    One of mine occasionally shows similar "variegation" but I kind of assumed it was due to some type of leaf miner or insect attack.
  15. Strontium Dawg

    Post a random picture thread

  16. Strontium Dawg

    Rapé Recipes Thread

    Mint is always a welcome addition to rapé in my opinion. I'm inspired to make some more blends.
  17. Strontium Dawg

    Smoking Acacia fimbriata

    You might find vaping isn't very effective unless you can get the temp up reasonably high. A lot of the harmala type compounds vaporize at higher temps than tryptamines and other compounds. Worth a try though I guess.
  18. Strontium Dawg

    Posting Khat Suckers and a Potted Button

    For plants with bare roots (not cactus) I wrap the roots in a damp paper towel, then again in a plastic bag. Cactus you will want to keep dry, paper scrunched up works well.
  19. Strontium Dawg

    Good ozzie films retrospective review from a greek cinephile

    Slight change of direction from your usual fare Sagi, but there are some awesome comedies too. Check out "Death in Brunswick" starring Sam Neill and featuring the late comedic legend John Clarke. https://images.app.goo.gl/LPBGxHYvngFt5ys37 And to really understand the Australian sense of humour you need to watch "The Castle" if you haven't already. It's pure understated brilliance.
  20. Strontium Dawg

    Post your track of the day

    Happy 420
  21. Strontium Dawg

    Good ozzie films retrospective review from a greek cinephile

    Humboldt beat me to it with Bliss, such an amazing film.
  22. Strontium Dawg

    Qat - how many days from flowers to seed?

    Mine took about 6 weeks before the pods opened up, give or take.
  23. Strontium Dawg

    Spach crosses please!

    My understanding is that spach is a difficult one to cross as it is self fertile. So how do you ensure the flowers don't self pollinate?
  24. Strontium Dawg

    Help with Acacia Seedlings - Acuminata and Courtii

    Check if any root grubs are in the pots. I lost tray after tray a couple of years back, the culprit was curl grubs. Not sure if you get them out there...