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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Nailthesnail

  1. Nailthesnail

    Post your track of the day

    Okay so I watched the secret life of Walter Mitty last night, It's actually pretty good I thought it would be really disconnected and shit anyway I heard a song in there that I had to hear again just realized how much I like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZnu7fVRPIc Enjoy.
  2. Nailthesnail

    Terracotta pots and tips for the cactus-confused

    Really useful info to a newbie like me while definitely get some seaweed emulsion and fish emulsion. My one cactus is in a terracotta just cause I thought it was nicer looking than plastic. I have heaps germinating at the moment but it will be a while before potting up. Cheers Gtarman
  3. Nailthesnail

    Post your track of the day

    "my granddaddy always told me... To keep the light shining, So as my mic illuminates you can feel the state that I'm in" dunno why but guru is what I'm on lately wish he was still alive.
  4. They are very creative. I can really see the retro video/arcade game style in your music . I think that's probably quite a cool place to be influenced it's definitely worked for you Okay I am no musician but I think I understand what you mean by d minor improvisation and that's pretty stunning to make a tune like that on limited chords is pretty incredible. I can imagine playing donkey kong or mario too them and that would be dope. I really enjoy listening to your work mutant it's very unique. I like how it's always changing melody(like the beat is always there but the ones that are the most influential change.) Really good work mate I hope you have as much fun making it as I do listening to it.
  5. So you would be like freestyle melody making(live)? That would be awesome. I love the idea of improvisational act like this, Good shit. Me and my partner were just discussing how good this would be while under the influence of a particular spore producing organism. That being said I can listen to this without having to be under the influence to really enjoy and harness the great musical vibes that this song brings to me truly epic produce bro. Very well done could listen to this many times and not get sick of it it's very upbeat and cherry thanks for brightening My evening. Great work mutant.
  6. Nailthesnail

    Post your track of the day

    Guru Ripping the mic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wpD_S_iEE8
  7. Nailthesnail

    Youtube vids

    Alright so I did some real quick researching and apparently some random dude has that as a host site that is linked to nsa and that he has it just to play jokes on people. I felt like an idiot falling for that one. It's not really the granny doing it but its quite nice anyway.
  8. Very Talented & buzzy music I love it
  9. Nailthesnail

    Youtube vids

    Hey bot I just wanna point out that if you type illuminati backwards and then .com you get nsa website. itanimulli.com
  10. Nailthesnail

    mixed seed giveaway

    Great start to the new year thank you mystical
  11. Nailthesnail

    Post your track of the day

    Not a big fan of music like this but I enjoyed this one. Kinda reminds me of snowboarding hahaha
  12. Nailthesnail

    mixed seed giveaway

    I just saw this dam, is it too late?
  13. Nailthesnail

    Fresh Nicotiana Rustica seed

    yes please, Merry Christmas
  14. Yeah mate pretty sure it'd artemesia vulgaris. Just harvested bout a kj of it roughly. Hanged some up above my door and am drying out the rest. So excited hahaha
  15. Is this Mugwort?Just popped up under cherry tree. I can get more photo's if these ones aren't up to scratch. I really hope this is mugwort(and think it is) I think its mugwort but wanted a genuises point of view.
  16. Does anyone know if it survives in Nz Climate. Would really love to grow it but not sure if it would survive the winters.
  17. Nailthesnail

    Banisteriopsis Caapi grows in New Zealand climate?

    thanks yea I thought that might be the issue
  18. Nailthesnail

    New Zealand customs

    I reckon you'll be fine bro, I doubt they will destroy them it seems silly. If they are to become seized he has 20 days to appeal before they will destroy them.
  19. Nailthesnail


    Holy shit I've never seen such incredible art. Your dad is amazing. Sorry I just gave you a heap of notifications, Your dads a genius.
  20. Nailthesnail

    weirdest christmas pressies

    When I was 13, I remember this so clearly, My dad got me a bike lock for my "bike" that apparently existed 2 years later I get a bike for my birthday and he's like dam I knew that bike lock would come in handy. Fucking horder hahaha my old man is hilarious. Straight up Cheshire I swear I've seen that before. Must be a Dad thing with presents.
  21. Nailthesnail

    New Zealand customs

    Hard customs is so downer. They should focus on drugs, and prohibited goods instead of plants of peace and divinity
  22. Nailthesnail

    New Zealand customs

    I imagine you'll be alright unless its lophophora
  23. Nailthesnail

    Cactus seed to trade

    Pretty nice selection bro
  24. Nailthesnail

    Cinnamon and Nutmeg.

    It seems as though it's a bit like the diamond trade, All is owned by a selected few. And they control the market depressing really
  25. Nailthesnail

    1000 post giveaway

    I'm in Merry Christmas Everybody by the way