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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by endorfinder

  1. endorfinder

    Bicycle Day 2013 - Tripping on the Steps v 3.0

    my avatar will have a day of additional relevancy
  2. Thanks for all your efforts Greg. Although we don't have any laws on the books in the same way the US does, i think religious freedom might actually be a viable angle. In the modern world, many less people participate in formal religion but in my experience most people are still spiritual despite our frequent cynicism regarding cynicism as a plague of the era. Or maybe that whole line is a little optimistic. One thing that would make things interesting is that pituri and corkwood for example would be illegal since trope containing plants are in theory right? So little is known, at least by white man, of murri intoxicants that the elders might even be able to assist our cause right now, by establishing traditional plant use as at least protected for their use. That's a foot in the door for the use of sacrements other than booze/blood in religion in general. Virtually all traditional sacrament use stopped with the introduction of spirits in this country, of which many communities are now fighting tooth and nail to restrict availability. There is a pretty damn strong argument to encourage use of things like pituri to at least offset the massive alcohol, kava, inhalant, cannabis, and other dependencies which plague so much of their society today. IIRC, before 1850 or pituri was so popular there were well established trade routes from known (but secret) "good" plants of SWQ which ran massive quantities all the way up to the Torres Strait. I have never seen a return to traditional intoxicants suggested as a solution to the substance problems the ATSI community faces, unless you count the obviously misguided attempt to introduce yet another intoxicant, kava which did little more than teach people how to mix downers. Powder is generally mixed directly with rum in my area, no other preparation is made AFAIK. But I'm a white guy and obviously no expert. Actually speaking of kava, it deserves more clarification and perhaps even local cultivation regarding it's legality. Both it and qat are permissible within certain quantities for what would seem like even just vaguely traditional/cultural reasons, not at all grounded in religion or even ethnicity. You could say that south american maté is sort of tolerated as well. Some of these are extremely illegal drugs which when intended for traditional use are seen as not worth battling perhaps. Fighting on basis of not just culture but religion has to be even more powerful. Especially if we end out with an even more conservative federal government. As UDV and others have helped spread aya centric religious ceremony into urban areas in Brazil for 20 years now, I wonder how common it is for expats living here to have previously practiced in a sacramental light church before? One of the most intriguing things for me is to see how much sacred knowledge they would be willing to pass on if the elders thought this would be a productive direction to take communities in. I find it extremely unlikely that in 40k years on the most DMT rich continent in the world nobody worked out how to do anything with it. Torston, others - out of curiosity, what kind of legal hurdles would one face if attempting to establish a kava farm in Australia right now? (oh what a dream, I'm proud to be keeping one plant alive!) Would it be harder than going through the process to grow low-thc hemp, tobacco or poppies for example? Or since these all have strong systems established around them already is it a completely unknown area? I've often wondered what issues one would face if attempting to grow other powerful but legal sacrements commercially. Iboga is tricky territory I know, but many many others things like other salvia species, silene capensis, that hodgkinsine containing plant, various "wild daggas" and animal appendages, heimia, zornia, calea sceletium and countless legal tcm and ayurvedic products which could be grown quite easily in many, many parts of the country on relatively crappy land. These I assume are currently mostly sourced in bulk from overseas? Edit: OR, more than six months on now, the best option is to simply be thankful that no media frenzy has erupted and perhaps fighting it will only bring more attention that we don't really want. i love my babies :/
  3. Since it's state level we can buy it interstate and continue to take it at our own risk (although I don't currently take it myself, it's too damn expensive and I can't be arsed sourcing powder). I guess this makes griffonia plants and seeds illegal too, good to know the list is growing This has to have been a legislative slip up that will be rapidly fixed, given that 5-htp was an S3-type product available by first talking with a naturopath type person only. There would have been an uproar from health professionals had there been a deliberate move to get 5-HTP off the shelves, surely... I haven't heard about any of this through pharmacist friends for example. Also, I cannot think of anything for which 5-htp would be a particularly convenient precursor. It's close to serotonin obviously, but that's no fun directly. Loosely speaking what are the schedules in QLD? One list of molecules and life forms for which they just take you out the back with a shottie, and another for which a more grandiose public spectacle is deemed necessary?
  4. endorfinder

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    Cheers boggy, ph. PH this seedling grew oddly from the beginning, and has sort of bolted, so i'm not convinced it's a weed. if nothing else it just doesn't grow fast enough! Edit: I'll obviously keep an eye on it though since you're almost certainly right Nicely spot though, healthy sinica leaves in the foreground
  5. endorfinder

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    Err ok photo tags got messed up there but I'm sure you get the picture (teeeheehe ;) )
  6. endorfinder

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    Just beautiful boggy. Inspired me to go take some pics myself. While things might be getting nippy over your side of the tasman, it's still beautiful weather here. Occasional bits of rain enough for when I forget to water, still a fair bit of humidity, everything's growing smashingly! One thing on the to do list is trying to find spots for all the things that have been raining in from the oxfam auctions. Got a couple of plants in the ground that really needed to be there, will do some more over the next few days; spacey has entrusted me with one of his bachette's which should do better in my climate. And the pictures for vanity: Red x NL from PH, heimia in the foreground, yopos from spacey in the bg. My new kava plant, ph f2 seedling, salvia splendens "blaze of fire" flowering in the background. Close up of the kava lots of nice healthy budding! PH f2 just gone into the ground. Iboga looks happy even in almost full sun, as do dragonfruit, passionfruit, various others. Little cebils with caapi along the back fence. One of Spacey's Tab undulata's new home. Alicia was scorched a little adjusting to moving out of a hothouse, but she's doing well now. Ephedra nevadensis in the foreground is going good, seedling behind not so well, but they're fighting on ! ...and finally my first ever successful graft! aww getting all mushy about my plants now...
  7. endorfinder

    "Rapé dos indios"

    Roopey, can you briefly describe how you make the snuff and perhaps other additives that might make things more interesting?
  8. endorfinder

    Getting started with growing medicinal mushrooms

    Yes as biggy says I'm sure someone can send you some oyster spawn or something to play with. For wood loving outdoor edibles have you considered plug spawn?
  9. endorfinder

    Getting started with growing medicinal mushrooms

    Slants are agar cultures usually intended for long term storage. Yes the pf tek works and you can get away without a pc but seriously spend the cash like the other guys said. Success rate will depend on all sorts of things like environment, cleanliness of work space (carpet is evil) etc etc. PC takes a lot out of the equation there. Yeah it can be done but tbh brf cakes suck, just get a pc and go to grain. Outdoor growing is a nice idea but tricky when you're getting started, your chance of contamination skyrocket. Almost everyone starting out with mushroom growing tries to cheap out on buying a pc but I've never heard anyone say they regret the purchase!
  10. endorfinder

    Getting started with growing medicinal mushrooms

    You can get an electric pressure cooker, not so big, or a large steel regular one for about your budget. Everything else is cheap enough, you won't spend more than $100 max if you shop clever. PM for source info if you're really having trouble but this is generally grocery / home brew store stuff. I have some edible slants that biggy sent me, once you're equipped and have played with a spore print successfully I'll send some through. good luck bud -ef
  11. endorfinder

    Betel bulk

    That's papuan custom. But if he drops by here on the way to PNG (best place for betel nut in the world probably), i'll happily give opiumfreak a piper betel on his way through You do need an alkali afaik though, but bicarb would surely do as it does for other chewables.
  12. endorfinder

    Betel bulk

    Jesus christ... http://bit.ly/170eYIV l2g
  13. endorfinder

    opium in se asia

    amen planthelper. amen.
  14. Oh and if you can set up the kiva account WT I think that's the best long term strategy, these kinds of auctions will be hard to coordinate if this momentum continues!
  15. Thank you very much for your generous donation of $400.00 in support of our work. Would you like to check out the Sting in the Tail team page? Where does the money go? $400 can pay for a year's worth of support counselling to South Africans living with HIV/AIDS. Read about other programs that your donations support. Keep supporting... have you thought about becoming a regular donor? Thank you, from the Oxfam Trailwalker team. Cheers Jim, and all the generous folk who have contributed. I truly hope this can make a difference to someone's life, somewhere! I've just started having the prizes from the first auction flood in, and I don't know what to do with myself right now! This has been a testament not only to your character, Jim, but that of the community here as a whole. I know if I'm going to throw stupid amounts of $ at plants I'd rather it be for charity than a commercial nursery Much love to all. -ef
  16. endorfinder

    lagochilus inebrians fake versus real seeds

    Planthelper could you send up the maybe-real seeds I forgot please? I'm going to sow both of them now, this is just too intriguing
  17. endorfinder

    agua florida / florida water

    As in denatured alcohol or methanol as the main solvent? The smell is decidedly ethanol dominant.
  18. endorfinder

    agua florida / florida water

    it's not peruvian sourced (made in the US), but i just got a few bottles of agua florida in the mail. anyone who's interested and can tell me why they actually want it, PM me
  19. endorfinder


  20. endorfinder

    psychotria viridis seeds give away

    I still have a fair few common viridis seeds, I don't actually want any of them. You're welcome to what's left ww. Can probably also do you some leaf cuts off various strains.
  21. Not only that, after seeing the video we know in person just how huggable he is, too. Hey, I just split an infinitive! ;)
  22. endorfinder

    Smoking Nicotinia rustica

    rustica germiantes easily and grows fast, you'll get a lot of plants out of the seed i sent
  23. endorfinder


    barry mckenzie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068173/
  24. endorfinder

    Any kind of seeds wanted

    check out my thread in S&P exchange right now.
  25. endorfinder


    Why do midgets always laugh when playing soccer? The grass tickles their balls! source: http://www.jokes4us.com/dirtyjokes/midgetjokes.html wee man