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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by bullit

  1. bullit

    chilli RUMBA seeds[fruit] GiveAWaY

    I have a few more , peeps that posted I need addresss
  2. bullit

    Chilli peppers - Aus

    also have RUMBAS
  3. bullit

    Chilli peppers - Aus

    I will throw u a mix bag of chilli seeds for them
  4. bullit

    Beginner tips for growing cactus

    eat it?? jokes edit nar just put it in the ground . it will grow a lot of people think cacti growing is a art . the fuckers grow them selfs with no help @ all.. cactus growers are just watchers lol
  5. bullit

    What cool stuff have you found at bunnings?

    I found 1 of my kids in the play gym and I scored some xylene
  6. bullit

    Chilli peppers - Aus

    that sucks man i too lost a few seedlings from this fucken heat i would love some white bullits
  7. bullit

    Chilli peppers - Aus

    I have a few to trade , I have fresh Trinidad scorpion cardi yellow and others
  8. bullit

    mimosa hostilis

    yes its very trippy.... its also trippy that my eyes shut when im asleep @ nite and my brugmansia smells soo pretty and my dog shits on his bed
  9. bullit

    ebay seller

    I rekon its you g.fighter lol I already have been banned from ebay for selling datura seeds .
  10. bullit

    ebay seller

    I say sell sell sell why fucken not . here comes the haters lol edit im not robberdmt
  11. bullit

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    rivea is fighting woodrose for the acacia
  12. repotted some babies and gave them a move around with the new summer sun
  13. bullit

    Chilli peppers - Aus

    try this
  14. bullit

    Chilli peppers - Aus

    some pics https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/1537986_1532846583636239_3230620764403907713_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10830932_1532846616969569_6735588025478507599_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10869344_1532846670302897_4404822420050642676_o.jpg
  15. bullit

    Chilli peppers - Aus

    yeah cool , they are easy to get going if the seeds are fresh . sprinkle in the bed and water they will germ around 2 to 4 weeks. i grow loads of chillis butch t, nanagom, fiesta, bell, all the habs, 4 different trinidads, variegated, 4 different birds eyes and load more i will get sum pics up soon
  16. bullit

    Chilli peppers - Aus

    geez dude thats a bit much for the humble chilli seed , warm water soak over nite and sprinkle them in the garden . or strait from the bush bite the chilli open and spit the seeds in the garden
  17. hey , I have a couple good size seed grown plants for sale.. very cheap 7 bucks plus postage which is around 10 bucks express.
  18. they are a very tough plant can handle the heat well and don't need much water. don't know about frost but
  19. bullit

    wanted trichocereus "Sharx blue" clone

    can I have the other half??
  20. bullit


    still got sum??
  21. bullit

    Loph seeds 4 sale

    still got any left