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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Snowfella

  1. Snowfella

    Help Needed - Privacy Breach from Another Forum

    If you really want to make sure it's gone I'd double check that the forum hasn't been cashed by the "wayback machine". If it crawled the forum while the post was up there's every chance it's saved and easily found by anyone.
  2. Snowfella

    Can you help price this Peruvianus Crest also

    Last time I went to Hamilton's they had a prety big one for sale for $75, must of been atleast 25 or so cm wide and quite fat. Way out of my price range but I still ended up drooling over it for a while.
  3. Snowfella

    Can you help price this Peruvianus Crest also

    Shit, if that's a $100 one I wonder what this one would set you back? http://cactiguide.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=26385&p=233331#p233331 3rd photo down.
  4. Snowfella

    I.D please

    Looks more like a "true" Parodia to me with those hooked spines.
  5. Snowfella

    Homeless people in the city

    Always breaks your heart seeing something like that and not really being able to really help. Know it definately broke mine as a young and naive 20 year old doing a SFOR peacekeeping "tour" in Bosnia back in the late 90's to see kids begging for money or food whenever we stopped in towns or villages without really being able to help at a scale that meant anything. Even worse was the few visits to run down and bleak orphanages and seeing how the kids there lived! Kickstarted a part of me I didn't think I had in me, during my 2 week leave back home in the middle of the tour I doorknocked every daycare center in town asking for toy/misc donations. Had to do some seriously fast talking to explain the chockers extra 3 garbagebags I wanted to bring back down with me to the herc loadmaster before I was allowed onto the flight. Unfortunately I wasn't able to be there in person when the loot was handed out in said orphanages but it's still one of my proudest moments knowing I helped making an ever so slight difference in some kids lifes, even if all they got was a teddy or blanket. A mere few weeks later I had whatever good feeling that gave me shattered to the core after being the first person on scene when a local kid set of a landmine just meters of the road and not being able to help in any way. Ordered to stay on hard surface due to the risk of more mines about and by the time anyone go to her it was all to late, many a year spent in the deep abyss of a bottle followed.
  6. Snowfella

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    Cheered my poor little mite savaged Loph along in it's struggle to regain some normal growth, mongrel little things really gave it a good beating! And drooled over my first ever hybrid Epi flower, bloody massive at near 9 inches across. Epiphyllum "pegasus"
  7. Snowfella

    Gymnocalycium thread

    Bit of a headscratcher trying to figure out what this little G. baldianum is trying to do, think the growth point died late last season and it started pushing out some new pups from the top. One of them terminated and started a second weird pup ontop, hopefully it will turn into something weird
  8. Can't say I know them well as I've only collected for a year or so but I tend to go all OCD on a new hobby and read/google like crazy! Reason I think i know that mamm is because I had one just like it before killing it last fall from rot.
  9. Dont think it's bombycina, I'd be more enclined to think M. leucantha.
  10. Don't think I've ever seen M. heyderi with hooked centrals before, sure about that id?
  11. Snowfella

    bunnings cacti ID

    I'd say that depends alittle on where you are located, up here in Sydney the bulk of their cactii come from Hamiltons but some Bunnings stores also get limited stock from Collectors corner. Guessing it would be the other way around if you are located down in Victoria though.
  12. Snowfella

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    Looked over the whole collection for mealies, and not suprisingly found quite a few of the little nasties, and sorted through what needs repotting. Plus took another few photos of the whole insanity. This was the bulk of the collection in February last year. And now
  13. Snowfella

    Gymnocalycium thread

    Had my first Gymno of the season in bloom today when I got home from work, mostly all other's are starting to push out buds but they are days/weeks behind this little guy. G. bruchii var niveaum Not an impressive flush by any means but I'm just pleasantly suprised it's still alive, flowered once last spring and then just sat there grumpily all through summer without doing a thing.
  14. Snowfella

    bunnings cacti ID

    Yup. looks like Myrtillocactus to me, though it's got very weak spines. Judging by the pot it's from Collectors corner too. Mine looked more or less like that with almost no spines, now it's sporting 7cm long daggers!
  15. This one came labeled as Lobivia when I bought it last year, somehow starting to think it's about as far from Lobivia as you can get. Tricho of some sort? Unfortunately it had a rough time last summer and is also starting to grow out of it's cresting.
  16. Snowfella

    Sago Palm Male Sperm Wanted

    Shame you'r not closer or I could of gifted you a whole mature male sago palm with multiple pups, tried giving it away last year through the auscactiforum but got no takers. Maybe because I posted it up as a "preferably come and dig it up yourself" deal. Really need to get rid of it but just don't have the heart to kill it. Previous owners of the house planted it stupidly right next to/over the return/feed lines to the pool so it's got to go at some stage. And yeah, I know it's male as this is what it looked like February last year.
  17. Snowfella

    cactus id please

    I'd guess either M. flavicentra or M. rhodanatha pringleii
  18. Snowfella

    id please

    Flowers will be a dead giveaway!
  19. Snowfella

    id please

    Cant see a grove in the tubercles though. I'd be more thinking Mammillaria magnimamma.
  20. Only got an older photo of this one but it haven't changed much in it's character since I bought it. Anyone have any ideas what it could be?
  21. Leuchtenbergia x Ferocactus (Ferobergia) and Astrophytum x Leuchtenbergia (Astrobergia) are known cultivars and seem to hybridise easily though.
  22. Snowfella

    Another columnar ID please

    Hmm, all 3 seem to fit in one way or another. The fact it came from a wholesale cactii nursery kinda hints towards the less rare species though.
  23. I'd probably have to say that I'm on the other side of the fence, guns legally owned and carried in the line of duty doesn't make me the least bit nervous. Probably since I'm ex army and have myself carried during duty. The only way it makes me change the way I behave is that I tend to keep alittle bit closer an eye on my surroundings if I'm near say armaguards restocking an ATM, I ain't a threath so they won't direct anything at me but I do make sure I'm not going to end up between them and a potential threath! As for US vs Australia when it comes to guns, big difference there is the US constitution that clearly states that every citicen has the right to own and bear arms. No such thing down here so it will never become an issue. And as for this Isn't that just proof that the gun buyback affected nothing? Sure the level of gun related homicide and suicides have declined since the buyback but with the overall levels not changing it's just proof that guns don't kill people, it's people that kill other people.
  24. Media going down the sensationalist road again I'd say. There's already cad drawings available online for printing or milling weapons components but they don't seem to care mentioning that. Plus if you live in the states you already 100% legally build your own firearm from scratch without it needing to be registered in any way, only regulation on that is that you can't sell it on. So, $1000 3D printer and they are trying to prove they can make a handgun that can fire just once? Give me $50 worth of material and access to a lathe and I could do that in under an hour. Hell it will even fire more than once and could be made in just about whatever caliber you feel like.