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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by eccles

  1. hehehe... you know what's funny? between us we have managed to create more 'noise' in a thread than we have probably ever done before... and it was in the 'no noise' thread
  2. . [This message has been edited by eccles (edited 24 September 2002).]
  3. . [This message has been edited by eccles (edited 24 September 2002).]
  4. . [This message has been edited by eccles (edited 24 September 2002).]
  5. eccles

    Is anyone ever on Chilli Sauce?

    ahhhhhh bugger it!!! several people came in last night!! but I didn't realise till this morning!! oh well the pre-arranged time thing sounds good... people would be more likely to log on if they thought there would be people there
  6. eccles

    Is anyone ever on Chilli Sauce?

    okay well I have logged in right now... and I might leave this on. I have often done that before of course - the most frustrating thing is to have it on for like 4 hours... and then suddenly realise it has been a while since you checked and you go back and see something like: ----- x logs in hey eccles! eccles?? hellooooo? x logs out ----- where 'x' is whoever you happen to have missed out on talking to!
  7. eccles

    Erythroxylum coca

    I have recently been wondering about this interesting plant... can anyone tell me anything about the conditions it likes to grow in? how it likes to be treated etc? ie tips for growing it in our climate. I'd be very interested to learn more about it. thanks!
  8. Hi everybody my sincerest apologies for the prolonged absence of the ethnobotany-australia.net website. It was taken down due to events outside of my control. it was meant to be temporary, but I have gotten fed up with waiting, and thought that I owed it to the users to take matters into my own hands. I have therefore gotten it hosted with a different provider. I am working on it now, (re-creating the forums etc). However, I am sorry to say I have not been able to import the old forums. That's right, I have lost them - along with the user lists. I realise that this is a huge pain, but I guess it's just one of those things... I am very sorry for the inconvenience and I hope people don't mind too much. It is up at: http://www.ethnobotany-australia.net and the forums at: http://www.ethnobotany-australia.net/cgi-b...B/ikonboard.cgi thankyou for your patience and support! hope to see you there soon! [This message has been edited by eccles (edited 28 June 2002).]
  9. oh! and that's a very impressive track record by the way. I wish I know as much about it as you evidently do... perhaps we could discuss it sometime... Especially your theory on dopamine:serotonin:adrenaline ratios wrt ADHD.
  10. I think you meant that Tyrosine has just one hydroxyl group (in the 4 position). You may have been getting it mixed up with dopamine. just a useless correction, being the pedant that I am And sorry for 'quoting' that site. I didn't visit it until after I had posted my reply... as I said, I didn't even notice brian's post until after I had already posted that...
  11. eccles

    Erythroxylum coca

    thanks for that info murple! hey was it you who wrote an article that I read about visiting south america and encountering coca, drinking coca tea, chewing coca leaves, and posting yourself some leaves?
  12. eccles

    Salvia extract with methylated spirits?

    yeah, stay away from metho... it can have impurities which are left after evaporation which can be extremely toxic. I would not use it as a solvent for something I was going to consume...
  13. eccles

    processes and timing of dmt in the body

    well said Torsten... Also, who is to say that pure compounds do not have a spirit? it would sure make a hell of a lot of sense if they did... and who is to say that, just as humans can be possessed by demon spirits (or at least some other kind of spirit than their own), that plants can't be possessed by the spirit of a compound? I mean... the spirit of the plant could be taken over by, or give itself up to, or just be programmed to be a conformer to, or complimentary with, the spirit of a powerful molecular presence that it becomes subject to? again, just thinking with my fingers (to borrow that delightful phrase
  14. ahhhhh that's a bloody good site brian!! there you go Torsten: "The conversion to norepinephrine occurs with the assistance of Vitamin C and copper." Yet another factor that we must take into account... perhaps it is conceivable that excess vitamin C and copper consumption (hehe copper consumption could lead to excess dopamine --> adrenaline conversion... although I don't really understand how these things work, so I hesitate to give much more than uninformed speculation! Could you point us to some studies regarding the conversion of these amino acids in serotonin depleted individuals? it sounds interesting, but I'd like to see what kind of protocol they used... as it sounds like a bit of a dodgy connection to me...
  15. oh!!!! sorry brian! I didn't see that you had already posted the pathway there... (for some reason Revilles was the last post I saw!) ooops!
  16. oh! and maybe it is possible that if you already had plenty of dopamine, and you took ANY precursor to it, then it would simply convert it into adrenaline... perhaps. If this is the case then self diagnosing which neurotransmitter you are lacking in (hahaha it sounds funny doesn't it, but people do!) would be quite a silly thing to do... "please see your doctor if pain persists"
  17. Torsten: regarding your musings on neurotransmitter synthesis: 1/ Phenylalanine is converted into tyrosine by phenylalanine hydroxylase. 2/ the hormone adrenaline is made from the neurotransmitter noradrenaline, which is in turn made from dopamine, which is in turn made from tyrosine (through another intermediate). Your body would have a lot of different safeguards and techniques that it uses to decide what it needs and when... and just simply taking amino acids is a bit of a sledgehammer technique - as you can't know what your body will do with it anyway... So if your body decided that it needed some dopamine, and it had plenty of tyrosine, then it would make dopamine. ditto if it needed noradrenaline. If it had phenylalanine available it would use that. What you describe (the subjective difference between taking tyrosine and phenylalanine) makes little sense when you consider the biosynthetic pathway that is used. However if you are saying it happens in 'low serotonin indivuduals' then it is conceivable that there are some problems with the biochemical balance anyway, and meaningful conclusions about biosynthetic pathways in normal individuals are unlikely to be able to be drawn... Perhaps phenylalanine doesn't get converted to tyrosine by them properly... however, this would not explain your percieved 'increase in adrenaline' (would I be right in thinking that it is just a guess that attributes their anxiety to increased adrenaline?), if adrenaline is synthesised from dopamine. Of course the brain is such a complex system, that talking about it's pathways and whatnot in terms such as these, and at the level that we are here, are just hideously misleading and virtually useless anyway... I'd really like to have some understanding of it one day, but I doubt I will live long enough
  18. eccles

    Pharmahuasca report

    yeah... I don't think anyone should *ever* discount the power that combining these things actually has...
  19. eccles

    Erythroxylum coca

    you mean it went yellow??? what happened next?? did it die? :/
  20. eccles

    Pharmahuasca report

    heheheeheh - yeah! I'd say there is definitely a big difference between assuming some old salvia leaf is inactive, or even smoking a bit of it whilst straight and not getting any noticable effects, and it actually *being* inactive, to the extent that it will not interact with a strong DMT trip (complete with MAOI)...
  21. eccles

    What happens if you mix??

    hehe I was wondering why no-one had mentioned that yet! P I was starting to think I must have imagined it. But yeah... in Trout's Notes it basically says that diffusa are inactive. So eating plants that he really loves would be silly. Also... who could have the heart to carve up a beautiful cactus? especially a young one... maybe one day when mine are huge and have many MANY branches I will decide that they won't miss a little piece... but until then... I don't have the heart.
  22. eccles

    80 people busted for mushroom possession

    the 'conspiracy' charges you mentioned... is this in australia? what kind of evidence was used? is any physical evidence required? evidence of ability/equiptment? because the number of people out there who 'decide' they are going to make drug A or drug B but who would actually be technically incapable is very high... so as these people would surely not be locked up, what is required to make a case against someone?
  23. eccles

    80 people busted for mushroom possession

    HOW THE HAEMORRAGING *FUCK* CAN PEOPLE PICKING A NATURALLY OCCURRING FUCKING FUNGUS BE CONSIDERED A *CRIME WAVE* and no... I am not intoxicated... that article in itself is enough to produce the most unbelievably fucking high levels of anger and disbelief all by itself. [This message has been edited by eccles (edited 12 July 2002).]
  24. eccles

    ethnobotany-australia.net is back!

    oooops! I didn't realise I had left the defunct links here all this time. I just edited my initial post, so that the actual WORKING links are there... just out of interest, how many people were trying to go there using these links? or old bookmarks? (I have set up a redirect page at the old forum addresses) thanks eccles
  25. eccles

    ..for sale..

    hahahahahaha I have never heard of that! how cool is there childdrake, dogdrake and cardrake too??