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Posts posted by withdrawl clinic
look, i destroyed most of my cacti because of the law changes years ago.
one specimen i kept, is what some people here call a true blue.
mine fell over by it's own weight (the bastard sneeked a tap root, through the decking into the soil, very smart on behalve of the cacti!!)
and i had to cut it into sections to rescue it and avoid injury to me (fell over my decking).
i am recovering from surgery, and can't to as much in my garden as i would like to...
once the cut's are dried up and ready for planting, could i plant them and root them over winter (in other words right now) or wait till spring?
i hate to plant callused sections which are old, they don't root as fast and as well, as perfectly timed ones.
pls advice me, but only if you have experience about this subject, in the same climat zone as mine.
if uou live in a cold climat don't respond with advice as it could be wrong, unless you have lived in my climat zone, and have moved somewhere else now.
my feeling is to plant them out soon, and keep one section for spring and learn from this scenario.
i get frosts some years over winter, but day time tems can be quite high even in winter.
21 hours ago, SayN said:
yes, its the light refracting through the earths atmosphere that gives it the red.
I took a photo expecting to be disappointed.
I wasn't disappointed.
ahh meteors... been a while since i've seen one of those in the city. or the milky way...
(edit: my family just walked in raving about the extremely bright shooting star they'd just seen
there is a chance they have seen the same fireball as me.
you know, astronomy and sience started by people like us, and comminicating.
meteors are not very far away from an observer, and i can imagen some middle eastern people (before the rise of islam, which i totaly respect)
saying i saw this green fireball, to his friend 100 of kays away, i saw it too, he replies, but it was in another star sign.
and astronomical trigonometry was born!!!
i saw it well, and got even rewarded, observing two bright meteors as well.
once the moon got darker the milky way came out, awesome.
i said something withch i think is only partly true, in other words if you would have been on the moon whilst the lunar eclipse took place, you would have enjoyed a total solar eclipse caused by earth!!!!! i think no such was ever recorded by photos...
the copper moon color is produced by light passing around the earth coming from the sun, me thinks.
the old earth light theory has only merit if you see a very new moon.
now, i belive that the collective concioicsness, is as well in regards to covid 19 jab's, a serious problem.
allowe me to be clearer, if you are an ozzie, we would be reluctant to get the russian sputnik, or we say huawai is malicious.
now a lot of people at this forum have learned to be very sientific, so they don't allow the current "zeitgeist" to cloud ther judgement.
regardless it does still happen, and we have to fight the ignorance, of the people even if there opinon is held by the majorety.
i dislike trucks a form of transport, but most people see them as advancement, i dont.
canals and barges were the best form of transport, followed by trains. canals can transport good with the least ammount of pollution and most efficiant,
but my opinon would be laughed at.
thank god i will die sooner or later, i don't want to live in this world, because wher it is heading.
btw, my ephedras are now 2m tall, hehehe, i never use the medicinaly, as the major seems weak or containig unwanted alkaloids.
fellow sab astronomer's!
a nice total lunar eclipse will take place tonight, from most parts of eastern oz!
don't miss it.
some people lunar light can heal cancer, well tonight, it will be earth light illuminating our moon, and reflecting it back to us on earth.
Eclipses visible in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia - 26 May 2021 Lunar Eclipse (timeanddate.com)
23 minutes ago, Glaukus said:
As long as the berries are still bright red and not too shriveled or mank they usually germ ok with a bit of warmth.
As soon as that bright red sheen turns darker, their viability drops to virtually zero.
ok, i don't disagree with you.
i've seen south americans plant yellow seeds.
they germ faster than red.
i try to make a point towards, if you recieve this seed plant it right away, don't say it can wait anoter day.
slight side track, but responding to dl, flu input.
incog, once made me aware, of as followes.
we don't get the flu because we had mononucleosis in our youth.
would be nice to research if this "permantent increased immune responce" could maby help as well with covid.
personal sharing ( feel privileged to have tort, dl and hd to reply)
i had a most wonderfull day today, i use alco only occasional NOW, and haven't smoked pot in 18 months.
late edit so u know and proly i gave him a link be 4
arthur brown, i know him sice i was achild pls watch:
i was told they loose viabilety after only 7 day's, please consider! (:
nice one, topic starter!!!
are we allowed to discuss this topic?
many people are smarter than me here, so i ask which jab is the safest if you have a family record of blood clots and are 60 years of age.
when i called the number to register for my jab, the phone operator hung up on me.
i know of a case where a young person in my area got pfizer bio tek instead of astra.
but my research could not copy this persons achivement.
rumours are pfizer will become available, in given time.
please help.
you have to understand, statistics even from the goverment provided (1 dead in 200 000)would mean 100 australiens will die from clots.
now go and don't belive the goverments statistics (and i don't) than many more will die.
the goverment doesn't tell us what we need to do, if you have a family history of blood clots.
i had surgery 14 days ago, stapled heamorocopy (sorry i;m slightly dyslexic) were given fentanil, than endo. could not sleep for 8 day's endo kept me awake, and none of the medical support i recived believed me. please guys, never abuse those pain killers. today first day with little pain, stopped endo 5 days ago or so. it was my friend who helped me miracously and took my fear.
on the 16 somebody vandalised my car....
sorry for the ego, i'm a co inventor of the good vibes generator, not the inventor as some previous threads suggested.
just liking the post above, is not the most you can do, sorry to say...
freakazoid get well, good vibes will be sent to you!
i got peres grafts, onto lophs and ario, which are healthy since 15 years.
most importantly, don't repot with a potting mix which holds moisture much better, than the potting mix already used!!
the worst, for many plants (catha ephedra & co) is a water line.
water line is a term used, to describe, a soil which retains moisture, much better than another soil (in this case the soil the plant came with) as well in the pot, or even in the garden. i use searls seed rising mix, and like when it turns hydrophobic. most commercial potting mix is designed to, retain moisture, something you don't want for ario and co.
saguaro, gave very good advice, regarding some issues!
just water, once a 14 night and nothing much over winter, if the graft fails, cut the peres out, let the ario dry for weeks and than re root, onto searls seed rising mix, or cacti mix.
i have posted 5 letters with 10 seeds each, enjoy.
i have dried the seeds for maybe 3 weeks, but noticed the coating was still sticky, so to be save (and avoid any fungus issues) place the seeds (for storage) in the fridge, with zip bag opend.
you make a good point here, leaves might benefit from defatting, bark never needs to be defatted.
it's a very sustainable source, yes but to be not an economic one.
just give it time, be patient to grow for 7 years or so, before getting a haverest.
use phalaris for a quick fix, but bark for real work.
viridis is the best for aya, but bark, is less desirable for aya.
i suspect there, is an issue with viridis, in the aqueous phase, and it doesn't like to move onto the solvent phase.
would be interessting to do an experiment starting with b and not with an a....
two more lot's available, come on it's a freebie.
not an easy plant to, grow big and to get lot's of seeds.
i struggle even, i a very warm part of oz.
iboga, is a very special plant, and ants know that better than us humans, so often she struggles in cultivation, because of amphids.
ants place amphids onto iboba, and than milk the amphids, to get the medicine/drug.
if ant's love a plant, humans should love it too.
On 06/03/2021 at 6:15 PM, Glaukus said:
The finer your material, the more you'll extract generally speaking.
and the more, issues you might create, at the zone where the organic meet's with the solvent.
so i say, allthough finer is better, it can create problems.
to me best is fresh, and only slightly manipulated, bark.
dried bark, is almost useless, one can't pulverize wet bark well, so i assume your recovery will be minor...(because you got dry bark).
that's a good question, unspeakable 6 letter nick person....
i think to know, that some of the passifloras for eating get grafted onto passiflora caerulea, because of her virgor.
i would like on too, and will pm you.
a great offer and a rare plant!
ok, i don't want to start a new tread, so do honor endorfinder even more.
1, pm me if you want gumbi gumbi seeds for free. 5 lots available, seed collected just days ago.
2, a good link Thompson_BSci_Honours_2014.pdf (usq.edu.au)
3, another good link https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/9/7/887/pdf
he's just a very young driver,
he's penis is small as shite...
so he tries to compensate,
with a large and noisy tail pipe...
i hate jobo imbecils, who drive noisy cars.
instead of growing up they still, go for the idea, to put a playing card, wedging a spokes of there push bike, to make, additional noice..
tort, germinated the rifat clone, but intruders (darcy) call it something like 4 seasons kratom or so...
so the rifat clone, grows into a tree displaying maybe 3 or 4 different growth stages.
big leaves (a growth spurt) are displayed as well next to flowering branches, and branches already setting seed.
most trees, go trough phases of seasonal development, ( big leaves after the season starts, than flowering, than seed capsule's are formed).
rifat torts, clone display's all this normaly seasonal features at the very same time.
in short, this kratom tree, doesn't go through seasonal phaseses of development,
but produces them at the very same time.
like an apple tree, displaying spring flush,
spring flowers, and fall fruits at the very same time.
thats rifats kratom.
18 hours ago, Buttsack said:
Ahh thanks for showing your ignorance/arrogance. I asked questions, that if you know what you're saying you know, should be easy to answer. I don't think you've actually thought this through since you can't provide any evidence to back up what you're saying, not even any court cases for any of the people who have been done for selling caapi. Do I have to pay a fee or make some sort of sacrifice to get info from you? Sorta like how Scientology and most religions work, don't question those in power...just swallow what you're told.
i doubt you "buttsack", is/ are, in fact, smarter than most of us, who learned here.
i think, "you" (topic wanker) are smart enticing tort!!
tort seems to give you energy, but for years, he hasn't done that with any body else...
tort, can come across, as arrogant, but his only mildly, he just knows a lot.
generous, but the zeitgeist hampers your efforts.
super, opening post.
wau, a varigated caapi, congrats topic starter!!
junior members rock!
i can retire now.
ok, here's my input.
yes virus, but some shamans might say, this virus made this plant more potent.
i'm so luck,y to be with you all, bless you.
Tabernanthe Iboga Fruit GIVEAWAY
in Seed & Plant Swaps
yep same here!
peoples, please give us updates. i, at times fell deflated if i prepare 5 or more letters pay for them, and people don't even say thank you.
with easy to come by seeds, i don't worry as much, but iboga come on guys!
i tried to screen the recipients of my iboga seeds, and i think i did well, and this entirely for the sake of iboga!!!
i give a shit if you think i'm an ass, because i deny you iboga seeds.
only few people have the skill level and set up to achive success with them.
sidetrack, no iboga seeds will be offered at my iboga thread, i got none fruiting this year.
my age, stopps me from taking more care of them.....