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withdrawl clinic

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Everything posted by withdrawl clinic

  1. withdrawl clinic


  2. withdrawl clinic


  3. withdrawl clinic


  4. withdrawl clinic


  5. withdrawl clinic

    Acacia phlebophylla Seeds

    even if I would have some, I don't know if you, can grow them, because you haven't filled out your climate/location field correctly. and btw, some people here are super protective of acacias and there seeds. please don't attempt to grow this species unless you live in a goldilocks zone for this tree.
  6. please update us, we all are worried. I can't give medical advice as all of us, but am very certain that cooling you body with cold water could be a method, in this instance. that's what hospitals have done as well, I think. let us all research this topic, and get back to the forums a regarding this. and yes forgot to say, you are a bloody idiot (sorry I love you).
  7. withdrawl clinic

    Eileen cuttings or seeds

    I remember a thread, were somebody said "eileen is highly overstated", and thought why is he not happy with Eileen. than I placed super pedro and Eileen cuttings into the same big pot, and Eileen struggled, but super pedro took off. I have lived in Europe halve of my live, and would unless, I have glass house or a wintergarden (your location says cold) rather grow the true blue, or super pedro. if you got space, try to collect all of them, in summer outside, in winter put them in a cold and dark garage or cellar!!
  8. withdrawl clinic

    iboga & other free seeds!

    I started sending out some of the letters today! please people try hard to grow them, for all of the mentioned seeds, I suggest to germinate them soon after arrival, with the aid of bottom heat. I don't know how long, those seeds keep viable. if you don't have bottom heat, store them in the fridge till, it warms up again, and let us know how it went. if you know the store well, post this info here! sorry for the side track rant, but I did once send even free plants to a person, to give them away at meetings he held, and he did let them all die...
  9. withdrawl clinic

    Ethnobotanical Kefir

    good pump, guys! so that give me the chance to add my few cents... maybe it was this thread, which made me experiment with water kefir. I experimented with it a few years ago, buying the grains from the local health food shop, they were exxi (25 bucks or so). I remember not exactly what fruits I did use, but one of them was lemons from my lemon tree. the result was spectacular, it kicked my brain in similar fashion as alcohol does. I don't know, if it's in this thread (I only quikly re read it) but some people suggested, this process could help "herbs" to cross the blood brain barrier. if you don't know what that term means, do research it, it's important to know about the bbb, as a shaman.
  10. when I woke up this morning, I said, I might write something about Zyprexa and similar medications. a bit later and by conincidence, I was informed about the passing, of a girl I knew. sorry the spelling, i'm mildly dyslexic. this is not a hate post, against valium, lithium, Zyprexa and co, if it works for you, congratulations, but they have never worked for me. I have spoken to quite a few people, about those pills, and now I speak out, and say as follows. lithium, can make you do silly things, like risk taking, or even manic masturbation. valium, is so addictive, binging on it is common practice. Zyprexa doesn't stabilize your mood, but can make you suizidal. I said to my doctor, why to you give this girl Zyprexa, I know she's an alcoholic like me, and you should never, mix those for mentioned drugs with alcohol. a few days ago I had my teeth fixed, and bonded with a very phat guy in a mobility scooter, in the waiting room. he said, i'm a brick layer, last worked 2009, than a spider bit me, and i had complications, bla bla bla, they gave me Zyprexa and it made me suizid. so they tried 3 more drugs on me, and now I am on one that is "easier" on me. he said all those drugs they give me, made me eat a lot, and now he has health issues because of his weight (I estimated him 160kg). sleep apnia, and of course some docs, gave him drugs which could have killed him, because of his apnea. a gastric band was fitted to him, and he did loose 35 kg he told. this is quite a dangerous operation I might add, and he needed it because of the drugs that making him fat. he said 3 of the anti psychotics made him very suizidal, so they kept trying different ones on him. now I have used Zyprexa many times when I withdrawl myself from alcohol and weed, as a sleeping pill. and you guessed it it made me suzidal out of nowhere!! I believe that when I withdrawl myself the actions I take are very smart, I use many different sleeping aids, for example one day temazepam, than a night without pill, than stillnox, than Zyprexa, so I never get my body used to any of them. I even would recommend anti hystamins which make you drowsy, but expect to be still drowsy next mornig, so no car and machinery. I got to know a few doctors which gave "benzos" to alcoholis, my first girlfriend died from it, and my brother. mixing those is quite popular, as it's legal. we need drug reform, mixing weed with alcohol is not a good idea either, but no deadly. benzos, stop the alcohol from unfolding it's usual power to a strong degree, other drugs like uppers as well, and as such don't mix them! many doctors don't know all of this, they are convinced there drugs are good and weed and alcohol are bad, but the opposite is true. alcohol is an excellent anxiolytic , far far saver than vallium, and it's addictive potential is as well much less than that of benzos. if you start taking valium for 14 days, you are badly hooked. if you start drinking for 14 days, you are not hooked, but alcohol (god bachus) would even avoid you from achiving this goal. WORK IN PROGRESS, I am exhausted now. will continue...
  11. withdrawl clinic

    zyprexa & co no good at times

    i never said anything like those drugs never help people, contrary i hope they help more people than, i think they do... none of them ever worked for me, and i was lucky to stop them, very soon, often after just one or two doses, but sure the health professionals say, "keep taking them" the claw clenching will get better, after a while (ssnri). many drugs chemical or herbal, can cause the same symptoms as they can treat, it's a shamanic and hanemann principle (but i don't believe hanemanns teachings). what i try to put forward to you, is that, most of the media, the law makers, the law enforcers, the health professionals, think, 'MY DRUGS ARE SAVE AND HELP" but "HEMP, ALC AND CO" ARE BAD and dangerous, but as befor mentioned many times, they "all can be bad and all can be good"....
  12. withdrawl clinic

    upload delete how?

    you make some very good points, zool. i'm not a pc person, but maybe it's problematic to delete, because it never turned into a successful upload.
  13. withdrawl clinic

    A couple of Acacia IDs

    I am pretty sure, that acacia cuttings are close to impossible to produce, so forget that... maybe some super cool tissue culture specialist managed, but it's not for us. and why do you start, by random sorting trees, research what others have found out first.
  14. withdrawl clinic

    upload delete how?

    I can find a delete button by different means, red in color but I don't know if it deletes, and I would have to do this I guess20 times X 17 pages times....
  15. withdrawl clinic

    upload delete how?

    thx zool, but unfortunately... I can click as you say, till edit album, but than all the grey/black images don't show a trashcan/ delete function, as they show with a successful upload. further more concern for me is, the fact that, the page indicates there are 17 pages of this oooo60 image. as well this fault made the pointing right arrow disappear gallery displayed at the top of the forum. now we cant scroll for erlier pics!
  16. withdrawl clinic

    zyprexa & co no good at times

    very wise words, but I am getting more mature every day. and you can hopefully understand, my anger if human lives are lost by ignorance and (from my viewpoint) false indocrinated believes. and btw, according to my statistics, more than average mental health nurses smoke Tabaco or even weed, hehehe. late edit: I kindly suggest a reform of mental health; for example I promote a "180 degree turn around", meaning isolate the perputrators of mental illness, the bullies, the rapiest, the violent people, and give them the anti psychotics, and not the victims, of there doing!!!!!!!!! why treat somebodies burns, if you can avoid them getting burned in the first place.
  17. withdrawl clinic

    A couple of Acacia IDs

    I leave the id'ing to the acacia specialist, but one thing I can tell you for certain. acacias come general in two flower types, cylindrical and spherical, and so far without exception, all alkaloid acacias where displaying cylindrical flowers. don't waste your time on spherical flowers as you posted pics of. this trick, I was told by torsten!
  18. withdrawl clinic


  19. withdrawl clinic

    iboga & other free seeds!

  20. withdrawl clinic


    ariocarpus in flower.
  21. withdrawl clinic


  22. withdrawl clinic


    erythroxylum australis native coca, from the dingo area.
  23. withdrawl clinic


    From the album: Withdrawl clinic

  24. withdrawl clinic


    From the album: Withdrawl clinic

  25. withdrawl clinic


    From the album: Withdrawl clinic
