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The Corroboree

yowie power



Yowie flowers got the yowie power


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From the album:

Drildo County aka Paradise

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Please tell me you collected the pollen and froze some for later use at the very least. Any interesting pollen to apply to this bad girl?

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Yeah collected pollen then blew it into/onto the aliendick (stamen?) of a Rosei2, then took the pollen from rosei2 and blew it back into the dilly dallys of the yowie.
Used rosei to pollinate 4 yowie flowers, and used yowie to pollinate 4 rosei flowers.    First year doing this stuff, hopefully I did it correctly and some fruit form.

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I've never blown a cacti before to pollinate it, but I bet it might work. I usually just gingerly place a bit via a cotton q-tip or paint brush myself. Stroking the stigma with the pollen until she is nice and coated.

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basically i used the cotton bud exactly as u described, but to get the last of the pollen off the bud i gave it a little  'poof'  with my mouth, a little  'queef'  of air to get the last of the goodness off the q-tip.

hopefully we see some action   :)

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I should have mentioned, I fluff the q-tip first. Rolling it around your fingers to loosen up the cotton allows you to really load it with pollen. Store those q-tips thus fluffed in a sealed container in the freezer for next year if need be....

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I don't think I pollinated correctly, we didn't get any fruit.
Although my mum came through like a week after I pollinated with the shits and cut the rotten flowers off the cactus, but its the bases of the flower pods that create the fruit anyway isn't it, the bases were left attached but still no fruit...   She might of cut em too low/close to the column.

I wasn't really ready, or expecting, or really knowing what to do when shit flowered lol, was beautiful to see though.
I will be better prepared next time. I doubt ill get many flowers next season, I reckon a lot of my flowers were stored energy from the larger plants they were cut from.

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Trichocereus are not self-fertile, so you have to pollinate another variety or clone other than your Yowie with your Yowie pollen. I'm not sure you knew that, but if not... then there is that to think about as well. Another reason to store your pollen in the freezer till you have something else blooming. With that said, there are some Trichocereus that will flower at just a few feet in height like L.E.R. Also some hybrids are known to flower while very small. Another reason I love hybrids. Moving cacti around can also cause them to drop fruit.

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I had Rosei and Yowie flower same time, fresh pollen was used to cross both clones, yeah I didn't try to use the yowie pollen on the yowie itself, I transported it to the rosei and visa versa.
Premature removal of the rotten flowers potentially too close to the column or a not liberal enough powder puffing with the pollen is my guess as to the lack of results(?).
Winds can pick up here and blow the flowers around a fair bit too, maybe they get severed at the base if they blow around too violently.

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