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The Corroboree

vibrant hues



Blue Peru's


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From the album:

Drildo County aka Paradise

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Thanks mate,
Finally starting to get some things out of their pots and into direct soil.

Going to follow that raised TBM hedge along the North wall like that all the way down to the sand.
This is one half of the first tier, still have to plant out the other half (side) too...Then repeat, same style for 3-4 tiers till our backyard runs out. Will be all cactus, (TBM & columns).

I love these plants, they're highly ornamental year round (form and flower). I'm planting only in pairs to compare growth parameters etc.
In ground there you see; 
2x Yowie,
2x KK339 (ecuadorian pach),
2x Dawsons Peru (Either d1 or d2),
2x LEN (macro or peru?)

got 2x Psycho0
and 2x Mildura Bridge behind it too:

Always planting in pairs, if that makes sense? trying to keep all bridge up the back, pach on the sides and peru's up the front.

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Its a steep block, hard to capture it in one shot:

Our block finishes shortly after where that old timber walkway ends, then there's a few meters of crown land lawn, then sand...
So repeating this tier'd style backyard for as long as the property allows (stepping down for another 3 or 4 tiers maybe) keeping the cactus theme the same throughout. Will throw plenty down on crown land too, spreading the love either side onto the neighbours crown-land-extended backyards as well  :wink:.

Only about 3 or 4 residents that maintain it, the council doesn't come and mow, the public doesn't walk through either and there is no back fences, open space... It's nice.

Edited by Skellum
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50 shades of blue :drool2:


Jokes aside that's fucking gorgeous mate, I love how you did those planters and the plan to keep species separate. Those TBM hedges are gonna be crazy in a few years.


Edit: did you break the bottom of the clay pots and buried the rootball, or just buried the whole thing?

Edited by MeanGreen
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The colums in the raised planters are sitting in there temporarily,  raised planters that are going cross ways will have Carissa planted in em, but the north stretching raised planter will be all TBM's. The columns in-ground are mostly out of there pots, one or two burried in-pot that i will dig up in 4 weeks and fuck the pot off of. 

Didn't need to smash the pots so far, wrapped column in a towel and got a rubber mallet and with two people we knocked the pots off fairly easily...    Its good to water the fuck out of em, and loosen them up a bit with a little hand shovel, then lift holding column with towel and knock pot downward with rubber mallet. Pots come away pretty easily this way.

All the pots were basically rootbound within 6 months of potting up up unrooted cuttings...  Has been quick in this weather in terracotta pots. 
I loosened / teased out the roots a bit and planted directly in-soil for a lot of specimens. Hope everyone does well.

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Thank you Inyan,
Something told me to start collecting about 12 months ago.
I've become a hermit in that time and just devoted myself to it, finally getting things in ground in under a year of purchasing a lot.
Very satisfying! but farrrr from finished yet,

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Did you get those planter walls put in yourself? Or were they existing from a previous owner?


It's a pretty incredible landscape there. Looking forward to seeing more pictures as it progresses

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My old man purchased the block like 35 years ago, vacant and has been slowly building it up ever since. 
Hes a sparky (so am I, just not a very good one) and a owner/builder. He's the one with the skill & the vision.
I just help with the heavy lifting & buy the plants.

Nothing was here, we did it all ourselves...
Built the retaining walls, moved tons of rock down a cliff face (steep block) to build the retaining walls...
Shitloads timber sleepers cage and stone... And soillllll...

Will have more pics over the next 2 months, we're aiming to have the other side of this tier finished & planted out before winter.

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I like the Cycad in the center with the golden ball in the guts.
We had a female about same size throw a huge seedpod already, this one is different, it might be a male...
Could be throwing new leaves but it looks strange man, bit of a mystery at this age (more than a decade old).

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Yeah I'll retire & die here me thinks, no chance we would ever sell unless absolutely forced to, the cactus in ground reinforces this for me.
Should be an impressive garden when its complete. Everyone's welcome to come check it out.  B)

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