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this was found on the net, I added the translation and the music

did this a while ago.. this is an older video...

there are both crazy and interesting ideas in what this dude says.

I hope this is both fun and interesting for ya

my diagnosis (having seen anther video) is bi-polar , super intelligent dude

who knows his real history?

he also mentions psychedlic drugs and castaneda, besides throwing some really interestinf hints of what the planetary, astrological influence nature is...


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Yeah so I reckon that many of us on this forum may have come across people who communicate in this manner.

No doubt a certain level of intelligence and a certain level of knowledge, and a strong desire to communicate their knowledge to others.


You say bi-polar, others may say schizophrenic, maybe some PTSD as well, or whatever they like, I'm not really into the name taggery. The comorbidity of mental diagnosis indicates that the apparent disorders are beyond the ability of psychology to quantify and catagorize, and are just the manifestaions of something much deeper, at the edge of what we can comprehend. Or the solutions are beyond what our society will accept.


Of what is said much may not be technically accurate, not false but metaphorical and abstract, while other parts are in sort of code, and all strung together in a way that can't really be and isn't really ment to be correctly followed, but is largely just trying to press buttons in yor mind.


I have spent many many hours listening to friends and associates talking to me in this way, unable to get a word in edgeways. I've been told I'm a good listener... For ten years or so I was in this socio-economic sector where people like this tend to aggregate. For the last few years I have been away from it but permanently affected.


Like he said, it doesn’t benefit anybody to listen to what he has to say. Most people are relativity settled and have put a lot of effort into achieving this state, whereas this guy is very unsettled and quite unsettling.


I have found that this state of unsettlement is generally achieved by spiritual existential trauma, when the foundation on which a person has built their life has been destroyed. This could be be religious, childhood problems, personal abuse, family problems, social disillusionment, and others, most likely a mix of some or all of those factors in an interconnected matrix.

To a degree this can affect the listener, but mainly by the realisation of the incredible depth of despair and sheer helplessness. It it a terrible thing for a concious human mind to be confronted by another concious human mind who was once a little kid, who had beautiful hopes and dreams, and has the memories and experiences of an entire lifetime, to see their wonderful intelligence, knowledge, and reasoning ability thrashing around helplessly trying to make sense and meaningfulness out of the imposable chaos and terror that they have found themselves in - like an octopus on a barbecue - sheer terror to behold.


But I have to say I certainly commend you on your choice to look, instead of looking away like so many others.

There is a lot that can be learned, but it is not so much in the words spoken.


One reoccurring theme that I have come across is the person is often driven by shame and guilt for something or things that they had done or should have done, or a choice or choices that they had made which had resulted in the irreversible situation. Sometimes plausible and other times with a more tenuous relation to cause and effect, and reality, but meaningfull to themselves.


He mentioned 'The economy of Greece...in a few words, I am the mastermind let alone the inside story' maybe he was involved in some area of economics. The realisation of what you had done could certainly be enough to destroy a persons foundations, after a life of believing that what you was doing was basically right to then realise what you had actually done, what you had been complicit in, what you with all your intelligence and good intention had been tricked into doing to other people, the terror which you had committed against fellow human beings and human beings of the future, altering the future of humanity in a most reprehensible way.

No wonder he would be trying to find a way to rectify things. After all we are all human.

But maybe in the the terrible desperate thrashings of a doomed human being he can redeem himself to some degree and help humanity in that at least part of his story is being told - with your help.

So good work - but I don't know how to help with it beyond this post. At least I think that what you've done is better than nothing.


There's an old poem called "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" which addresses a similar situation.

It's a good poem – definitely worth a read. It's a few pages long though. You can find it on the internet.

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I wasn't meaning to degrade anyone with my 'diagnosis' . The fact that I took the time to translate the thing and all means I respect and am interested in the mans words and opinions.. I especially focus on the psychology - Yung- astrology paralel he talks about , after which he talks about his sickness and stomach, which maybe was brought by this overwhelming idea : that basic astrology is true .

androids! androids!!

I remember the night I first considered that natal astrology might actually be true! I dont think I will forget easily... Easily one of the turning points of my life , mainly as a philosopher....


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Sorry I didn't mean to suggest that that you were being degrading - just a comment on the depth of the problem, inabillity of our society to address it, and the feed-back loop that exists between the two.

Androids! :lol: I'm more concerned about g00gle monster!! :blink: ....

Astrology - yeah I would say that there is truth to it, like I Ching and other formes of divination.

I'm not realy into predicting the future though...opens up a can of worms in my opinion. But that's just me.

But Carl Jung is absolutly brilliant, I love his work. Realy gets to the heart of reality, conciousnes, deep psycology, and philosophy.

And he has some realy good, easy to read books too.

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I dont do progressive astrology (much more predictive / prephetic) , I do natal astrology, and that's what the dude is referring to: natal astrology, which is much more alligned with psychology, self-awareness, self-knowledge, etc.. and its also the kind of astrology that CAN be linked with Yungs work.

Also I definately not see astrology, or anything btw, as divination, as I am an strong atheist. I am aware of I ching, interesting but too small and wise-ass to be really impressive... I believe I ching is a philosophical trick.

Astrology is the real deal


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Yeah I' an atheist too, but Jung was christian, not that I think that that matters. He was pretty into omens and such, which is a form of divination. Divination is just about predicting things using mechanisms that you don't understand. Weather it works is hard to determine because there is a psychological element, and we are all vulnerable to psychological manipulation, and I don't think that you have to be religious to do that. And if Jung was right at all about sincronisity and such, then psychological manipulation would completely alter what happens and the way thing happen in the physical world, although not violating the laws of physics of cause, but still changing reality. So predictions within the right framework could change reality to make the prediction come true.

So you reckon that this natal astrology is not predicting who you are, but is the real deal?

People reading sheep guts, knuckle bones, and turtle shells don't think that they are making predictions, but believe that it is the real deal.

Maybe you've changed reality and altered yourself! :blink: ...


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I wouldn't say Jung was a Christian, from what I've read he was an agnostic

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I wouldn't say Jung was a Christian, from what I've read he was an agnostic

Yeah he was a christian, but he studied, and had respect for all religions,

It was in some of his books that I have read, which I don't have with me.

So here's a few snippets off Wikipedia:

"Jung's father was a poor rural pastor in the Swiss Reformed Church"

"Jung saw the human psyche as "by nature religious" and made this religiousness the focus of his explorations."

"Jung's ideas on religion gave a counterbalance to the Freudian scepticism of religion. Jung's idea of religion as a practical road to individuation has been quite popular, and is still treated in modern textbooks"

So yeah he started out christian, maintaned some elements of his christian faith but due to his studies of religion and psycology was said to have developed a more pantheistic view.

Definition of Pantheism (wiki):

"Pantheism is derived from the Greek πᾶν pan (meaning "all") and θεός theos (meaning "God" if used as a noun, or "divine" if used as an adjective). There are a variety of definitions of pantheism. Some consider it a theological and philosophical position concerning God.

As a religious position, some describe pantheism as the polar opposite of atheism. From this standpoint, pantheism is the view that everything is part of an all-encompassing, immanent God. All forms of reality may then be considered either modes of that Being, or identical with it.

Some hold that pantheism is a non-religious philosophical position. To them, pantheism is the view that the Universe (in the sense of the totally of all existence) and God are identical (implying a denial of the personality and transcendence of God). Because of this, some pantheist groups avoid usage of the word 'God' for its association with a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god, and use other words like 'universe' or 'nature'. "

Damn, I thought I was an atheist but I reckon I'm a Pantheist :) I supose I could be both - an Irreligious Pantheist...ahhh name taggery

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