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An idol is a false impression or a false belief; some form of anti-Christ, that constitutes a gap between the Christ and what you see. An idol is a wish, made tangible and given form, and thus perceived as real and seen outside the mind. Yet it is still a thought, and cannot leave the mind that is it's source. Nor is its form apart from the idea it represents. All forms of anti-Christ oppose the Christ. And fall before His face like a dark veil that seems to shut you off from Him, alone in the darkness. Yet the light is there. A cloud does not put out the sun. No more a veil can banish what it seems to separate, nor darken by one whit the light itself.

This world of idols is a veil across the face of Christ, because its purpose is to separate your brother from yourself. A dark and fearful purpose, yet a thought without the power to change one blade of grass from something living to a sign of death. Its form is nowhere, for its source abides within your mind where God abideth not. Where is this place where what is everything has been excluded and keep apart? What hand could be held up to block God's way? whose voice could make demand He enter not? The "more-than-everything is not a thing to make you tremble and to quail in fear. God's enemy is nowhere. He can take no form in which he ever will be real.

Am idol is established by belief, and when it is withdrawn the idol dies. This is the anti-Christ; the strange idea that there is a a power passed omnipotence, a place beyond the infinite , a time transcending the eternal. Here the world of idols has been set by the idea this power and place and time are given form, and shape the world where the impossible has happened. Here the deathless come to die, the all encompassing to suffer loss, the timeless to made slaves of time. Here do the changeless change; the peace of God, given to all living things, give way to chaos. And the Son of God, as perfect, sinless and as loving as his Father, come to hate a little; to suffer pain and finally to die.

Where is an idol? Nowhere! Can there be a gap in what is infinite, a place where time can interrupt eternity? A place of darkness set where all is light, a dismal alcove separated from what is endless, has no place to be. An idol is beyond where God has set all things forever and has left no room for anything to be except His Will. Nothing and nowhere must an idol be, while God is everything and everywhere.

If God is everywhere and yet nowhere where must she be? Now-here.

"a course in miracles"


[sometimes a teacher of God might have a brief experience of direct union with God. In this world, it is almost impossible that this will endure. All worldly states must be illusory. If God were reached directly in sustained awareness, the body would not be long maintained. Those who have laid the body down merely to extend their helpfulness to those remaining behind are few indeed. And they need helpers who are still in bondage and still asleep, so that by their awakening can God's Voice be heard.

Do not despair, then, because of limitations. It is your function to escape from them, but not to be without them. If you would be heard by those who still suffer, you must speak their language. If you would be a saviour, you must understand what needs to be escaped. Salvation is not theoretical. Behold the problem ask for the answer, and then accept it when it comes. Nor will it coming be long delayed. All the help you can accept will be provided, and not one need you have will not be met. Let's not then, be too concerned with goals for which you are not ready. God takes you where you are and welcomes you. What more could you desire, when this is all you need?


"A course in miracles"

I don't where this came from but Satanic.

If ones like a nialistic philosohy[as a test, then there are demons that can fullfill your wishs of abject, misery, slavery but its not spiritual break through method.

Just get slowly weaker and confused.



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An idol is beyond where God has set all things forever and has left no room for anything to be except His Will.


What are the top 11 emanations of His Will?

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I reckon Taoism is pretty close to being a useful religion.To demand of your mind (in a meditative state) to notice everything that is there , but also notice everything that is not there . The spaces between things. When one exercises his or her perception like this daily, the true (usually invisible) reality begins to unfold ... worlds upon worlds , like layers of a cake ...God? hahaha everything is, defo not an exclusive club mate.

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WaterTrade you are at the gates of heaven a freedom from within when you desire the easy road just because you tire.

You honor god more by your unwavering inability to close you mind and submit to something you don't believe to be right.

You have taken the gifts that every soul has, but you choose to use them the right way....even though it tires you to your very mind and soul.

I believe there are three gifts from god that have enormous power to create or wipe things from existence. Two of these are for all of us.

They are

1. the ability to reason and

2. freedom to make a choice based on that reasoning.....

3.......and the third is a power and state beyond our understanding it cannot be owned or used it is TRUTH

These are the very tools which allow you to rid you life of the things that are wrong/negative they are they keys to having purpose.

Tell me this.....when you come across something that is true does it not have a taste, a smell a presence like nothing else? I tell you it is instantaneous and more then recognition....it is a state of grace. You look for freedom then make your choices based on truth and you will carry no debt/no judgment and faith will reveal itself and have a new meaning.

Real faith is the freedom to reason and make choices without fear....there is only ONE way to do this.

And its simply because the truth cant be changed/ altered/ or lost and it doesnt need to be confirmed/justified it is absolute/whole and utterly unavoidable.....funny but the most powerful weapon in the universe cannot be used as a weapon.

The thing about the truth which ties it to faith and a state of grace is that it is absolute it cannot be created or destroyed and most of all it cannot be reasoned....it is not born of this world, its outside my ability to understand or even describe.

When you know something be true you cannot change it without substituting a lie and RIGHT THERE my friend there in lies the absolute power of god----->a state of grace.....and no one can own this power or deny it.

Because to change it you need to lie to yourself (and this simply isn't possible ever...NEVER)

Look you can try to choose to remove the truth but its too late the understanding cant be un-understood.

here is a thought to toy with:

it is a common belief that when you die you will be judged on all your actions (the goodness of your outcomes from using reasoning and choice )

I believe that the judge will be me and my shortcomings shall be sounded by truth in a permanent state of grace.

...and the penance for my deliberate wrongdoings....UNDERSTANDING without debt.

See i don't believe God will judge me as that is a function of man and to suggest that god the very thing i cannot fathom and now choose not to need to understand, has the same duties/flaws as myself would be on par with denying he exists. (not a conclusion that I can reach)

I believe i love god in a way i never thought possible, and its for this reason....

I understand that no part of my mind and soul can honestly pretend to understand, comprehend, evaluate, judge and then apply faith by worship of this pretense....you see to do this I have to deny the very gifts that i come to give my life purpose, and i simply wont trade that which has been evaluated in the presence of truth.

I love and honor god by using his gifts to fix the problems in my life

I love and honor god by using his gifts to love WITHOUT DEBT

I love and honor god by using the state of grace that gift of absolute power, to make good honorable decisions and be at peace because even if the decision i make is wrong and hurts many ppl, i can hold my head up and say I AM WRONG AND BUT I MADE THE RIGHT DECISION

So what has this done for me?

I make better descisions

I dont pass judgment anymore

I dont have guilt

I can love without fear

My emotions do not take the place of reason

My emotion no longer are the tools to make bad descisions justified

I have free'd myself of self abuse

This life owes me nothing.

I have embraced my passions not treated them like a dirty secret.

I can now look at a starving child in africa and not feel guilty for having more.

I stopped stealing responsibility from people and selling it as self sacrifice

AND MOST OF ALL i rejoice when i find i am wrong because at that moment i have become a better person and no-one can take it.

I have found that its the other ppl in my life that i need....they are the rewards that need no trade, they are shared without debt.

I have endured the pain of accepting that everything i believed was right....was a cruel lie that imprisons

I burn and destroyed my life with a brutality and a resolution, nothing remained untested not even the fear of having nothing and finding out i was wrong. I gave away $50K and didnt feel a thing, i quit my job, gave away all my cars and possions, I even rid myself of sentimental keepsakes

When i had finished i had come from married man with 4 kids, houses, cars $100 per year job....to alone and one suitcase (i kid you not)

When i started this ruthless destructive need to rid myself of the things and beliefs, it was absolute-->logic reason emotion fear were bridled and silenced.

This is where i found faith.....i had for the first time praised god and all i had was faith.

Do i believe i love god more now then i ever could have.....no

I love god with a freedom i never had before.....and real faith is choice by truth because faith by fear just doesn't taste true.

I think that i believe in god without devotion---->tells god i was honest and devoted to him, i challenged my faith without fear to love him better, to praise him by my actions not my fear and sacrifice. I had faith, and now i have strength i have love and i can share with others completely debt free, and rejoice when they point out a flaw in my essence they have just given me something i could not do my self.

But anyway....now i can live, i can breath, i can love, i can give more then you could steal from me

That beautiful hunger inside me now sings and i am free to chase it passionately.

WOW guess thats been needing to get out a while hahahah


PS forgot to add : the more i learn and grow the less i know

Edited by Auntyjack

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WaterTrade you are at the gates of heaven a freedom from within when you desire the easy road just because you tire.

You honor god more by your unwavering inability to close you mind and submit to something you don't believe to be right.

You have taken the gifts that every soul has, but you choose to use them the right way....even though it tires you to your very mind and soul.

I believe there are three gifts from god that have enormous power to create or wipe things from existence. Two of these are for all of us.

They are

1. the ability to reason and

2. freedom to make a choice based on that reasoning.....

3.......and the third is a power and state beyond our understanding it cannot be owned or used it is TRUTH

These are the very tools which allow you to rid you life of the things that are wrong/negative they are they keys to having purpose.

Tell me this.....when you come across something that is true does it not have a taste, a smell a presence like nothing else? I tell you it is instantaneous and more then recognition....it is a state of grace. You look for freedom then make your choices based on truth and you will carry no debt/no judgment and faith will reveal itself and have a new meaning.

Real faith is the freedom to reason and make choices without fear....there is only ONE way to do this.

And its simply because the truth cant be changed/ altered/ or lost and it doesnt need to be confirmed/justified it is absolute/whole and utterly unavoidable.....funny but the most powerful weapon in the universe cannot be used as a weapon.

The thing about the truth which ties it to faith and a state of grace is that it is absolute it cannot be created or destroyed and most of all it cannot be reasoned....it is not born of this world, its outside my ability to understand or even describe.

When you know something be true you cannot change it without substituting a lie and RIGHT THERE my friend there in lies the absolute power of god----->a state of grace.....and no one can own this power or deny it.

Because to change it you need to lie to yourself (and this simply isn't possible ever...NEVER)

Look you can try to choose to remove the truth but its too late the understanding cant be un-understood.

here is a thought to toy with:

it is a common belief that when you die you will be judged on all your actions (the goodness of your outcomes from using reasoning and choice )

I believe that the judge will be me and my shortcomings shall be sounded by truth in a permanent state of grace.

...and the penance for my deliberate wrongdoings....UNDERSTANDING without debt.

See i don't believe God will judge me as that is a function of man and to suggest that god the very thing i cannot fathom and now choose not to need to understand, has the same duties/flaws as myself would be on par with denying he exists. (not a conclusion that I can reach)

I believe i love god in a way i never thought possible, and its for this reason....

I understand that no part of my mind and soul can honestly pretend to understand, comprehend, evaluate, judge and then apply faith by worship of this pretense....you see to do this I have to deny the very gifts that i come to give my life purpose, and i simply wont trade that which has been evaluated in the presence of truth.

I love and honor god by using his gifts to fix the problems in my life

I love and honor god by using his gifts to love WITHOUT DEBT

I love and honor god by using the state of grace that gift of absolute power, to make good honorable decisions and be at peace because even if the decision i make is wrong and hurts many ppl, i can hold my head up and say I AM WRONG AND BUT I MADE THE RIGHT DECISION

So what has this done for me?

I make better descisions

I dont pass judgment anymore

I dont have guilt

I can love without fear

My emotions do not take the place of reason

My emotion no longer are the tools to make bad descisions justified

I have free'd myself of self abuse

This life owes me nothing.

I have embraced my passions not treated them like a dirty secret.

I can now look at a starving child in africa and not feel guilty for having more.

I stopped stealing responsibility from people and selling it as self sacrifice

AND MOST OF ALL i rejoice when i find i am wrong because at that moment i have become a better person and no-one can take it.

I have found that its the other ppl in my life that i need....they are the rewards that need no trade, they are shared without debt.

I have endured the pain of accepting that everything i believed was right....was a cruel lie that imprisons

I burn and destroyed my life with a brutality and a resolution, nothing remained untested not even the fear of having nothing and finding out i was wrong. I gave away $50K and didnt feel a thing, i quit my job, gave away all my cars and possions, I even rid myself of sentimental keepsakes

When i had finished i had come from married man with 4 kids, houses, cars $100 per year job....to alone and one suitcase (i kid you not)

When i started this ruthless destructive need to rid myself of the things and beliefs, it was absolute-->logic reason emotion fear were bridled and silenced.

This is where i found faith.....i had for the first time praised god and all i had was faith.

Do i believe i love god more now then i ever could have.....no

I love god with a freedom i never had before.....and real faith is choice by truth because faith by fear just doesn't taste true.

I think that i believe in god without devotion---->tells god i was honest and devoted to him, i challenged my faith without fear to love him better, to praise him by my actions not my fear and sacrifice. I had faith, and now i have strength i have love and i can share with others completely debt free, and rejoice when they point out a flaw in my essence they have just given me something i could not do my self.

But anyway....now i can live, i can breath, i can love, i can give more then you could steal from me

That beautiful hunger inside me now sings and i am free to chase it passionately.

WOW guess thats been needing to get out a while hahahah


PS forgot to add : the more i learn and grow the less i know


Awesome work there Aunty Jack... Would I be right in summing up what you wrote as being all about "blind faith"?

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Awesome work there Aunty Jack... Would I be right in summing up what you wrote as being all about "blind faith"?


Not exactly...i guess i found things i never intended to look for.

I turned my back on my catholic upbringing, the church and any religious organisation as all i see is a cancerous pit of righteousness, i decided enlightenment was a crock of self absorbed spiritual masturbation...and that's when i stumbled upon what i believe faith to be.

You see i believe my actions and my thoughts show my faith. And i tell you i honestly believe one of my actions show more faith in god then most ppl that go to church every Sunday and bathe in righteousness based on the ignorance of blind faith.

I do not pray, i do not go to church and i certainly do not need to label myself as a believer or an atheist....the notion is misguided and a waste.

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Sometimes I wish I was religious, wouldn't it be good to feel like some greater power was taking care of you? When life gets hard I often think it would be nice to be able to turn to some religion to find comfort. I could go looking but would feel like a fraud or/and couldn't convince myself of the existence of god.

Where do the atheists go?


You sound like you under the impression you need to be religious to have faith. Faith to me is about having faith in yourself. About surrendering to a higher power a more complete you. There is no separate entity god is within you. To have faith in your own decisions, to do deep down what you know is right and to have faith that you created everything you experience. Take control of your own faith dont simply disregard the word as religious non sense. There is even a place for faith in atheism.

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There's a really cute girl in my office called Faith. Seriously. I want her but Im married. Does this help the OP? Maybe there's a metaphor in there somewhere...

@ Telepathogen - yep understand what you're saying. Lets put it another way: When people asked me to join a church the words 'no thanks' came out.

Edited by botanika

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