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Everything posted by santiago

  1. santiago

    razinger quits, time for a black pope

    I think we should elect a head santa. It has as much merit as a pope. There are millions of santas roaming shopping centres influencing mainly kids. There is absolutely no structure to the ritual that is xmas. Kids get duped into a lie from birth and then find santa still haunts them in adult life, as a manifestation of lies and cheating. Yes Santa is a fraud, simply a figment of a long forgotten advertising jingle, however he was based on a ideological basis as religion in origin. There should be a formation of governance and a base built at the North Pole. Every Santa in the world will have to join or hang up the beard. The tradition of longest grey beard strand shall be the first test, then with a HO HO HO off, the Santa with the loudest decibells shall be placed in the leadership groups. Then finally there will be a beard tug of war and the winner will be named. SANTA CLAUS. All others will be referred to as SANTA 1/2/3 and so on. Then they can recruit workers to build a fortress. Within this fortress, things will be built. A special plane shall be built, called the SANTA CLAUS EXPRESS and will be painted with reindeers. I dont know about dropping presents but im sure they will drop money or North Pole wishes or similar. Now understandably, this will never happen. However it does have merit. All it does is symbolise a tiny bit of truth to the whole sham that is christmas. What is xmas, its propping up kmart and filling houses with plastic crap that breaks by lunchtime usually. Then we stuff our faces with food and beer, and have a nap. What does it mean, not anything really. Its meaningless. It symbolises christ i suppose but its all a bit of a mess i feel. Ther should be an active push towards less gifts on xmas. Less emphasis on gluttony and more on self reflection, not reflecting your status onto others. What that has to do with a black pope? Ill move onto that if i can figure it out. Personally i have no time for religion. If God is going to condemn me for not having faith in him, then i have misread his intentions. Strange how i still refer to God though. The strange thing is though that im open to the possibility of God, which is faith to a very small degree. But who can make sense of it when, there are hundreds of religions with millions of followers proclaiming the same contadiction that a particular way whether that be mormons or christians must be adhered to as the only way to salvation. Now go to a roulette table, spin the wheel and back yourself that you picked the way to heaven. Leaves alot of wrong believers who are no better off than me with no religion. Basically i dont bet on low odds. Ill keep my money in my pocket and gamble on myself. Is God going to punish me for that, seems a bit cruel. What i believe God to be is inside your head. Every minute we have a voice in our brain that directs our life. See....its there isnt it. It speaks to you. It is a very strange thing really that we tend to forget about. We have a body, we have a brain and we have a conciousness. This conciosness tells us every second of every moment from dreams to opinions, that there is some very spooky thing commanding you to do things right now. Like for example, dont kill someone. We know we shouldnt really kill people, it makes sense not to act and break your internal rules, people still do kill but then they undergo a negative pattern which demonises them in prison, rightly so. They broke the simple rules off life pre-built in our heads. So clever men expressed this via old testments and similar. They developed the blueprint for mankind by externalising core internal values. The strange thing is we look to the stars as our way out, up to the clouds. When the whole time, what i believe is God is that voice in your head. There is no point looking for god, you are god. You are a miracle of evolution. You have made it to this page now by odds so large, its unfathomable. If your great grandad the mr monkey from many millions of years ago didnt escape that hungry tiger, you would be long gone. Erased by history. As fact has it you stand here today the commander of your chain. Which easily answers the question of who made god. Now im sure that many believers in religion will be tutt tutting to this blasphemy. Your entitled to your beliefs if that is the way that you cope with your very possible eradication from the life strand. Its measurable that we all fear death, an rightly so. I didnt spend 4 billion years getting here for nothing. You are actually in heaven right now. You are living. Your life has been created, you stand now as a conscious being capable of good and evil. Hence you are also god and the proverbial satan. Which is why, generally most people choose the correct side which we will call good or god. This allows us to remain as a living being with more stability, which increases our chances of reproduction. The only magic thing we can create as a being is a child. That is all we can do, fundamentally as a creator. Metaphorically we can create from nothing just as god can. Hence once again you are god. Your son or daughter ill continue the chain as long as the restrictions of the physical rules of the universe will allow. It doesnt really matter if you are childless as it simply means you are the last god. No matter what one day, the sun will blow up and your sons sun will die too. So a black pope is about as viable as head Santa Claus in my opinion. Both are based on what i believe to be fallacy and fantasy. See it gets dangerous expressing these opinions as you run the risk of upsetting a mentally unstable person. Not all religious people are unstable but i believe there are general signs that indicate it is a possibility. Rituals like sunday chuch, obbsesive compulsive, the desire to be clean- compulsive, the desire to force opinion...manic, belief in other worlds - delusions, attaining heaven -granduer, but when i speak to mormons at my door, you can kind of tell...well, thats not for me to judge. Mayby i can judge, im god. Well one of 7 billion now anyway. Seems to me, living the life best for you within lifes general rules and not forcing yourself to much, keeping yourself as sane as possible will keep you on a positive and in the end rewarding life. If you find all this confronting, then join a church and find your way. Simply though, the undeniable facts are that no man has ever come back from death, GOD has never said hello to the world as a whole or anyone single person can back with undeniable scientific truth, there are too many reiligions differing in truths that the rest are fairy tales and story in basis only, no proof has ever been found of ghosts, aliens or magic which simply says, god doesnt work magic...mainly as he isnt here. Evolution is really undeniable, if so take a walk to the mountains and study some rocks. The universe is so vast it may as well be forgotten. Yes its big and pretty and good for dreaming, but we have evolved here on earth and we belong here, to externalise this desire shows how little we look inwards at ourselves, which is a fact. If i took this argument to the vatican, i would be met with suspicion and possibly some hostility as i am essentially arguing that a black pope has about as much signifigance as the appointing of a new test cricket skipper of australia, and a head santa. Allthough he is not the smartest be it all man possibly alive, Steven Hawkings believes in this internal cranial universe. But in spite of the undeniable facts millions eagerly await a pope. Surely millions of people cant be wrong. Surely the Pope cant be wrong. Unfortunately its impossible to ever win an argument against religion as you end up against FAITH. Unfortunately faith is the final rhetorical wall that cannot be challenged. Try challenge the faith of one person, let alone millions. However faith can be challenged. There are two teams in the superbowl. Both sets of teams fans generally have faith for that team, otherwise they would go for an alternate team. The millions of supporters of the losing team, find out faith is not enough. Its reason that outweighs faith. A bookmaker who makes his living off the probability of life, may have faith in his team but that wont stop him lowering the odds on the other team. However i wonder if that same bookmaker was a christian but made odds that its not real against other mathematical scientific proofs. Therefore i do not see why the best bookmaker in the world doesnt make odds that proves the odds of the the many religions being statistically viable. Which finally highlights that a person who works with the facts can let emotion dictate uncertainty. This underlying denial and instability is a core reason why so many wars have been started in the name of religion. So if this screws with you, im sorry. I mean no offense. I am but a man with fingers pressing plastic buttons. Mayby we should not fool our kids into Santa in the first place. This sets an unethical precedent which only damages them long term. The pattern is continued. Suppresion of free will is replaced with a white lie. The truth is parents place more importance in this than the kids ever do. Kids instinctively know Santa is not real. Its passed on very early in playground chatter, the big secret kids uncover. So if we use this fooling and denial as a example of how the lie may evolve eventually.......onto......shock horror, religion, then mayby its time that you realised your forcing others to believe in Santa. Myself, with my child i have never confirmed or denied santa but given as many clues as i could, ie santa likes beer, santa has brown hair sometimes, and so on...and i understand kids tell the secret anyway. But wow, oneday i went to a party for kids, my daughter told a 9yo kid santa wasnt real and we got busted by the folks. It was a massive drama. Why?........the parents with no respect for others values, especially considering the parents alternate argument was a lie. And this is but a tiny microcosm of the world we live in. So yes. Brainwashing starts early. So there is no conclusion. Once again it all ends where it began. A new day will dawn and on with it we go, continuing the cycle, edging ever so closer to that final heartbeat where then and only then will the biggest secret in the history of our known universe reveal itself. The good thing i suppose is that eventually we all meet god, im sure if im god my thoughts will go which means that voice in the head was actually god, or he will meet me at the gates and judge me for my errors. Either way, i will meet god......and you will too.
  2. santiago

    what are your top 10 must have ethno plants?

    Nice topic. Watch the hits on this one Top 10's and 100's etc always tend to rate well on the net. In a place where legality was no issue i would kindly choose the following at quick pick. The thread states "which ethno" which is kinda hard to separate fact from fiction but include fantasy i say we can all dream a bit. Khat, Ephedra, Cordyceps Sinesis, Mushrooms, Marijuana, Coca plant, Dmt producing plant, B caapi, Rivea Corymbosa, Cactus Now enjoy your sleep...goodnight.
  3. santiago

    A chat with ms straightedge

    haha that was classic, oasis active at its most confusing. as in the words from "platoon" the movie..................................."what we have here is a crusader", straightedge what a c*#t (oops : )
  4. santiago

    Burger King admits to using horsemeat in burgers

    heretic you have a good point, its not really about what we can eat and why and the moral boundaries, basically anything is edible and will keep you alive unless it kills you which is life at its most basic but a big corp like burger king has a duty of care to disclose the contents of that edible because they are making money out of you thus have that responsibility as opposed to the previous conversation regarding personal bear grylls (would you eat a bug type ethics). i vaguely remember i posted a few years back, would you eat a dog? for those interested in that kind of moral highground bullshit http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21913&hl=%2Bwouldnt+%2Bdog
  5. santiago

    Burger King admits to using horsemeat in burgers

    ah but thats just your opinion on what constitutes real, if eaten in moderation its just as worthwhile as any 'real' food in terms of sustaining life. in regards to the horse meat there is a place on beaufort st inglewood perth that sells horse meat. it was getting negative rep from news channels and bleeding hearts a few years back so i decided to try for myself. it was basically as good as cow steak but less fat and a slightly off taste and i mean slightly. i dont eat eat as it costs too much but if it were cheaper...hell yeah.
  6. santiago

    Help a klepto

    you are absolutely correct in alot of ways chnt, most people are batshit crazy and simply the fact is some people hide it alot better or simply hide IT or hide behind social norms better. the way i see it you gotta fight fire with fire sometimes but of course picking your battles wisely. the theiving mum needs stuff stolen off her. figure out what she finds as important, sell it on ebay and then when she comes looking for it hand her a printed out page of the sale, if this doesnt work then just let her be. i know its your mum OP but thats just emotion coming into it, keep stealing back from her. when i was a teenager my mums boyfriend used to bash my mum domestic violence style, i accidently sobbed and told some of my bogan mates who then whisked me up and proceeded to break into my house, bash my mums boyfriend and scare the living daylights out of him. To this day 20 years later he has never put a finger on my mum again. Of course i know the ol anti violence flower power brigade will snuff their noses in disgust at violence apon violence, but in regards to some problems in life i think its more the moral fight fire with fire and pick your battles as opposed to most of the time worthless psyco babble and meaningless words and promises.
  7. what gets me mad is pure gluttonous waste. i tried to find video but couldnt find. in australia a couple of days ago there was a world record achieved for the biggest meat pie. it contained some stupendous amounts of meat, eggs etc as the pie was as big as a horse. the chef went on about how he created a masterpiece and then all these people came running in a squashed the whole thing up with hands and fingers in some kind of victory celebration. seriously thats not good. there is no point to reckless wastage like that, just to have 5 mins of fame. that pie could have fed 100 people all day without a problem but it ends up being squashed for nothing. wastage is a huge problem not many people care alot about.
  8. santiago

    Is the Earth F**ked?

    Credits are dangerous. It is what banks use these days to give you your home loan. so the only concievable way to get a home is through a home loan your saying, sounds as if the system you are part of is perfect, but then we are looking at reasons why the hunger for making money to pay off that enforced loan for most is contributing if not the singular reason that the earth is a flawed place. credits could be dangerous yes, probably only for those that dont work within a defined set of rules. i understand people dont like to work to rules because this gives the perception of freedom, perhaps that is the illusion needed for you to be brainwashed by the current system, which you are not free in fact at all. that video attached was a prime example, bright little intelligent girl representing some background advertising firm of a child with a toy, that toy representing carrying away wealth. all smartly set up by a association of bankers. prime example of simple brainwashing and propaganda simply set up to re-affirm the current system. the similarity continues, the emotive poor children speil, the holes in productivity that must be patched by more labour, the end view is that "to solve all the worlds money problems-we need to make more money". i really cant see how this whole facet of life isnt blatenly obvious and we dont question the very fundamentals of our manipulation every day, from tv to advertising, questioning the very peculiar way most are indifferent and ignorant to who and where they are and the product they have become and will actually defend this system quite vigerously when so prodded.
  9. santiago

    how fast can you type?

    at the same speed that i think
  10. santiago

    Is the Earth F**ked?

    the core reason the earth is f**cked is money. is that ever going to change - no. at the moment earth people are so systemised by being slaves to the capatalist system, whilst communism isnt really much better in reducing waste and pollution, whats worse is being in the middle as socialists. thats all a bit confusing but tomorrow the kids of tomorrow will go to school to be eductated and then thrust into the evr repeating cycle of working for the man, to earn a buck so we can go buy the shit from kmart that drives the economy that stuffs up the planet. even worse is this nancy pansy approach to the so called 'green' recyclable and modern age renewable energy movement. we can all pat ourselves on the back when we buy our solar hot water systems and prius cars. i suppose at best what were achieving is slowing down the destruction, where as i believe the powers should be saying, the world is already fucked lets not slowly delay the inevitable, lets assume the world is already fucked today and stop wasting time defending the multitude of countries from each other with a drain on labour, skills and money ie the Australian army and friends. Whats the point of protecting NZ from China when if the world ends due to the mismanagment of priorities, we all die together. For that to happen, the world needs to learn peace. Lets get the world together and get the armies working together to fix the planet. I single out defense forces but that is just an example. Fortunately or unfortunately how you look at it, its not really our problem. We can at least die and escape the ever so so, strangulation of the planet. So yeh, i dont have the answers but i think the best way to solve the growing problem is to actually admit the future is doomed and start working on it today. The government needs to cap, capatalism. How many Hungry Jacks stores do we really need, 50 - 100 -200. Why? Because we are greedy pigs. I say - 1. That may upset the fat people of Perth, but get those kids out of burger flipping and get them into government cadetships. What would a unskilled burger flipper do you say? All kinds of things. Planting plants, cleaning rubbish, recycling, streamlining, building simple things. But then of course if we dont have 200 franchises of Hungry Jacks, how will the economy survive? Hungry Jacks and Coca Cola etc and the multiple bunnings and coles all sustain and drive the economy by providing the wages that flow down the pegs of society. How could the government afford to pay 4000 out of work hungry jacks kids. Firstly, the true gift is by releasing them from economic slavery and a low skill future. Imagine the self esteem a 15 yo kid would attain being a government cadet, so long as a cadet had a positive contribution to the planets health. The whole point being remodeling the doomed franchise type capatailst system. Possibly the only way that might work is credits. Forget Orwellian inspired 6th amendment freedoms, your not a slave to the government, your a slave to the system and the system is based on the fragile guessing game of printed money. Printed money, gets washed, lost, burnt, buried. I believe that the folly of this is an estimated calculated game of roullette where money must be carefully reprinted as to avoid inflation. That doesnt mean much to you and i, except that we are manipulated by money. Shock horror - what if instead of paying those cadets with money from the government "pool", they are issued.....credits. The credits are dollar for dollar as valuable as real money but exist as controlled numbers. The controlled credits are counted by the mint computers and the money cannot ever be erased. What i basically mean is that the economy wouldnt need to be propped up by protecting big business which is essentially the engine that drives the economy so that the money flows down to the poorer people. But thats a false belief. If your honest you will say that big business is once again the capatalist theory that is destroying the planet as a by product by such things as pollution and wastes to name 1 and STILL only a mechanism in the guessing game of printing less money to void off economic collapse. Now lets "assume" an infallible credit system was created and controlled by a global algorithm. The credits are issued from 1 to 20 zillion but thats it. Firstly. Saves a bit of plastic waste and labour, wow. Secondly - Credits cannot get burnt in the fire, which means that the monetary system goes from a guessing game to a science. The whole point being taking control of the worlds wasteful money and resource sytem. That is how the governments of the world can pay for fixing the planet. But the freedom of speech kinda mentality and fear of control probably wont allow that to happen. Orwell freaks will proclaim slavery, failing to realise that they are already slaves. How will people buy illegal shit with controlled credits. Barter. Black currency, there will be a bootleg system of course. No need to fear losing the ability to buy something off the back of a truck in the pub. Without even putting more than one hours work into the computer on a quiet night, whether they are hair brained or sytematic problem solvers, firstly we have PEACE. Not those woodstock ideals which amounted to nothing but a true full co-operation between all countries on earth. Once PEACE is established and proven, slowly the defense forces of the world can be re-assigned to projects that benifit the world, if that is cleaning the oceans of tsanami plastic, the so be it. The rationale to that is as clear as we established earlier that, when the world dies eventually, we all live on the same planet so 1 million paratroopers from US and CHINA die together. Why not work towards creation of good. If that guy joined the army to shoot guns and feels that killing and death is his job, and helping save humanity isnt, that is the kind of brainwashing bullshit that needs to be rectified. We can free up valuable resources which will free up ambitious ideas like credits for every child born on the planet. This will help or completely control the financial problems of the world of which CONTROL is established. By controlling the SYSTEM, we can reduce the CAPATALIST system which will reduce the amount of business creation, which will help to CONTROL the waste that is a million duplicated Mcdonalds wrappers flying about our streets. Once this frees up all the workers they can be absorbed into the system, the system being essentially the government and redeployed to a network of projects that now due to a stable SYSTEM, allows for financial freedoms, if given the choice a utopian vision can be seen where it may not be the case of working at all. What if we could choose to retire. Working per se would mayby become a stale relic of a failed ideal. If you want to work well then you get rewarded with PRIVELAGES, not overtime. Privelages being a high form of organised barter, representing more freedoms from the new controls and also what is a loosely clad 1st/2nd/3rd classes of society which may still be required to avoid a pure communist ideal the CREDIT system of controlled money will scarily for some have close resemblance. But this isnt about Tiger Woods anymore vs a hungry orphan living in a box in an indian slum. Yes Tiger deserves the spoils of his victorys and a 4 million appearance fee just to play for more money, but for all his talent does tiger really deserve to win in one day what 90% of people may never earn in thier life. Does that kid in the box in india deserve 500 credits as his birthright any less than Tiger deserves a hooker, i say that kid deserves 500 credits. If that is a kind of communism then we must alter our beliefs. If that kid in india gets 500 credits because, we didnt have a misguided sense of personal freedoms, we dont like to be controlled. We think we are free, but controlled by poverty. I know thats very long, sometimes i cant stop. Whats the answer? Realistically you and i will probably go to work tomorrow and get crushed by the current system and come home too tired to have energy left to even think about the future. We all are stupid, misguided, brainwashed, dirty, selish, dreamless, unmotivated petty little cogs, in the petty system you think is your life, then you pay off your shitty overpriced house in a belief that is the meaning to life. In the meantime your stuffing the pockets of the obesely rich and they will keep that system going to there heirs and the select few will have everthing. Obviously Royal Family's are the glorified shopfront versions proving that the secret has probably been going for 2000 years. I dont believe in illuminati and all that crap i just believe that some clever family in a village figured out how to simplistically become rich apon riches by working a simple model on the people. Much to behold, the system worked so well that they fooled the village, gave the riches to the kids who expanded. Expansion needed labour, being the only thing most people have to offer the system was refined to the point that 2000 years later, the system is now the world we live in. Illuminati my ass, clever theifs and manipulators more like it. The Royal Family is such as a monument to the people, to remind the people that you are inferior. If that fantasy is true, who knows but if it is well then our lives are already planned. We are born to work, it is no haphhazard mistake, no fluke that we just do what we do. It is very conceivable that this economic slavery we work towards, was formulated in the past and then built apon to be foolproof. Ok if these hundred or less Illuminati exist today then how do you get rid of them, and how do they keep the secret a secret and what do they get out of it. Firstly i am a non conspiricy theorist and a non believing sceptic. If this is true that this so called illuminati exist, where are they? According to many a class warfare author, then the classes will rise against each other, create a simplistic reshuffle new order and once the dust settles everything returns back to normal and so do the classes. The only way for for the poor to rise, is to have a big ass rebellion and steal power but thats the whole point. Class warfare provides also a fundamental backdrop to the clever Illuminati manifest. Meanwhile whilst this big war happens, as little as 10 Illuminati remain in power as usual. Its pretty much foolproof and will remain so forever. The question i have is what can you do with 999 trillion dollars. Well i suppose the simple answer is ANYTHING. This gives them the so called SECRET. You must of all heard that before...................THE SECRET. Da Vincy, Raiders of the lost ark, dead sea scrolls, resurrection. holy grail. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Of course over the period of thousands of years some blabbering idiot illuminati family member fucked up and gave clues. These bcame the mythical searches to the meaning of life. Unfortunatelly the secret is the blueprint of economic control, improved gradually and steadily over centuries using an ecomomic system most likely resembling capatalism. Its not brain surgery, its just a clever idea, probably created by a very intelligent thinker and mathematician, and historian who figured out why empires failed. He then wrote the blueprint, experimented on some poor people, to his amazement it worked but it was actually a good theory so he decided to turn it into a legacy. He formulated the illuminati and never imagined it would keep going so well. The illuminati with so much money, probably paid enormous sums to the pope and kings, perhaps they had to expand into outside family unit to infiltrate power places and now they have 999TRILLION. (and counting). Obviously they know the system is terrible for the plebs and will destroy the plant with industry, and they have a master plan to escape on a 999TRILLION spaceship will L RON HUBBARD and tommy. As you can see, scientology may now be part of the puzzle too, slowly controlling the celebs who would be good looking DNA providers for when the illuminati and scientoligists and friends escape into space and colonise the next place we bump into. If that is the case then my soul purpose in life is to work, to provide the weath for a new super-race of wealthy fuckheads to escape into space. There you have it, i explained the holy grail to you. No need to wonder what the secret to life is or what your purpose is. Perhaps delving into science fiction, is Earth the first time this has been done. Is the secret, many thousands of years old and the illuminati are actually pre huminoid aliens using us as they hop around. If so, then the vested interest would be for human extinction and global death as they are trying to get away from the sun before it blows. So in summary - The earth is fucked.
  11. santiago

    Is the Earth F**ked?

    what about the eventual death of our sun? in much future time that would be my big bummer not an asteroid.
  12. santiago

    Just had this fitted

    i dont trust dentists at all. i have never had a filling, never had a toothache, have not been to the dentist in 25 years, never lost a tooth but i bet if i did go to one then all of a sudden i would need something done. personally i feel teeth are something that should not be tinkered with. i have fairly poor oral hygene but maintain a basic cleanliness as in i brush at least once per week usually once per day, i believe that yellow stuff is natural and healthy teeth should be although not magazine quality a slight yellow. i drink lots of cool drinks and have bad teeth in the family line. all others in my family visit the dentist and get fillings and teeth pulled all the time, i dont and i think thats a curious co-incidence. its like visiting a mechanic and those barstards are always wanting to scam money from vulnerable people just like dentists and then they usually screw up the status quo you had and that just forces you to keep fixing things again and again.........dentists are modern day scammers.
  13. i remember this one from a few years back http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21926&hl=dating&fromsearch=1
  14. santiago

    Fired after falsely accused of theft

    sorry bowser i meant to write the "whistleblower hotline", the actual dude who may run that thing. if he is human he is has the ability to be corrupt. its pretty obvious if what you say is totally true you were set up. in regards to learning a lesson i dont write that as a metaphorical utopian statement god like to you, more as a general picture i see. simply i think they fucked you over good time and it might be a hard grind to fight this on any actual factual evidence even though you are rightly agrieved. at the end of the day i suppose you were framed but thats the conundrum with framing as its all negative proof. dont get yourself into any more trouble, walk away and thats it but keep that cold bit in your heart for when you need it next. you obviously feel you did the best thing and i totally agree with you and hopefully this will make you the best person you can possibly be in future situations. those scumbags dont need any more of your attention mate, that shallow win for them will not last long but your benifit will last a lifetime, just you wait and see.
  15. santiago

    Fired after falsely accused of theft

    i suppose bad shit happens to nice people...um life lesson in cruelty learned...um when a line of soldiers is asked for a volunteer the volunteer is usually the one who doesnt step backwards...um gotta know when to holdem, know when to foldem...um mud sticks...um basically the lesson is just a lesson in dirty politics, in the real world the hero doesnt always win and life can be a fucked up place and theres nothing you can do but move on and wake up to a brand new day a little wiser, common sense all that feel good wrapped up bullshit, im sure most people understand the lesson here, in the end we can all be manipulated easier than we think.
  16. santiago

    Fired after falsely accused of theft

    sounds to me like the whistleblower dobbed you in. if he didnt then the workplace you work for probably was notified somehow of a suspected whistleblower. if that was the case then managment probably colluded and tried to figure out the whistleblower. the chlorine idiot manager stole the tools as a trap. it was a possible win win trap. they tried to lure you into admitting you were the whistleblower by entrapping and frustrating you into a final admission. if they got it wrong then at worst it was a 50/50 chance to get rid of the whistleblower as they probably weighed up who the most likely two suspects were. being there for 6 years and your underlying body language probably gave you away. now you have been set up as a thief and in all honestly you are the whistleblower (not that i mean that negatively) so basically you got buckleys of any reformative or legal action because you are now branded a thief and are covered with mud. in this case mud sticks and you were set up. your stuffed and have to swallow that bad life lesson.
  17. santiago

    Man Builds ‘Hobbit House’ for Just £3,000

    Central west NSW hey incog? Can only dream of paying $200 bucks man. Life drags you under though. New job, child set in school, lifelong friends close by, family, familiarity....takes alot of guts or stupidity or a kind measure of both to flip that coin. I have alot of respect for coin flippers. Mind you my real problem in WA is finding a gullible girlfriend. Not for the sex and companionship, simply to pay half the rent : )
  18. santiago

    Man Builds ‘Hobbit House’ for Just £3,000

    Coober Pedy is an example of this done mainstream for many many years. Mind you i have heard Coober Pedy aint a nice place to live. I think most people dream of a cave or a cellar type room/house. I know i have since childhood dreamed of a safe place under or in somewhere (not including sex : ). WA has a big problem. My friend who has 5 houses just sold a shithole in Tuart Hill for 470K. It was one of 4 on the block so just a strata title basically. So for the average joe he on a typical mortgage will pay 1.5 million just to own that shithole in 30 years. To me there is something radically wrong with that logic. Our premier Barnett wants to advertise the riches of WA. At the moment the average rental is about $450 per week. When the renters turn up to try rent there are about 40 people trying to get a rental house. This is 2012. Apparently another million are going to be here within the decade. Where will they live. WA will not allow shanty towns like Brazil but 4 million people in or close to a little pimple like perth is similar to Sao Paulo but on a smaller and ego centric scale. Where is the equality in life where in perth it is actually cheaper to buy and mortgage than it is to rent due to shortage. Isnt the point of renting actually the fact its a cheaper option. In my opinion something is radically wong and sooner or later something is going to pop. I dont know when but WA is unsustainable. There is going to be a serious bust soon. Personally i dream of that day. I couldnt give a rats ass if i have to live hard. I want this serious gluttony and greed to eat shit for once and soon. Im lucky. I have owned a house before but i sold. I rent now for $350 per week a house and i know i have it good. But $700 per fortnight is alot alot of money. Way to much. I never wanted to but i think im going to have to swallow my pride and buy a shipping container and get a loan for a caravan and move to the back of my parents house with mu daughter at 38 years of age. I find that shameful. But mayby im going to have to swallow my pride and just thank god im alive and healthy and have a caravan roof over my head and my childs and stick my finger up at this fucked up monetary world we all glady bow down to and suck its dick. Fuck money i say, fuck greed. I have paid $350 dollars per week for 6 years. 17000 per year. $85000 in total over 6. Cant get a home loan as im too poor cant get government assistance cos im too rich. I tell you what im not too far from living on the streets either. Mayby one bad break. Do you think $85000 dollars gives me enough street credit to be homeless? 17K per year and im nearly homeless........sheesh.
  19. santiago

    Blue Lotus Extracts and Products For Sale

    hey mr blue lotus, read the thread and i would like to review your product. if you have any samples left that would be great otherwise ill find your website and go from there. just remember mr blue lotus, there are only a handful of people on here who type an opinion but there are thousands of others out there reading this who sit on either side of the fence.
  20. santiago

    NZ Govt: Animal testing Party Pills

    im sure when you first joined this site you had a go at me in the first month for being ....a tad harsh at times, i dont know whether to be proud of you or look at myself for becoming a conformist elitist scumbag
  21. santiago

    NZ Govt: Animal testing Party Pills

    your a bit of a weirdo sometimes psylo, whilst i understand the humour behind the easy target of a welfare scab i dont understand the orphan or the pensioner? i suppose you enjoy stirring the pot and the soapbox but still man you do lack a certain ethics gene. edit however i totally agree, humans before animals everyday in regards to testing animals first, in both regards atheism and god that is what is dictated as the logical answer.
  22. santiago

    New Laser Scanners - Incredible new tech

    gees i thought this was your book introduction or a april fools day practice, so i searched http://www.geniaphotonics.com/business-markets/defense-and-security/ds-chemical-detection-sensing/ and it seems your post might be plausable. mind you i hardly fly and have nothing to hide, considering i read somewhere most bank notes have traces of scum, poo, wee, drugs and sex on them then i might just use my own eftpos card from now on in an effort not be get noticed by the thought police, its inevitable that our private lives will be invaded bit by bit, but people willingly give away that information already....here, at the shops, on traffic cams, facebook, you tube and so on, and willingly do so, perhaps even enjoy it. the fact is 99.9% of the population is innocent, personally i think life is already at orwellian places already. its going to get more and more and there is not a thing you can do about it, except be law abiding and sensible even if your not. the thing is as most child shrinks can tell you, no matter how much you know about, care for, discipline, teach, watch, protect and nurture them they have a little place locked up inside their heads and brain, an imaginary world full of secrets that is out of reach of any person. that is a childs secret place and as we grow up the one thing that we have, the most important place, the place i value more than a billion dollars is my thoughts, my secrets. nobody can touch that. its when humanity has this big breakthrough of plugging themselves into some computer mainline or some technology to render brain thoughts is when we are trully fucked.
  23. santiago

    The Project - Should cannabis be legalized

    i think it will be legalised but there are still too many 1950's type traditionalists types still running lifes ruling classes, i think even myself born in the 70's and even the 80's born generations are still hardwired to the traditional hardline side of life handed on to us unwittingly in a brainwashing type way from our parents and grandparents and its going to take a while to wash that away, i think the kids of today who get everything almost their way like having a million facebook friends, never ever heard of a thing called the cane at school, grown up in time out and 4 big screen tv's and xboxs and still bored, will get their own way in later life too. simply i think it wont happen for a good 10- 20 years at minimum, unlike america, Australia is way to repressed to think of legalising pot, we will probably go through a last hurrah of law enforcement hardlining before they finally change tact, kinda like the last charge before the inevitable surrender. so if theoretically pot is legalised tomorrow, what would be the probable workforce drug testing regime? ie as alcohol is legal most workplaces will enforce a 0.02% bac as the working testing level. i assume this is because its legal and not hugely dangerous. however will the same apply for MJ. when going through inductions in todays companies new employees are subject to the fact that any drugs in the system will result in termination (probable) and i have watched them pull out the medical facts that MJ half life and the elimination of MJ being months and this is why it is so dangerous. what they are saying is that you are still under the influence of mind bending drugs and are dangerous to the workplace up to 77 days later having consumed 1 joint on a weekend. they have doctors and medical advice to back this up too. i know and you probably know there is a science base to this but in real life it is not true, really have you ever known one person who was unsafe to perform menial duties 3 weeks later after a party having consumed pot.......really. But there is sweet FA you can do or say because the company makes its own rules and we need money to survive, a shocking catch 22 that the very companies we need to earn from are the ones that keep us alive, we support and contribute to our own persecution. anyway enough of that onto my point. does that mean if pot is legalised that being urine tested a week later will allow pot users off the hook, will cutoff limits reflect the legalisation of pot because wouldnt the legalisation open up all kinds of loopholes within the drug testing parameters. im only going on what i see within the prescription legal drugs and alcohol limits at workplaces and roadside drug testing ie if you are adhd and on stimulant meds your more than welcome to work at dangerous or simple workplaces so long as you can prove its all legit, in that regard if pot is legalised is it not somewhat legitimate?
  24. I have been sitting here for nearly an hour. Thinking about the universe, life, death, time, religion, superstition and the sun blowing up in a million years, also about the immortal jellyfish and the eclipse. I wrote about two lines, and my brain stopped working. Basically i was heading to a place, that place was the all powerful answer to life, the meaning of life, god, creation, the universe expanding into nothing and ......... clunk. My brain shut down. Im kind of glad it did, what? another wanky thread trying to explain the so called meaning of life, .....clunk. The end. But im determined to make up time, and take this thread seriously. So forgetting the illogical life theory of previous paragraph im simply going to turn the conversation logical. The logical method will be brainteasers. I will start off with 5 simpler teasers of which i have copied down from my reference book. Then i will ask you the final question. All of these teasers are true and factual, not made up by the myself as some kind of trick. I think a few of you may have seen the final question before, so i will rename the characters to try disguise the puzzle. So be it, the race is on to find the chosen one. 1) How many flowers do i have if all of them are roses except two, all of them are tulips except two, and all of them are daisy's except two? 2) You have three boxes of checkers: one labeled "red checkers", one labeled "black checkers" and one labeled "black and red checkers. Unfortunately each label is on a wrong box. By taking only one checker from one box, how can you label each box correctly? 3) On October 1 you go to the first lecture in a weekly series of four lectures. On what date will the final lecture take place? 4) A camera costs $100, including the case. The camera costs $80 more than the case. How much does the case cost? 5)A cookie recipie calls for three cups of flour. You have only a two cup container and a seven cup container, both of which are otherwise unmarked. How can you measure out exactly three cups of flour using only these two containers? So thats the warm up round. Within the week i will publish the answers. For the final question which i will simply refer to as THE END PUZZLE i will give that a month. I obviously wont put the answers and re modify this OP as that will spoil it for those attempting in the future but the OP will be modified to show what post no# to find the answers. Simply refer to the RED writing at the bottom of this post (post 1) when it eventually becomes available. This will make sense later. Are you ready........................................... ....................................... ................... For THE END PUZZLE. (note-out of a group of 240 people, only 6 came back with correct answer. There is no catch and was solved in 5-10 minutes by some. every fact is important as must be considered) The end puzzle) On a train , Jack, Percy and Anderson are the fireman, brakeman and engineer, but NOT respectively. Also aboard are three businessmen who have the same names a Mr Jack, a Mr Percy and a Mr Anderson. 1)Mr Percy lives in Detroit 2)The brakeman lives exactly halfway between Chicago and Detroit. 3)Mr Anderson earns exactly $20000 per year. 4)The brakemans nearest neighbour, one of the passengers, earns exactly three times as much as the brakeman. 5)Jack beats the fireman at billiards. 6)The passenger with the same name as the brakesman lives in Chicago. WHO IS THE ENGINEER? Good luck and results will be given TBA........clunk : )
  25. santiago

    piss testing

    the main method used is dilution thats where the creatine and vitamin b come in, if you dilute ie drink extra large amounts of water this is detected via low creatine levels in the urine. also the urine looks like its hasnt got colour so thats where the vitamin b comes in as to add colour to diluted urine.