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The Corroboree


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  1. Tree

    Seed germinates after 2000 years

    The ancient magnolia was shown on one of the episodes of "The private life of plants" documentary presented by David Attenborough" Amazing stuff.
  2. Tree

    Chicken Pox

    I had chicken pox as an adult and was told to steer clear of calamine lotion, as it tends to dry it out and make it more itchy. Use 'pinetarsol' (spelling?)- it comes in a soap or a lotion to soak in. Good luck take care
  3. Gerbil I have found this with plants that have been left in the same pot for a long time. To fix the problem the plant is transplanted into the ground when it starts to change colour. After a while (weeks)the plant comes good getting normal colour and starting to grow again. This happened to a few of my plants at different times but always those that had not been repotted for ages. Have thought it was some nutrient deficiency as I had not fertalised the potted plants. A Phosphorus deficency sounds right T. I would recommend either changing the soil or transplanting it into the ground.
  4. quote: While traditional coca plants are dark green and grow to some 5ft, the new strain grows to more than 12ft. I would think that a larger plant would be more resistant to poison (the larger the plant the more poison needed). Letting the plants grow larger may be just a growing technique (ie: less pruning) to make them more hardy. This may also explain the higher potency and lighter colour if they are older leaves - with less harvesting. I agree that it seems like abit of media hype.
  5. Tree

    Glasshouse heating

    Thanks Mesc good info to know:) You are right about my glasshouse not having insulation under the floor - just bricks on soil. Putting some under the paving would not be too hard. One concern is how a film of insulation on the ground, will effect the buildup of molds etc.? How do you recommend setting up drainage for excess water?? For now I should definately put some under the cold effected plants. Thanks again
  6. Tree

    Glasshouse heating

    Some more good ideas to ponder. Mesc - Will consider humidity drop with heating - good point. I like idea of using an LPG gas heater - the only concerns would be the risk of an explosion if the flame went out. Also could be a problem if putting cactis in glasshouse with toxic gas effect?? Tst - I like the idea of using compost heat. Dose anyone have any info on what temperature comes out of compost? My concerns with this method would be - the ammonium gas - and the fact that you could not turn it off when the weather warmed up. Also would the compost attract plant pests of disease? Using a heat exchange setup could get around theses problems though. electro - A couple of good solar solutions. The idea of using solar to heat water storage tank sounds like the go. Would be wary of fire with a solar-barbie but worth considering. Still think using a solar hotwater system may be easier. CM - The safety blanket material is similar to the 'astro foil' insulation I am currently using. (two foil sheets seperated by a double bubble wrap). It works well but I think most of the heat is being lost through the glass. WD - The cloche/ cold frame method - is this a closed area inside the glasshouse? ie. the idea of making a frame covered with plastic for the worst cold effected plants?? If so have you or anyone used this method? Sounds good more info please. Flip - The idea of using the heat from household appliances using a heat exchange device is a good one. I still think the hot water system is the best heat source for this as it is constant - although it would be good to save wasted heat from other appliances ie the dryer and oven. This leads to ideas of making the house more heat/energy efficient and enviro-sound. All good thought. Thanks again - many more good solutions to consider. Keep em comming One more.... Stratotherms - blowing heat from the highest point in the glasshouse to the floor. Has anyone used this method?? More info please. Take care
  7. Tree

    Glasshouse heating

    Thanks for your replies. I think I will look for a kero heater for now. Some good ideas to consider for the future. Thanks again, take care
  8. Tree

    Glasshouse heating

    Thanks for replies WD - The kero heater sounds good - the reason I asked about a chimney was how does the fumes affect the plants?? Gerbil- The idea of using hotwater is something I have vaguely been thinking of. Too expensive for now but definately worth looking into. Using hotwater pipes along the floor sounds good. The ideal setup would be solar although I thought of placing the household heater in the glasshouse. Tst - Good idea about the foam, something I could try under the worst cold effected plants. My Cacoa and Kava have been hammered by the cold this winter . Thanks again some good food for thought.
  9. Tree

    Glasshouse heating

    Thanks for reply WD - Interesting methods you are using. Some questions. What sort of kero heater do you use? How is it setup eg: Does it have a chimney? What sort of temperature do you get from it? How do you control temp? Good idea using chickens. Has anyone used a solar water heater for this purpose? I was thinking (dreaming) of one day getting a new glasshouse only for tropical plants and putting the house hotwater heater in it - one day. Thanks again
  10. Tree

    Glasshouse heating

    Thanks for replies Interesting idea seeker - For now I will try to get away without using electricity but just for interest how much power does the vaporiser use? Also what sort of temperature are you getting from it? Mescelito - now to find some suitable black paint. Thanks again.
  11. Tree

    Glasshouse heating

    Thanks for your reply mescaleto - some good ideas . I have already put insulation on SE side (Astrofoil) and the base is paved with bricks. Also glasshouse is positioned to get the best winter light. I think using black water containers is a good one and worth a go. I guess its all about increasing the thermal mass - have already put as many potted plants in there as I can for this reason. Thanks again, take care
  12. Tree

    Glasshouse heating

    Hi Im after ideas for heating a small glasshouse. The ideal temp to be maintained is a min of 20 deg C and currently the glasshouse is going as low as 9 deg C. (with outside temp as low as 5 deg C). Any comments welcome. Thanks
  13. Tree


    HI mulch Please email me at [email protected] Having problems logging in . Thanks
  14. Tree

    (*#@ING ANTS!

    quote: i like how ants build shelter for amphids on mitragyna speciosa... I have black ants on mine at the moment. They seem to congregate on the leaves (and around any scale). How do they effect the health of the plant. Your comments are appreciated. Thanks
  15. Tree

    mckenna's timeline.

    The 9th Aug 99 was a negative day for us, as it was the date of a failed surgery on a family member.