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The Corroboree


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About J35P3R4D0

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    Day Tripper

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  1. J35P3R4D0

    San Pedro and Peruvian Torch for sale!

    They're quite obviously the varieties I say them to be. I guess how you mark them per CM is due to you wanting cuttings. These are rooted cuttings What do you mean no name? You want where they come from? Stop being a druggo these are for sale to put them in the ground bud. They grow 3-4 meters tall. I stated the price. Happens to be more or less what you claim ebay prices to be. Not for weird shit like 'grafting', why don't you stop butchering the plant for your weird ideas. Very clearly you're an uppity druggo.
  2. I got 5 smaller Pedros 50 Each, 2 medium Peruvian torch 70 each, and one medium San pedro which is 70 also. They're about mailable size so. Dunno how that works we can figure it out. (They've rooted pretty well I could sell the root mass while wrapped up also.) I got a real big Peruvian Torch which would need pickup which I would part with for no less than 300. Pm me.