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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Belching

  1. Belching

    White spot in cutting (not core)

    Thank you all so much for the insight! Good to know that it's healthier than I thought. Quarterflesh, it is hard to the touch. If it's a pup that would be a shame, since that's the part that will be underground. Can pups continue to form underground?
  2. FASHION Serious reply: I imagine it's like how Coca-Cola has exclusive rights to import coca leaves into the US. Money can do some pretty powerful things.
  3. Belching

    The Sowing Out Thread

    First time sowing so I'm starting small: 50 Peruvianus 50 Pachanoi 25 Macrogonus Since I have exactly no experience I will be v. happy if I get one surviving seedling.
  4. Belching

    Grafting Video

    Very helpful video! I agree that it doesn't have to be repeated as many times as it is - 2 - 3 is plenty. The length that the text is on screen for is enough, but I'm a fast reader. The initial contact looks very delicate - I'd be nervous putting them back in the tubs! Experience builds confidence though. I am in love with your grow room. What lighting do you use?
  5. Belching

    Bunnings chilli clearance rack

    How are the ornamental chillis taste-wise? I've stuck to habaneros and jalapeños so far, but those are tempting.
  6. Belching

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    Performing surgery on one of my San Pedros. I haven't been too diligent about checking the weather and bringing them in if rain is due, and so it has some kind of fungal thing. Lesson learnt, hopefully I've caught it in time.
  7. Belching

    horny herbs store

    What a crock of a news story. Man has consensual sex with someone of legal age, someone who he no longer has any professional connection to. SCANDAL. The guy's also setting up a business so that he has some income when he leaves teaching. OUTRAGE. I'm clutching my pearls and I hope you are too!!
  8. Hopefully it's gone to someone who'll appreciate them and know how to keep them happy.
  9. Belching

    How to deal with nosy neighbours

    You can't control what other people think about you. Live your life and let them get what enjoyment out of it they can. They clearly have dull lives. Passive aggressive behaviour will probably just make them more interested. I attract a bit of attention because I'm a night shift worker - pruning and weeding at 1am draws some glances. If it gives someone else something to talk about, good for them.
  10. Belching

    julian assange, would you slip on the condome????

    If somebody does not consent to sex, then continuing is rape. It does not matter how far into it you are. If somebody does not consent to bareback sex, then continuing is sexual assault. It does not matter how far in you are. Consent is something that can be re-evaluated and retracted. If it begins to hurt, do you believe that you still have the right to continue until ejaculation? If you begin introducing weird elements like calling her your daughter, do you believe that you still have the right to continue until ejaculation? If you find that the curtains are open and the neighbour is staring at you through the crack, do you believe that you still have the right to continue until ejaculation?
  11. I just want to chime in and say that Meow Meow is a terrible name, it makes you sound like a kindergartener.
  12. SSRIs/SNRIs make it weaker, NDRIs are okay, MAOIs interact in a harmful way. Stay safe! MDMA and LSD had promising studies related to depression treatment, before they were outlawed. It's awesome that the mushroom study has been allowed to go on, and that there's been hopeful results. I imagine that if it were made into a treatment, there would be a lot of red tape.
  13. You got one, but I can't tell if it's a pityvote. I'm a Pisces. I'm flaky, stuck inside my own head and oversensitive, so it suits me in a generic way. But according to the same sources I'm guillible, well-adapted to circumstances and intuitive, which is utter bunk.