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growing flys

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I'm interested in growing flys on some nearby pine trees just for fun. What would be the best way to go about doing this?


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Place A. muscaria caps gills down around trees that it can form a "symbiosis"/mycorhyzzal relationship with.

Take a spore print, make a syringe of it and spray the solution near the fine roots of the tree (found near the dripline of the tree).

I used a combination of these things and managed to get one patch going (it started fruiting again!!) for 3-4 years now.

Check some of the older posts in the archives or in this forum.

Good luck

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I'm gunna establish some this season too hopefully so thanks for that one ED :D

I was toying with the idea of grain spawning into furrows around the base.I don't know whether the mycelia would like grains or maybe pine sawdust would work better!

I sent some nice prints to DrSyntax last year some time so if your lurking how did they go?

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Thanks 4 that,

I've buried a cap upsidedown near the trunk but would further out nearer the branch tips be better? Also how far down would the roots be? There's a lot of earth and pine needles. Also, would dry caps still be OK to use?

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various spruce types, birch and oak all seem to encourage much better fruiting than what can be achieved with p.radiata. interestingly an area that i've been checking for the last few years must have finally came of age because this year there is a multitude of caps where there was previously none, so make sure that your target trees are old enough. had fly pop up three steps from my front door under birch too.

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I'm gunna establish some this season too hopefully so thanks for that one ED :D

I was toying with the idea of grain spawning into furrows around the base.I don't know whether the mycelia would like grains or maybe pine sawdust would work better!

I sent some nice prints to DrSyntax last year some time so if your lurking how did they go?

so far as i know this species cant be cultivated in vitro

I do have some recipes for agar used for amanitas but the problem is manyt cultures grow very slowly and lose their ability to for ECM's with te host quickly in a sterile environ

A spore solution is definitely the way

I have seen A muscaria mycorhizal root tips , they are like white coraloid strctures on the ends of the feedre root tips with the myc leading out into the ground

So my suggestion is to scarpe back the mulc to expose the feeder roots, squirt spores on them and recover

Do this at a time when sufficent moisture exists and temps are mild

Best practice till we know more id say

Of course Ed did this successfully already so hats off! :)

ive put some of Ed's progeny onto my pines so well see if it can be perpetuated :)

BTW whats the easiest way to propagate birch?

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Originally posted by reville:


BTW whats the easiest way to propagate birch? [/QB]

hanging on an answer to this one. have plenty of trees for cuttings if that's the go, also i've seen birches spreading in remote locations as if by seed. if all my library wasn't in boxes i'd have an answer by now. might do a google for an answer.

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Hmmm there's some nice spruce just across the road... :P

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Yes WD have seen plenty plenty Birch seed on plants in SW WA but out of the hundreds of thosuands made by this decnt sized planting not one seedling about

I presume this is a matter of stratification

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Just a rough question

I wonder what the likelyhood of a container tree supporting a active culture might be?

lets say a large tub container treelet a few years old

Might be ablet to support a active culture and fruit every so often....

Anyone with thoughts upon this?

What tree species would be the best host for such a arrangement?

[ 02. June 2004, 15:50: Message edited by: Flip ]

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I've given a few pines an Amanita spore fix this year too!

If aussie flys aren't up to much, has anyone considered trying an O.S. strain?

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Yeah better get onto Theo - he reckons UK Fly are pretty good, of course he could be just biased

Besides it seems from reports that our Fly is as good as any

Is there any A pantherina here yet?

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have heard a few unconfirmed reports of isolated sightings of pantherina in centenial park in sydney. from a pretty reliable source to...

[ 04. June 2004, 13:46: Message edited by: visualfx ]

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