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Codex Alimentarius threat

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I just read in the free publication "Living now" an article by a gp who read all 15000+ pages of the working documents of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

The WTO through a process known as "Harmonisation" will essentially force all members of united nations countries to abide by a set of laws pertaining to healing practices. The codex details the following

For vitamins and mineral supplements- Forbids the use of nutrients to "prevent, treat cure any condition or disease" Supplements with moe than the amount of it in foods will be classed in the same category as heroin.

For Herbs and herbal treatments- there is a short list of herbs with a shorter list of allowed usages that will still be allowed.

Most shockingly!!!!!

Traditional healing arts- Such as traditional shamanic arts, reiki and acupuncture will be forbidden.

This affects many third world countries and those without access to pharms giving them no way of helping themselves.

Unlabelled use of genetically modified foods, infact farmers in iraq arent allowed to grow crops that arent from monsanto and cant retain seed crops,

-Higher levels of pesticides in food than recommended by chemical and pesticide lobbying groups

-Codex mandates all animal feed must be treated with antibiotics hormones and growth stimulants world wide, ORGANIC FREE RANGE AND BIODYNAMIC FARMING WILL BECOME ILLEGAL

-Codex mandates irradiation of food


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The codex is a nasty beast and must be kept under control, but please keep in mind that many of those who bring us the 'shocking news' have become rich by these fear campaigns.

In australia the codex will have little effect. For once, the fact that we already had much more restrictive therapeutics laws than most other countries meant that the australian authorites declined to sign up to much of the codex. For example, vitamins etc will not be affected by the codex (they have better tactics, like closing down Pan Pharmaceuticals in a scare campaign :rolleyes: ).

The codex was very dangerous in the mid 90's, but has pretty much lost most of it's vigor by now. There ar countries that really need to fear the influence of the codex, but australia isn't one of them. We have much more insidious laws being passed by our own politicians.

btw, this topic was recently discussed and debunked. UTSE.

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I remember the post, and the debunking. I thought that this was a little different in that, the person sending the message was an ozzie gp... Nevermind

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